
Scam Prevention Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"This is a public service announcement, and I say that because I'm hoping to help you to avoid being scammed in this energy crisis or energy price crisis."
"We follow through with those scams and we pretend to be victims."
"Scam interrupted. Virtual high five." - Nelisha
"Always worthwhile running a VPN whenever you're scam baiting."
"You want to basically scam yourself from your own money before your money gets scammed."
"Avoid falling for PlayStation 5 scams or any scams that emerge for highly-anticipated consoles or games."
"You can help not only arrest some scammers but save a lot of people from being scammed."
"We're here pleading with you, you can save a lot of people."
"Don't answer the phone, especially if you don't know the number."
"Preventing yourself from being scammed will always be easier than trying to recover your finances after you've been scammed."
"It means verified. I'll show you guys how to not get scammed."
"Scamming is a crime and so if we want to be honest, a lot of the reason that we don't really get off the ground as entrepreneurs is because for one we have a loyalty to our community just like everybody else."
"We have to stop allowing our people to scam each other."
"Be on the right side of history. Do not give these people excuses to continue scamming."
"Don't allow greed to give opportunity to scam and scam people they say you want something."
"If people can just keep these scammers on the phone for as long as humanly possible, it does have an impact."
"If you're unsure about something because I am more than happy to help if it means that you guys aren't gonna be getting scammed."
"Scam prevention currency formatting? The vending machines should just use standard currency formatting."
"Scambaiting: wasting their time, and having a big laugh about it on the internet."
"Experts tell us one of the best ways to stop scammers. A credit freeze."
"I'm actually going to make a video dedicated to how to prevent scams."
"The probability of you getting scammed will be nil to none if you follow certain rules."
"We don't want people getting scammed, so make sure you share this video."
"SEC's investor education campaign, social media's role in scams, and the need for trustworthy sources in investment."
"I just hope if anything these videos have prevented at least one person from also getting scammed."
"Anyone can be scammed, including me and you."
"Make sure that the crypto relinquishes their coins so basically they relinquish the contract they denounced the contract so that they can't just rug pull on you."
"This is Bro You with Scammer Payback. Now, I like to educate folks as much as possible."
"If you have a grandparent or a family friend or a neighbor that doesn't know about these types of scams... have them watch this video."
"It's hard for you to scam an honest man because usually the offer that the scammer or the grifter is presenting got a little dirt on it."
"Awareness is how we're going to put scammers like this out of business."
"Imagine you're just sitting there scamming, just trying to scam some people, and all of a sudden your worst nightmare shows up on the screen. Scammer Payback."
"One of the fastest ways to scam a scammer is to make them believe that you've already been scammed."
"So because I've got more than 70,000 recordings of real scams, it may be possible through artificial intelligence to keep scammers occupied."
"If you want to not get scammed, you need to not trust but verify right?"
"The dislike bar has saved people. It saved people from being clickbaited. It saved people from being scammed. It saved people hundreds of hours of their time."
"Just don't buy them from scammers."
"...anything that I can do to slow down scammers is a win in my book."
"You can shut down scam and phishing websites potentially within minutes."
"...turning on text and email alerts can make a huge difference in mitigating the damage of a scam attack."
"Because what happens is as we share these experiences, it empowers all of us, it expands our awareness, so that everyone can see those scammers coming a mile away, and they can steer clear."
"I commonly hear from people that they would never get scammed because either the scammer is too rude, they have bad communication skills, or they lack emotion or relatability."
"The greatest defense against these scams is education."
"One call turned into many more with lots of file deletions, drives to the bank, victims saved, and even some scammer tears."
"We've stopped over 880,000, almost $85,000 in freaking scams today."
"This whole thing with uh with mark grover doing this and just absolutely destroying scammers is one of my favorite things ever."
"I love when scammers get scammed."
"Don't let scammers exploit and profit off of your private information."
"If anything looks like it's sketchy or it's too good to be true, sometimes it might be, so dig deeper and ask questions."
"Don't give any more money to people that you don't know."
"We're about to join the largest assembly of cyber crime fighters and scam baiters that the world has ever seen."
"Sorry scammer, today you do not get to scam the scam baiter."
"That's how you deal with scammers."
"The solution is educating those people so they can't be scammed anymore."
"The biggest positive of it all is that no one else can be scammed. I'm glad I was able to spread the word."
"You're about to see some scammers get a dose of their own medicine."
"Scam prevention is infinitely easier to achieve than scam reversal."
"How exactly can you distinguish between a scam and a legit company, and what are some of the red flags that you should be looking out for?"
"Make sure you guys don't get scammed."
"Scammers should not be allowed to scam people, 1,000%."
"Our goal is to make you aware of them so that you do not get scammed."
"We reimburse for unauthorized transactions and work hard to educate our customers on scam issues."
"The more of us that do this, the less chance other people are going to get scammed."
"When your standards of evidence are done reasonably, that's how you avoid getting scammed."
"Even though there's no way to get all four million of these scammers, even just one could make a difference."
"We've developed AI and heuristics to detect thousands of websites like virus popups and crypto scams, so you and your family won't even be able to visit those websites in the first place."
"If you follow these two rules, you'll never be scammed: cash only, in person only."
"Don't get scammed, pay attention, be smart, be wise."
"We have a machine learning model that basically predicts if you're about to be scammed, and then shuts down withdrawals from your account."