
AWS Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"Amazon Web Services... it's a cloud computing platform right, who uses it? Individuals use it, companies use it, governments use it."
"It can be used alone, it can be integrated with other AWS services or third-party tools and services, and it's cost-effective for a very wide range of different use cases."
"AWS is one of the most revolutionary ideas in the history of tech."
"CDK: Enabling developers to write infrastructure code for AWS in their favorite programming languages."
"Trainium provides about 50% improvement in terms of price performance relative to any other way of training machine learning models on AWS."
"Amazon web services was the original innovator of the cloud."
"I think you can't go wrong with getting AWS, AWS would be such a valuable asset to your CCNA, especially if you want to work for Amazon or if you work for the cutting edge companies who are putting their stuff in AWS."
"If we lost Amazon Web Services, the costs would have been in the hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars."
"It's a huge credit to Jeff Bezos and his team that they got out in front and with AWS did the best cloud product today."
"AWS Lambda is going to be responsible for scaling your application, provisioning machines on your behalf."
"This is our pretty standard application here. Let's take a look now at some of the AWS services behind the scenes that replace each of these different elements."
"API Gateway is a super powerful service because it offers additional functionality on top of just kind of using a load balancer to distribute your traffic to different nodes here."
"DynamoDB is a super powerful and popular NoSQL database on AWS and really this service is kind of at the heart of many other AWS services as well."
"CodePipeline allows you to weave together smaller building blocks to build a sophisticated CI/CD pipeline."
"CloudTrail: Audit trail of operations on infrastructure, track who accessed services and their actions."
"Cloud is the future... AWS is the most popular."
"Bold decision: spin off AWS and make it a separate company."
"Lambda lets you run serverless functions."
"There are many AWS services that do not incur a cost and so these are free services."
"The AWS Cost and Usage Report is a service which will generate a detailed spreadsheet enabling you to better analyze and manage your AWS costs and usage."
"You can use QuickSight to visualize your billing data as graphs."
"You can promote your account into an organization."
"A construct is basically a building block in AWS."
"L2 constructs provide really sensible defaults."
"They come with security best practices."
"L3 constructs can contain more than one AWS resource."
"They help solve a particular problem with a particular architectural solution."
"AWS does offer some constructs out of the box but there is also a construct Hub."
"Fargate is that AWS version where you don't even have to manage the nodes."
"Automatic failure recovery is built into many different AWS Services."
"Step Functions... create workflows... coordination between different AWS services."
"The best way, hands down, I don't care what anyone says, to learn AWS is through hands-on projects."
"Here's a link to it, it's my newsletter where I talk about like different relevant AWS updates like news announcements things that I think you should know about."
"Utilize ECS cluster powered by Fargate for serverless compute."
"Isn't AWS SQS same as Redis SQS? Simple Queuing Service is the same as a Redis queue. Redis provides you a database, Redis provides you a Pub/Sub, more things, it provides you SQS is simply a queue."
"Once development was complete, I was still storing all the test data in S3, so the following month I got a bill for zero dollars and seven cents."
"AWS today is on an 80 billion dollar revenue run rate, 80."
"We bring more suppliers, giving us more power to attract clients away from AWS."
"I see what AWS has been able to do in such a short period of time is nothing short of remarkable."
"The AWS Cloud adaption framework perspective that deals with work force transformation attracts and develops skills and creates a digitally fluent high performance work force."
"Designing AWS workloads so that changes can be made in small reversible increments is key."
"CloudFormation allows you to define and provision AWS infrastructure as code."
"CodeStar provides a preconfigured CI/CD pipeline making it easy to set up continuous integration and continuous delivery."
"By the time you finish watching all the projects, you can just put in your resume saying you have at least three years of experience."
"Hybrid is a combination of both on premises and Cloud which is what Outpost offers."
"Whenever a question mentions about static IP addresses, blindly go with global accelerator."
"Root user account is the special account that's created upon creation of your AWS account and it has full access to everything."
"You can build some very sophisticated application architectures by leveraging S3 and integrating it with all these different AWS services."
"For new users, you get access to this free tier which you can explore more than 100 products and start building on AWS using the free tier."
"IAM Identity Center is closely linked to another concept in AWS... AWS Organizations."
"Tools like AWS have made development so much easier than it was years ago where you needed your own servers."
"Don't try to define your whole application within a single AWS CDK application."
"CDK enables you to use programming concepts like classes, interfaces, and inheritance to define your infrastructure."
"This is the power of CDK, right, writing normal applications like this to deploy infrastructure to your AWS account."
"With few lines of code, I was able to deploy a complete ECS Fargate application with load balancer and it was actually working properly after deployment."
"AWS CloudFormation gives you the ability to create a blueprint of the resources you need in your real environment."
"CDK automatically converts your code to CloudFormation code."
"Usually AWS recommends that and either the lead, the team lead usually in the organizations look at these reports and have a good understanding of what's happening."
"AWS provides ready-to-use flexible services without the need to install or set up the software."
"Let's start with deploying our Netflix application on AWS using DevOps practices. So in this video, we will be integrating security right from the start using tools like SonarQube, Trivy, and more."
"I passed my first AWS Cloud Practitioner certification."
"EKS is a fully managed container orchestration service provided by Amazon. So let's say that you are building Docker images or if you're building microservices, you don't have to worry about setting up the K8s cluster all by yourself. You can leverage Amazon EKS."
"The cluster creation is simply going to take 15 to 20 minutes easily."
"My brother who actually works in information security at the Congressional Budget Office suggested that I get my AWS certification first. We're going for the solution architect first."
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam verifies Advanced technical knowledge and experience in designing distributed applications and systems on the Amazon Web Services platform."
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate is a set of technical certifications offered by Amazon Web Services."
"VPC helps a developer to deploy AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances in a private virtual cloud so that you can actually make your EC2 isolated or make it more secure."
"Route 53 is a web service with highly available domain name system or the DNS that helps user to Route software by translating text into IP address."
"You can quickly carry comparative testing using different types of instances, storage, or configuration."
"AWS provides a suite of Amazon relational database Services which are fully managed relational databases."
"AWS trusted advisor goes through your resources and tells you where you can make savings."
"You can stop spending money on data center operations. AWS does the heavy lifting of racking, stacking, and powering servers."
"In AWS, you pay only for the Computing resources you consume when you consume them."
"CloudFormation enables us to manage our complete infrastructure or AWS resources in a text file."
"With cloud computing, these problems go away as AWS helps you eliminate the guesswork in your infrastructure capacity needs."
"Cognito lets us add user sign up, sign in, and access control to our web and mobile apps quickly and easily."
"CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS, allowing us to collect metrics, track logs, and set alarms."
"...you can talk to the AWS Services programmatically through the apis that means you can make calls to AWS instead of logging into AWS you can simply make a call to that particular AWS service through your program."
"Clap for yourself, you have created your first terraform script to create AWS ec2 instance."
"S3 bucket can be used as a remote backend."
"You can have multiple VPCs in an AWS region, max 5 per region. It's a soft limit. You can increase that limit by contacting support."
"A security group is a firewall of your EC2 instance."
"To make it highly available, just deploy it in multiple public subnets... for high availability."
"The best answer here would be C, configure scheduled scaling to scale up to the desired compute level."
"The best answer here would be B, create AMIs to backup the EC2 instances. Copy the AMIs to a secondary AWS region. Then automate infrastructure deployment in the secondary region using AWS CloudFormation."
"The answer here is B, apply an IAM role to the Lambda function. Apply an IAM policy to the role to grant read access to the S3 bucket."
"B, create an Amazon S3 bucket to store the raw data. Create an Amazon FSX for Lustre file system that uses persistent SSD storage. Select the option to import data from and export data to Amazon S3. Then mount the file system on the EC2 instances."
"That's all I have for today's video. If you haven't subscribed to the Channel, please subscribe to the channel and share it with your friends and colleagues who are willing to learn AWS. Take care, everyone, see you in the next video, bye-bye."
"Taking practice exam questions like these early on in your study phase can help you identify holes in your understanding of important topics that are covered in the AWS exams."
"The best answer here with the least operational overhead would be A, use AWS step functions to build the application."
"Start directly with the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate."
"Especially for AWS exist variety of free and paid learning resources and plenty of job opportunities."
"This SysOps Administrator Associate certification is not just for sysadmins. It's for people who run things on AWS."
"This Developer certification is not just for developers either. This is valuable for all people who use AWS."
"AWS Local Zones, AWS Wavelength, and AWS Outposts extend from parent regions to bring AWS services to latency-sensitive edge workloads."
"So, if you search for Terraform AWS modules, someone might ask me how do I know what are the different modules that are available?"
"AWS Cloud operates more than 57 availability zones within 19 Geographic locations around the world."
"If you guys remember, an EC2 instance has both a public IP and a private IP along with a public DNS that's used to access this EC2 instance."
"EBS provides persistent block storage volumes for use with EC2 instances in the cloud."
"Each Amazon EBS volume is automatically replicated."
"The RDS makes it really easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud."
"It's highly scalable and utilizes the global infrastructure of AWS."
"The RDS supports several database instance types and provides access to six familiar database engines."
"The RDS enhanced monitoring provides access to over 50 CPU, memory, file system, and disk I/O metrics."
"One good thing about AWS is it does allow you a free tier access where it gives you access to most of their services without any charges."
"Whoa, this is bad. An open AWS bucket means the entire contents of that storage bucket is available for anyone to see."
"Hello everyone! In this video I'm going to show you how to create your own VPC with public and private subnets."
"The purpose of this video is to inform you about what these two types of architectures are how they can be built using AWS and the pros and cons of using one approach over the other."
"Kinesis is such a powerful service."
"People look at Kinesis and they get really confused."
"Kinesis is really used for data processing at scale."
"Kinesis fits in the analytics category of AWS."
"Kinesis is typically used by folks with data backgrounds."
"Stack sets actually has taken the stack level implementation to the next level. Using the AWS CloudFormation template, we can define a stack set that lets us create stacks in AWS accounts across the globe by using just a single template."
"AWS is not going away and I'm more than confident to say whenever you land a job or you change jobs or even at your current job you're probably using some sort of cloud provider, and I'll even double down and say the majority of the cases it's going to be AWS."
"We have an AWS wrapper for the JDBC driver...So this significantly reduces that gap time."
"For every access control in AWS, we look at the policies, we look at the requests coming in, and we give a yes or no answer, an allowed or denied."
"Service Control Policy (SCP) is a big topic in the AWS Solution Architect Pro exam."
"You can use SCP to control permissions at the AWS account level."
"Support for serverless elastic cache instances on Amazon AWS... will automatically scale to meet the demands of your application."
"We were able to create a simple AWS Lambda using Java 17, exciting stuff."
"What this is going to do is just under the hood, deploying it to AWS."
"In just these 20 lines, I'm going to create a lambda function, an IM role, an API Gateway, and DynamoDB table."
"Step number 12: We now need to create a peering attachment for North Virginia's transit gateway."
"Step number 13: Modify transit gateways route tables."
"Using AWS services leveraged in this lab can incur charges. Hence ensure that you clean up all resources after completing this lab."
"Net Gateway is always a one-way route where an E2 instance or any resource present into the private subnet can go out and access the other resources."
"AWS has actually proved itself as a pretty strong security service provider in terms of the cloud."
"AWS makes your life easy by providing your products or your applications in a service model."
"AWS is the biggest market player with the maximum market share."
"AWS dominates with around 47% of market share."
"AWS has the most mature and enterprise-ready services."
"AWS is a leader in infrastructure service as per Gartner's Magic Quadrant."
"AWS has the largest and most dynamic ecosystem serving customers across virtually every industry."
"AWS has the richest set of services or the most mature services model in cloud."
"Data sync over AWS Direct Connect."
"Amazon CloudFront for optimizing site loading times."
"Deploying to AWS light cell containers, setting up a database using Django admin and handling media file uploads using S3, and that's basically everything."
"AWS Glue Catalog is a unified central data catalog across your data sources."
"But I hope it was useful and that this has opened your appetite for learning more about DevOps, GitLab, and AWS."
"Learning by doing: you'll get hands-on experience building pipelines and deploying software to AWS."
"...if you're seeing the aws management console it means that you have set up everything correctly and you can continue with the rest of the course and essentially start using aws right away."
"We use EC2 instances at AWS and we can easily scale up and down like an elastic kind of manner."
"AWS provides access to many different kinds of machines for a wide variety of computational workloads."
"AWS can manage Spot for you, so Spot instances or Spot Fargate are 70% cheaper than their non-Spot counterpart."
"Let's create a MyChatAppAPIGatewayAccess1 IAM policy and attach it to the existing IAM role that the NodeJS app already uses."
"So I've just logged into my AWS Management Console, and if I search for Identity and Access Management, it should be the first one to show up."
"AWS keeps adding more services and extending the functionality of existing services."
"CloudWatch logs and dashboards are helpful for troubleshooting API Gateway issues."
"Lambda: the simplicity of defining a function and letting AWS handle the rest."
"Lambda: freeing developers from managing hardware and operating systems."
"Lambda: the power to focus on writing code without infrastructure worries."
"Lambda: the bridge between services, orchestrating seamless operations."
"Lambda: the key to serverless simplicity and scalability."
"Lambda: simplifying development with event-driven, serverless computing."
"Lambda: empowering developers to focus on code, not infrastructure."
"Lambda: the orchestrator between multiple decoupled AWS services."
"This will leave some of the free aspects of AWS, but for me, it's going to cost a couple of cents."
"The biggest ones to know are these three: Amazon S3, EC2, and VPCs."
"...AWS provides tremendous breadth of purpose-built services that enable developers to innovate at cloud scale faster than before..."
"Pipes extend the same benefits to event-driven, point-to-point integrations by removing the undifferentiated heavy lifting required in wiring together the many building blocks of AWS."
"When you have a cross-region replication or same region replication in S3, always enable versioning before that."
"Create an S3 bucket with S3 object lock enabled, enable versioning, add a legal hold to the objects, and add the S3 put object legal hold permission to IM policies of users who need to delete the object."
"When you're creating an EC2 instance, it comes with the AWS CLI installed already."
"Spot fleets try to meet the target capacity with price constraints."
"What you've just seen is how AWS is helping you innovate, in turn, we are innovating on your behalf."
"AWS recommends that when you're dealing with S3, you use something called the multi-part upload."
"Thank you so much for watching this video on cloud storage. In this video, we covered block storage, object storage, file storage, and we covered the AWS branded versions of these."
"In order to actually deploy this application in a Kubernetes environment on AWS, we're going to use a package manager for Kubernetes called Helm."
"Next up, we're going to create some AWS security groups for our worker nodes."
"No matter what you do in AWS, there are really two foundational things that it's really good to understand."
"Since I'm going to host my app on AWS using an EC2 instance, I'll show you the next steps that I would go through."
"I'm now able to access this database normally from an EC2 instance, and if I try and run that same MySQL script again to connect from my laptop over the public internet, this should now not work even if I enter the correct password."
"This is basically how you set up a Django deployment to an AWS server using Docker."
"And over time, SageMaker has grown into a pretty large service with lots of new capabilities."
"Now, when you're starting out, it's important to focus on the breadth of AWS services."
"In this guide, we'll focus on some of the most popular AWS services as well as some special ones that will help you stand out from the crowd."
"These projects are designed to challenge you and help you gain a deeper understanding of AWS services and their interrelationships."
"The aim of this project is to fuse theoretical Cloud architecture planning with practical automation."
"The goal is to learn efficient Cloud deployment of a react application using AWS elastic Beanstalk."
"This project will boost your skills in Cloud deployment, giving you hands-on experience of AWS services and infrastructure automation."
"This project will enhance your understanding of serverless application development from dynamic frontend hosting to seamless backend integration and automation."
"This technological framework includes Amazon Lex, AWS Lambda, Amazon Connect, Amazon DynamoDB, or even RDS if you want, or S3 for storage."
"Completing this project will deepen your understanding of AWS services and how they can be applied to build advanced AI-driven chatbots."
"Completing this project enhances your AWS and AI skills, providing a practical tool for anyone from a media professional to casual content creators."
"Our webpage is now being served from AWS."
"The routing configuration is done through transit gateway and route tables."
"With one transit gateway, we're able to ping our on-premise data center in Frankfurt."
"Transit gateway makes communication easier regardless of peering connections or VPN tunnels."
"Try it out on your account and see how easy communication happens with AWS transit gateway."
"If you are an AWS check out the applications that are live on the Snowflake Marketplace."
"The best analogy for Stripe is AWS."
"AWS Lambda supports multiple languages through the use of runtimes."
"EKS is our managed Kubernetes service at AWS, and it provides the flexibility of Kubernetes with the security and resiliency of being an AWS managed service."
"Security is our top priority here at AWS."
"They are used by AWS services such as AWS CloudFront to cache data and reduce latency for end user access."
"EC2 is the bread and butter of AWS."
"You write C# the exact same way you know how to write it, but behind the scenes, it is translated to what AWS is expecting."
"By far the most common question that I get asked is where do you get started learning in AWS."
"Amazon Web Services is an evolving cloud computing platform that offers various services such as compute power, storage, database, content delivery, and other resources to help business scale and grow."