
Dilemma Quotes

There are 1433 quotes

"I think one of the people's a vampire, but one's a serial killer. Either way, which one's worse?"
"It's like they need to do the right thing, but the right thing in this instance is the one thing we don't want."
"Steve: We try to save as many people as we can, but sometimes that doesn't mean everybody."
"To kill someone to save the world, is that really the right thing to do?"
"Most of you are stuck between these two areas."
"Would you destroy what you have so that you could live another day?"
"What's the perfect solution? It's a catch-22."
"Do whatever it takes versus do the right thing."
"It's like you want to do the Apollo or the beacon I was like tough decision the beacon."
"Maybe some decisions aren't hard because there's a better option, but because there isn't one."
"So, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't."
"Deciding between doing what you should do and doing what you want to do shouldn’t be that difficult--but it is, as anyone who has ever lived an actual human life can tell you."
"The struggle between a rock and a hard place that Jim Comey found himself in constantly."
"Would you rather... Poop your pants on stage, but then you played the best you've ever played, and it's recorded."
"It almost wouldn't matter where he was... he's damned if he does, he's damned if he doesn't."
"If your best friend got bit in the genitals by a highly venomous snake and the only way to save their life was to suck the venom out of the genitals, would you do it to save them?"
"He was the legion's affliction but he was also the only route they had out of it, the poison and the cure bundled up together, impossible to prize apart."
"It's kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation."
"I can't stop winning, I don't know what to do."
"People shouldn’t have to choose between voting and their health."
"I don't want to text him but I don't want to leave him on red. What do I do?"
"There's literally no good way that he could have responded in that situation."
"Either way, it seems like it's a situation you cannot escape: become the hand or not."
"It's a lose-lose situation for Mr. Beast. I think Jimmy is in an inescapable situation if he kicks out Chris, canceled. If he don't, his channel will die for real."
"If someone's pointing a gun at an innocent bystander you want to help out but you don't want to get shot yourself."
"It's really a tough choice for trying to decide between the two of them."
"What would you rather have, a living daughter or a dead son? That's some psychological warfare for that."
"Which is kind of the exact thing the phrase 'damned if you do, damned if you don’t' was invented for."
"Let us know how you feel about Jennifer Lawrence's comments whether or not you would take ten thousand dollars if it meant a random person dies across the Earth."
"It's too late for that... Two things can be true guys."
"This seems like a pretty old, 'So do I pin it on him, the actual person who's the snitch? Where do I put it on Damon?'"
"Neo didn't just love humanity, he loved a specific person, and this created a new problem for the machines."
"Blizzard's kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't."
"You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. You gotta walk that fine line."
"A kind of a chicken and egg problem you got going on there, chicken egg and farmer problem."
"What would it take for you to walk away from 50 million dollars?"
"That's why I was like so freaked out because I was like, 'Oh my gosh, did they open it? It's in their mailbox, like there's nothing I can do if it's in their mailbox.'"
"He wanted to divorce his wife, start a new life with his girlfriend, but he didn't want to be the guy who left his wife and two kids." - Unknown speaker
"If I have to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all."
"Give me a gun with loaded ammo and like dinosaurs, and then you tell me not to run away, don't shoot them, like that's just... that just breaks my heart."
"A practical dilemma requires a must and a moral dilemma requires an ought."
"The problem is always a double-edged sword, this knowledge and this ability is incredible power."
"There's a choice here, should I stay or should I go."
"I'm darned if I do it, I'm darned if I don't."
"You feel caught and you're in between a rock and a hard place right now."
"Near certain death or save yourself—many faced this harrowing choice."
"Damn if you do, damn if you don't. It's a no-win situation for anybody."
"You can either rot in the cell or help us stop this."
"Maybe Batman cannot save this life. Maybe Bruce Wayne is the only hope."
"Is it worth it? Worth it? No, it's not. But is it worth it? Yeah, it was worth it."
"Everett Ross represents narratively the conundrum that Wakanda faces: do we get involved with the world or do we not?"
"It's a Catch-22 at that point, damn if you do, damn if you don't."
"They're really [messing up] either way, aren't they?"
"Women become unhappy in their relationship but they don't want to break up the family."
"The question is, the people who support him, have they backed themselves into such a corner?"
"I mean in fairness, is it reasonable for an abused spouse to stay with somebody who's abusing them?"
"He said he was shocked to find them and that he had to look them up to make sure that they were real. And sure enough, they were legit. This put him in a strange situation. What do you do with old war memorabilia that you find in the trash?"
"How the hell am I going to explain this one?"
"Kenny decides the only way he can save his mother is to turn against her."
"Guys, there's no one in the store here. Would it be bad if I did a, you know, an accident, this? Do you think so?"
"There's always a choice, even if you're stuck in an infinite loop."
"You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't if you're in Mariupol."
"Which was destroyed, the master or the apprentice?" - Yoda
"I want you to make up with your dad, but I don't want you to leave either."
"Killing is wrong. Even if you save more people by killing, you just don't do it."
"You're damned if you do, damned if you don't sometimes."
"They're damned if they do, they're damned if they don't."
"It's a no-win situation. I might as well hang on to the life."
"I now own a one billion streams plaque. But what do I do with this from here?"
"It's hard to feel about that because on one end your heart of love and compassion says, 'Oh y'all in trouble,' you know, but on the other hand, it's justice."
"Our creative powers to jump over an ethical problem and that's the way we ought to proceed because there are serious scientific goals but there are also serious ethical issues."
"There's a person who's coming forward, who has been at a Crossroads for some time between you and someone else."
"That's crazy what's the reasoning one gotta go I had to choose one you feel me why they're incredible lion king or this is crazy I know it's just so crazy."
"What the hell's the point of telling the truth when you have to lie?"
"I mean to me it may be a voodoo doll I don't know, a what an offering."
"There are no stupid questions, but should I respond or ghost?"
"What happens when the lives you've saved end up being worse than the world that you're saving them from?"
"It's really a damned if you do, damn if you don't type of situation."
"It always starts with one. We either save them, or we don't."
"Solving one of them makes some other one worse."
"By letting innocent people die?" "No, Sean, not innocent outsiders."
"To fill or not to fill, that's the question."
"Does money or love conquer all?"
"Too many clothes but still having nothing to wear; it's a problem a lot of us clearly struggle with."
"I wouldn't sign them, not because I didn't want to set her free, but I think because I couldn't set myself free."
"If the only way to love you is to let us die... it's not to say that I want to, but I will if I have to."
"Choices, choices, choices. There are some choices you may need to make here."
"I wonder if the sad I'd be without you would be less than the sad I get from being with you."
"Being pinned on the horns of a dilemma gets us to broaden our thinking."
"I'm cool with Lando... because first of all everyone yelled at me and second of all I can see that he had no choice but to betray Han because Darth Vader is a bad man."
"It's not unreasonable to ask, 'What would you do?'"
"Tonight you're gonna break your one rule."
"They're grappling with the head over the heart."
"I've got a new perspective; I can't be here, but I can't go with the Saiyans either."
"Europe is now faced with a terrible dilemma — watching Ukraine potentially run out of ammunition, or stepping in and helping Ukraine more directly."
"What would we be willing to do if faced with the impossible choices?"
"Jon is torn between his duty to the Watch and his love for the Starks – can he fight for the greater good and protect the people he loves?"
"Stuck between a rock and a hard place."
"It's a dramatic effect and there... So that's an interesting public health dilemma."
"I was trying to think of like, oh can I do this without robbing him immediately, but no, I don't think so."
"What if I let her go? I'll have no one."
"It's these kinds of... you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't."
"She cries out to her great-grandmother, 'What should she do?'"
"Would you rather sleepwalk every time you go to sleep or hiccup every time you sing?"
"We stood there agonizing for several minutes over whether or not we should find another route or stay the course."
"Sometimes in a survival situation, you get stuck making a decision that you really don't like. There is no best option, there are only options; they all suck."
"You can't think your way out of this situation because your mind is what tricked you into this to begin with."
"A problem has one solution; a dilemma has two or more solutions, each with an equally bad outcome."
"There's a choice that needs to be made."
"She promises to stop Midway if the operation seems impossible but if she doesn't try she reveals Albert will die."
"To wing or not to wing, that is the question."
"True character can be expressed through a choice in dilemma."
"He left his daughter to save his daughter, and he didn't know why."
"You want to make a deal with him, a deal with a murderer."
"That's the trouble, isn't it? My heart would say Jag XF, but my head would say Lexus GS300."
"Korben rushes to Leeloo and wakes her up only to hear her say she doesn’t want to save humanity because of how destructive they are."
"I don't think he's a coward you know you could clearly tell he's devastated about this choice he has to make but what if there's a whole new a totally different layer of devastation in there what if he had no choice but to pass it on to Aaron."
"One of the things I talk about in terms of dilemma but it's applicable in many different arenas is that once you get your story up and running and you've got something you can go like okay here it is."
"Perhaps the hardest decision of my life. I feel like I'm choosing between my child and my wife, and I don't even have kids yet."
"When I found out I was pregnant, I just couldn't do it. And she gave us a year in sample."
"I'm not going anywhere dude. Dude, if you don't go, you're going to go to jail. Which one do you want to do?"
"Should I be with someone that doesn't care for my twin at all?"
"How do you walk away from that story if he wins, right? Like I knew, um, I was gonna have he was gonna keep covering him in the White House, uh, and I was really struggling with what what I was gonna do if he won."
"Torn Between Love and Friendship."
"Troy's dilemma between basketball and theater."
"When you're standing at your closet door and you're like, 'I have so many clothes and nothing in it to wear.'"
"It's amazing how you can then have a full closet of clothes with nothing to wear."
"The girls don't know who to turn to for help."
"I probably wouldn't. I probably would keep the two and have great two kind of dri-two solution and you would have an amazing 25 years of driving bliss."
"Is there a nice way to steal an animal from its family and home? Who could say? Who could say?"
"I want to give you a chance. You can be with us, but I can't let them go."
"What if we only have time to save one? Alex is our daughter but the Harper has so much more potential."
"I'd been offered several other jobs with salary increases throughout the years but could never bring myself to leave."
"I felt terrible. Friends on the inside waving to me to come in, friends on the outside pleading with me to stay out. I was on the spot."
"That's right, yes. There's a big debate going on as to whether we should save the dinosaurs from that island that's about to blow up."
"I love coffee so much, but it's like, and I hate to have to give up yet something else."
"I have no clue, there was no option that was pleasing to anyone. Every single option I would have picked was detrimental to myself, detrimental to someone else."
"You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't, but I like to think that I'm blessed if I do and blessed if I don't."
"Poor Mrs. Clem, who doesn't want to reveal it, reveal the secret and help her out, because Mrs. Clem's doing her best not to help her out."
"Superman was willing to work with Luthor in order to stop the Justice Lords, claiming that as bad as the choice was, it was still better than the alternative."
"We have been together for seven years, married three. We are happy and have a good home and good careers, three wonderful dogs, and our families get along. But I just cannot stomach the idea of ever having sex again."
"You're the a-hole, you chose Taylor Swift over your mom."
"You're the a-hole, even Taylor Swift wouldn't want you to miss your mother's wedding to go to her concert."
"I feel bad because I want to make them happy, but I also have to make sure the company succeeds. You're stuck in this place where you can't make everyone happy."
"I really felt at my wit's end to imagine what I should do if the story of this sort reached their ears."
"You damned if you do, you damned if you don't."
"A game without rules that's reached a crossroads."
"Would you rather spend a day with a dead relative or get 30 million dollars"
"She's damned if she does, damned if she doesn't."
"It's like either you break someone else's heart or you break your own."
"It was kind of weird to see people be like, 'Oh, now Jimmy's put in between a rock and a hard place where he obviously doesn't want to support Kris but the 'left' would be so mad if he didn't,'"
"I get it. I understand why you're mad. That creates a moral dilemma which makes storytelling very interesting."
"...if both were on the brink of death which one should be saved and tells them his answer to it is that he'd save both of them."
"I just sold Mick Swagger's pants. This could ruin Duds for Dudes forever. I have to get those pants back. Will you guys help me?"
"My wife cheated on me three years ago, but we stayed together. Now I want to leave her, but I feel guilty."
"However when Alyona is about to destroy the last pipe, she freezes because she realizes these last pods have children in them."
"I want my money. I'm not about to kill 80,000 innocent people."
"Would you [ __ ] a dead body for 10 mil?"
"You can't shoot the plane down, there's innocent people."
"Why is there always one person who has to die to save everyone else? And is that always the moral decision to make?"
"The question is at this point is should I fix this or shouldn't I?"
"in the end she just cannot kill the person she loves"
"That's when we entered Interpol territory which by itself probably is a great fit for a story like this, there's just one teeny tiny problemo."
"Clearly, the whole family are passionate about it, but nobody seems to have the solution to its future."
"Yay okay now I don't know what to do here."
"I just don't know how to steal a one-man bike on my own."
"Therefore, I think I have no option but to steal the bike now."
"Maybe we can do something about those hostages. We're not going to shoot them, right?"
"I didn't know what to do with them."
"MOASS is, when you break it down, market manipulation via the prisoner’s dilemma."
"Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?"
"There's no easy answer, right and wrong, or a solution I would say."
"I never thought I would have to choose between my mother and my fiance."
"Would I rather leave London and never return or never leave London again?"
"So here we are. What do we do? Do we do nothing, or do we act?"
"Can they find a way to protect the innocent without losing themselves in the process?"
"Somebody doesn't know what to do, somebody's very confused in the situation."
"What's it gonna be? Hell's Kitchen Esquire or your morals?"
"Saving somebody's life, which is the ethical thing to do, becomes for some of those people at that moment the non-ethical thing to do."
"I never know what to do with my hair when I ride."
"He was begging and having somebody beg you like that who you love. I felt, how could I say no? This is the only time the guy ever asked me for anything of importance. And remember, to tell him no?"
"We can either save the president or Pepper. We can't do both."
"My best friend might be in love with my husband. Where do I go from here?"
"I still say there's this dilemma for me, so I can agree that a forced either or is not ideal."
"...but I'm just wondering whether I should keep all three or not..."
"Please Reddit, I don't know what to do. I'm cheating on my husband, but he's made me do it through the trauma that he's going through."
"We must get him away. We can't go on keeping him like a prisoner, can we? And us as well, prisoners keeping a prisoner. I know this could only ever work with his cooperation."
"Our house isn't that big and people in the neighborhood and online know that we have two little girls. I honestly don't know what to do."
"That's the reason why we're here, because he wants to leave me because he thinks that I'm controlling, but he cheated. But what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do, Your Honor?"
"...now they have three options if they go King G8 or going Queen H5 immediately and the only way they aren't getting checkmated is if they give up their Queen for the Knight which is not exactly Pleasant..."
"Am I the jerk for leaving my boyfriend and his friends behind after agreeing to be the designated driver?"
"We had this horns of an enormous dilemma, a raging inferno in the heart of the reactor, and yet we were supplying air to it."
"He calls me one day and says, 'babe, I'm in jail.'"
"Rose becomes trapped in the parallel world, separated from the Doctor by force."
"Who's our hero? Let die the woman you love. Come on or suffer the little children."
"Am I the butthole for refusing to take in my sister's baby after I took in her daughter?"
"They find the antidote, but there's only one dose."
"What can you do? You have the scooping that you're their sister."
"The thought of continuing to run flashed through my mind, making my way back home to Jess and Scarlett and getting us into Mexico or further south."
"So, now I'm stuck in the middle of where I'm like, both of them gonna have to bump, you know what I'm saying? Because it's like I don't know if dude's lying who's saying he sold it to him, you feel me?"