
Time Span Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"It's action-packed...you're following a small amount of characters, and the book is written over a very short time period."
"I think it's a remarkable achievement within a period of six to seven months."
"We've actually made a lot of ground over the past year."
"People have been buzzing about him over the past two years."
"It wasn’t until nearly 300 years had passed that a plausibly unified state reappeared."
"How you feel on the day of the eclipse can affect the next 8 months for you."
"Nobody has done more in three and a half years than this administration has done."
"Humans have been around the world for an inconceivable amount of time."
"The whole year will be under this occupation."
"The most impressive part to me is that Emily was able to piece every single thing together from some things dating back as far as 2013."
"We're seeing three years of shifts happen in three months."
"This is lap number one, minute number one, 24 hours to go."
"It is a surprisingly accurate number, why is that? Because two million, five hundred and eight thousand years ago, our planet started to look almost what it looks like today."
"The Hubble Deep Field captured a timeline of more than 3,000 galaxies dating back more than 10 billion years."
"Out of the 18th century and into the new millennium..."
"Empires typically last around 250 years give or take 150 years."
"Nobody should have that much control for that period of time."
"The leap we made in just one year from February 2023 to February 2024, mind-boggling, absolutely insane leap."
"Archaeology potentially spanning thousands of years."
"My career's been going on for 15 years, I started playing in 2003, here we are 2018 we're still going."
"Anatomically modern human beings have been around from between 250 and 350 000 years ago."
"It's not gonna be our Sun... but every 50 to a hundred years or so in a galaxy..."
"An epic tale spanning some 300 years from the end of Roman Britain to the early Middle Ages."
"The books occupy a much longer time span. This is why in the books, Soren starts out as a much smaller owlet and reaches young adulthood by the end of the third book, as opposed to the film where he's pretty much a teenager all throughout."
"This thing has been three years in the making."
"Algae has been around 3.4 billion years."
"The length and age of creation... I do believe the creation week was six normal days."
"Key one couldn't believe someone could improve this much in just a year."
"You'd be amazed in the course of 60 to 90 days how much of a difference you can make in a lawn."
"It's about as successful as somebody gets in one year."
"It's an experimental piece they started playing in 2001 and it won't end till 2640."
"It is amazing what has been achieved in five years."
"This rock spanned approximately 17 million years traveling across space."
"It is a huge, expansive story; it spans over years."
"...the physique that you see... was built in three years."
"Any artist had a maximum of 10 years where they made their best music."
"It's a history that stretches back much further than that, with humans inhabiting the area for well over 12,000 years."
"It seems much easier to think that the texts were written in a more close relation, probably in the same city or not far away at least and similarly within the same time span."
"It's a long story which we can trace in the 1600s that really picks up in the mid-19th century and is still continuing today."
"Human civilization in this world is 5,000 years old."
"Believe it or not, 37 years separate David Lynch's 1984 Dune and Denis Villeneuve's 2021 reboot."
"It's not often that you get to see something through over a long period of time like that."
"Once you've had your initial procedure, you're good for about three to four years."
"Hooking someone into a story told over 2 to 3 weeks is really quite an important aspect of the experience."
"How many years were there between the Wright Brother's first flight and Concord's first commercial flight? 73 years."
"The entire movie takes place all in the course of one evening."
"This whole story is only six years in the making and it's remarkable what they've been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time."
"We've been tracking him for over 15 years."
"The Bible is written by 40 different people over approximately a thousand years in different eras and genres."
"All of humanity has existed for about 300,000 years."
"This has been a long time coming, nearly a decade now since its original release worldwide."
"We can actually look back over a whole span from today back to less than a billion years after the big bang."
"What can a human accomplish in a hundred days? A lot."
"21 days is allegedly, how long it takes to create a habit."
"Books can easily go missing over a span of 1,000 years."
"To have started all this in such a short period of time, we've done all this in less than three years."
"It represents hundreds of thousands of years worth of evolution."
"He's got six titles in nine years or something like that."
"Comparative politics can look at all political systems across the entire globe and across all time."
"It occurred 13 billion years ago, so the light has been traveling to us remarkably for 13 billion years."
"The story spans hundreds of thousands of years in universe."
"It's like a real life family reunion spanning thousands of years."
"Our existence here cannot be focused on the last 300 or 400 years."