
Legal Outcomes Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"It's worth more to your reputation because you could say, 'Look, he accepts he got it wrong,' rather than a judge found that he'd got it wrong."
"Words matter, and Miss Heard is condemned by her own words."
"We are beyond constitutional violations, my friends. I mean, it has been stacking up and if the judge doesn't rule mistrial with prejudice, I believe our justice system is done."
"Guilty as charged, my heart is pounding with gladness."
"A guilty verdict would mean they finally did the right thing."
"I think that's the right outcome, but I'm gonna miss the entertainment."
"Thank you everybody for joining me here to talk about the verdict."
"In every tragedy, there's not always a criminal charge."
"The jury not only didn't believe Amber Heard but in ruling that she acted with actual malice."
"So, even if Danny's sentenced to life, he may be eligible for parole after a certain amount of time. It's at least on the table at this point."
"I would guess in most people's cases if it's the average person they'd be going to prison or jail right now."
"The court of public opinion often matters more than anything else."
"Fight for justice, but I am very hopeful, and I hope that we're going to get a verdict that is guilty, guilty."
"I think what helped here is that there was video. Had there not been video, there wouldn't have been an arrest in this case."
"There is totally a scenario where Trump ends up getting off and NADA ends up serving hard time."
"Justice is done when the truth is revealed." - Mark Richards
"Amanda Bynes's conservatorship is terminated in a very normal and non-dramatic process."
"The message here is if you lie, you get caught. If you're telling the truth, things will be alright."
"It's a moral victory, but the money is gonna... come out of somebody's pocket." - Bryant Camareno
"It's disheartening to me to see the way in which that case played out."
"The likelihood is that Johnny may get his tossed and she may be stuck with $2 million more."
"99.9 percent of cases that go to court are guaranteed convictions."
"The judge might show some leniency or some heart in that type of a situation."
"I want Vindication I want Justice I want him held accountable."
"And the jury got it right... this is a just verdict in this case based on the evidence and based on the law."
"Guilty verdicts can be hollow for families still grieving."
"If there were nine women on the court, you think that case would have come out differently."
"He already had a huge Victory with them looking at it when they look at the case they already gave him essentially partial immunity."
"It's tinged with knowing that the conviction does not stand and that he will be a free man now." - Kate Snow
"This case proves that there is always hope to be had at the end of the tunnel."
"So even though it took quite a while for it to happen, justice was served."
"On one hand this case gives us some hope that justice does get served from time to time."
"Mr. Holtzclaw, this jury finds you guilty of the various counts."
"Is there anybody that thinks it's going to get overturned? I don't think there's a chance in hell that he's back on."
"I felt a feeling of vindication that I see some sort of justice is being served."
"All of The Proud Boy leaders charged have been found guilty."
"I love the fact that you always find a way to laugh."
"Arrested Pazuzu and two of his female fiances."
"He deserves to be in bars behind bars immediately."
"If there are no indictments from this case, this will be an even bigger travesty."
"A settlement or a win is still a win, a loss is really the only thing that hurts, I think, crypto."
"Durham lost Durham is a loser Justice prevailed"
"If this case does end, it would bring life back into altcoins for a period of time."
"If someone paid your fine then the judge can let you go."
"Would you rather have rushed results and then Justice for Gabby ends up not happening?"
"Justice will be served in this case one way or the other."
"Rulings will be made in your favor and everyone involved will be treated fairly."
"Back for Blood is a four player co-op campaign shooter that is extremely similar to Left 4 Dead."
"Race might have had something to do with this."
"Regardless of the outcome of that case, the damage is done to Sweden's reputation."
"It is possible that outcomes of court cases may be very different based on the racial composition of the jury."
"Finally, after five years of waiting and wondering, there is Justice for Kelly Dwyer."
"He pleaded guilty to felony murder and kidnapping and agreed to two consecutive life sentences without possibility of parole."
"Personally, I think that Johnny can win here."
"Once this case is over and if we get the clarity we need, he expects XRP to explode as well."
"If you win this case, will it change everything? Yeah, it'll change a lot."
"Both of them were free to move on with their lives... revealed in court."
"If they don't find him guilty, it's a wrap on so many cities."
"Elections do matter. Voting matters. It is the people that's right, I mean, they are the reasons we got a conviction in George Floyd."
"Until next time, remember, it's better to be judged by 12 than carried by six."
"He took a plea deal to avoid the death penalty and was rendered a life sentence without the possibility of parole."
"Even if he was 100 percent guilty, it would still be a tragic waste."
"I'm just hoping that the truth will out and justice will be done."
"There's a difference between justice and what I think... He's getting off easy based on that."
"The only reason they're not alive today is because both of them attacked Kyle Rittenhouse."
"Crime does not pay in this country or anywhere else. You stay in a life of crime, you surround yourself with the wrong people, you are going to go down, no doubt about it."
"History will be on Amber's side? I'm blown away."
"It shows that justice can be served, it shows that a jury can actually stand in your favor, it shows that America's not racist, let's move on."
"Separate state and federal juries found Fred Tokars guilty of multiple charges."
"Be careful what you wish for. The court is likely to deliver exactly what you're asking for."
"Could Amber Heard win her appeal? Yes, she could."
"I just can't believe that she got away with this."
"Lori Loughlin, she better hope that when she faces the judge, the judge pulls up Uncle Jesse and he decides to have mercy."
"If they think he's going to be convicted, they're going to put handcuffs on him."
"Political affiliation emerged as the most divisive dictator of opinions on the trial's outcome."
"When all the facts are known, we hope that Society will have gained some knowledge that will help prevent a tragedy such as the one that he suffered." - Victim's Family Member
"And Bowen Turner if you are watching this come July 2023 when you are released I hope for your sake that girls run when they see you."
"Thankfully I've never had to do it but one of my best friends had to."
"We came to a good deal for the province. If a judge is saying that it's not a good deal, that's fine, no deal but no charges, Pastor goes free."
"He could face up to 25 years in prison. Yup, he won't. Could, but yeah, he probably won't."
"I feel relieved about what Judge Lake had to say, you know?"
"The weight of the evidence is finally going pals way teen transitory is going to win."
"I either killed the girl or I didn't. They should either send me to the electric chair or turn me free."
"His release stirred controversy and generated international attention."
"Philip appeared stoic and showed little emotion as the verdict was read."
"Most people fear that with a not guilty verdict the riots will get very bad."
"Pleading insanity doesn't get you off scot-free."
"The idea of Texas winning against the federal government is not going to happen."
"Unfortunately just being manipulated by somebody doesn't get you off the hook so I I do believe honestly that all three of them would be found guilty."
"It was the threat of violence and destruction that resulted in the jury saying Derek Chauvin should go to prison."
"There's nothing quite like watching Karens get some legal karma in the courtroom."
"The justice system isn't always indicative of the truth."
"I cannot believe Michael was acquitted, it's just gross to me."
"I can practically see the headlines now: Harry Butts innocent!"
"It just stings a little bit more when you see a person who has gunned down three people and murdered two of them walk away."
"Under either scenario, the punishment he receives is a harsh one."
"Justice will be served... Maxwell will be spending a considerable amount of time behind bars."
"I think almost every judge wants to hear some remorse or some accountability or culpability."
"When the verdict came in, Maduni just hung his head."
"The math is not lying, and for you to only convict two, even the biggest Donald Trump Mega supporter has got to be like, 'Damn, y'all.'"
"It's gonna be really interesting to see how the courts rule."
"There's one option of what happened, but it's just getting enough to make sure the person or people involved can fully be convicted so they can never do this to anyone else ever again."
"The UK football sexual abuse scandal led to multiple convictions and revealed institutional failures."
"Justice will prevail, that's all you need to know."
"Winning a lawsuit doesn't magically make everyone forget all the terrible things you've done."
"The report chronicles the DOJ's settlement of money-laundering charges against HSBC for 1.9 to billion dollars. Despite the bank's case-dispositive admissions of guilt, no individual was ever prosecuted, nor was the bank itself."
"While he will never be held accountable for the murder in a court of law, some say there is Poetic Justice in the way he died."
"Justice was served, and I really do believe in justice."
"Courts frequently allow recovery even where the prevailing party did not actually suffer financial harm."
"We all want Justice in this case, but Justice really means getting the right person."
"Not guilty verdicts are few and far between."
"A sense of hope that Stephen's story will end with Justice."
"No amount of time that Jamie receives will bring Sam back."
"Justice is coming, even in cases no one thought would ever see it."
"In New York, a man pleaded guilty to raping four women and he was given no jail time."
"Women are far more likely to get shorter prison sentences for the same crime as men."
"Charges dropped against suspects accused of shooting british blm leader after witnesses refuse to cooperate."
"No matter how you look at it, the ruling will always come through based on those political lines, very simple, right? Sad but simple."
"The truth is you think they're gonna be like, yeah, there's uh, five murder charges and they go wait there's only four people killed."
"When you leave court today, that's what I want you to do. It's your journey."
"Yeah, you can win but can the jury also get it wrong? I would argue outside of them accidentally voting for an unintended party they can't."
"Republican conservative ideology just has no response to it that is constructive."
"Even when there's verdicts of unlawful killing, police officers don't go to prison."
"Each one of these verdicts that we're seeing is something that says we are progressing as a society to recognize that these types of actions are not okay." - Shawna Lloyd
"He's arrogantly confident that he is going to come out clean on this."
"I pray that I never have to pull a trigger, but I'll tell you this, I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by six."
"I actually think that what's going to happen is it more and more cases go to civil court..."
"His life was invaluable and no amount of money or no decision by a jury could ever bring him back."
"A bad case can make a good lawyer look bad, and a good case can make a bad lawyer look good."
"I hope it brings closure for those that are impacted."