
Proactive Steps Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"We're doing all the right steps to fully take care of this... focusing on your health."
"Taking that step towards therapy can make a massive difference. It's a decision I wish I had made sooner."
"Good faith actions that will actually lead to increased engagement."
"There is no amount of burying our head in the sands and pretending that it's all going to be okay that's actually going to help."
"The first step to action is incredibly important."
"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago; the second best time is now."
"We're doing everything we can and these actions are important next steps."
"Do something that's going to improve the quality of your life."
"When you start doing things without the approval of the dominant society, you start making your moves."
"This is about transforming fear into actions."
"Now for your tomorrow, this is a step you have to take, this is a move you've got to make, this is a time that you can't ignore, this you've got to step out on."
"You're not stuck, you can do the little steps in the right direction right now." - Ken Coleman
"It's about taking action in terms of what we've learned, what we know now, moving through the miscommunication and understanding."
"Take a step towards it, the universe will match you."
"Trust yourself and take action. It will be okay."
"There are definitely things that can be done to make them safer."
"Call the lawyer asap. Get ahead of it. Stop being nice, stop it."
"A life of Plenty, health, and money awaits you if you take the necessary steps now."
"You might notice little hiccups when you are trying to set that appointment with the therapist or you're actually deciding to take that very Cardinal Aries initiative to take these new steps..."
"We need to start taking steps towards one another and to start healing the political divides."
"So if you're noticing that you're losing your hair, that's one problem that's not going to fix itself, do something about it."
"Everything is moving into motion, it's all about timing."
"Firearms training for teachers, a step in the right direction."
"Scorpio, great love is worth taking the steps you are guided to take."
"You can put yourself in the hole, now it's a conversation to do it when you can go on ahead and do it early."
"Small business can step in and do this where government can't."
"There are things you can do to start your healing right now."
"If you don't like that legal situation, I fully encourage you to take some proactive steps to change it."
"Just get started, you know? Try, try to just take one step today or tomorrow, like just do one thing that's gonna put you in the path towards your goal."
"Let's go to the police. Let's figure this out, you feel what I'm saying?"
"Listen to your intuition and take the necessary steps to bring about much needed changes in your life."
"If it's important to you get an evaluation... act quickly to restore your hair."
"What can I do to make my marriage better today?"
"Where do I want to be in three to five years and they kind of do things now that increase the probability of you being able to get there and kind of plant those seeds."
"By identifying the worry, investigating it, and putting a plan in place, you can stop your mind from defaulting to a worry."
"The steps that you take now can really have an outsized impact on your future Prosperity level."
"Go and take your medication, go and make your therapist appointment."
"Life is short, but if there's some unresolved things or someone you need to call... you know, what I'm saying."
"Just start doing it get some rice get some beans start getting some five-gallon buckets together get some mylar bags and get stocked up."
"You're already taking necessary steps to call in this future."
"The inner peace is just, oh by the way, you're making a move you need to make anyway."
"So he's left the door open, and I think we should walk in."
"If you're unhappy about something in your life, take steps to start changing it right now."
"This whole idea of building a better society and what we want our future to look like doesn't start when the pandemic is over. It's starting now."
"You're manifesting successful outcomes based on the steps that you can take."
"What you want wants you so guess what the next step is? You take the decisive action."
"This could be and how bad it potentially could be if we don’t take dramatic steps right now."
"Dude, I love that they're like, 'Yo, mental health's a problem' and then they were like, 'Okay, let's do something about it.'"
"If it's bothering you this much, now you gotta start doing things to be proactive instead of reactive."
"Regardless of what, make a move, take a step."
"If this indeed does happen, what steps can I take today to make myself maybe a little bit less vulnerable?"
"Start preparing now if you're looking for a job."
"My hope for you is that we can go from 'I can' to 'I will' and then 'I did.'"
"If I didn't open this first, I'd be very upset with the way my life was going."
"The question now is, are you going to act on it? Because nothing happens for this woman until she moves."
"The only question you should be asking is how quickly can I get one of these things up and running and then secure it properly, and then go out and change all of the passwords on all of the websites, starting with the most important ones first."
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second best time is today."
"Acknowledging these issues is the first step toward dismantling the structure perpetuating injustice."
"Take proactive steps to create a kit that you can take with you in times of emergency."
"Start the process, as soon as you start, the more powerful outcome you'll have."
"Start taking the steps you're able to now to reduce your vulnerability to the job losses a recession can bring."
"If you want a job and there is a place that is hiring, you need to apply for the job."
"What's gonna happen to our mental health and what can we do."
"Just one step towards the situation and things that you actually want to do."
"We have to take this opportunity to do some deep dive surgery into the systemic issues."
"If you take the right steps, success is inevitable."
"Recognize the problem, illuminate, and move forward."
"Each step we take to become better prepared makes a real difference."
"If you ask your higher self and then just step when they say step, move when they say move, you'd be surprised how quickly your life will transform."
"It's time to stop talking about awareness and inspiration, it's time to do something."
"Actions you take now will yield Swift results."
"You're actually going to take action and rise up."
"Create possibilities. We can take actions that create possibilities for the future."
"Speak up, talk to a friend, talk to a counselor, do whatever is necessary to really set things into motion."
"Step out of this hold... make future plans in regards to your desires."
"Nothing in our lives changes until we do something different."
"The most important thing to prepare is to get educated and then take that education... and take some action."
"If you want to be in a position where you're more financially free, you have to start putting in action steps today to start putting your money to work."
"Start taking steps to move forward, don't wait until next year."
"Everybody wants Financial Freedom; it's about taking the right actions with the right thoughts."
"Depressing topic but it seems that there is hope for the future and there is still things that, so many things in fact, that we can do and we're just getting started."
"These things are already made and they're just waiting for the green light to say, 'Hey, you can build your temple.'"
"The first thing I would have done? Change the locks."
"Don't hesitate to take inspired steps in December."
"I would talk to a therapist, I would talk to a mental health professional, I would just make that conscious decision."
"Rising above and realizing you've got to take steps."
"Take positive action steps that you are being divinely guided to take, constantly working on your priorities will make them flourish like a lush flower garden."
"Recognizing mental health disorders and addressing the problem of bullying is a first step to prevent anything else like this from happening."
"There's potential for this to happen, someone's got to make a move."
"Taking steps for our mental well-being is critical."
"Make those moves now you make those investments now."
"This person is going to take action... your dreams are achievable."
"You actually have to take the steps to create your own reality."
"Acting on intuition, taking action accordingly."
"When the inspiration comes, note it down, pay attention to it, and take even the smallest step."
"The mission isn't something that's going to hand in your laugh... you have to take the steps along the way."
"You're full of ideas, very creative ideas, and you're taking action on those."
"Financial freedom starts with cutting excuses."
"Start by doing research, pray, and take the first step towards your goals."
"Have that conversation, book that appointment, and release whatever it is that's causing that feeling of being tethered."
"How about we take some actual steps in changing the system so that this kind of behavior is a little more difficult to pull off in the future?"
"If you take your first step today, you'll be way ahead of the people who are still thinking about starting."
"Just start, you know, just start figure out what the direction is and just take one step that one step will lead you to another step it'll lead you to another step and inevitably you'll get to where you want."
"Being prepared and getting yourself prepared is the first step."
"Start with this plan to change, even if you're doing the first... make out an idea on how to do it and then you'll get there sooner than just going."
"You have dreams, things that you want to manifest here on earth you can have those things the eight of hearts just says we have to take those first steps here."
"Are you livid? Are you seeing what's happening and you're just beyond angry? Then shut up. And I mean that in the nicest, kindest way. Shut up and take deliberate intentional actions."
"Once you start taking the steps, you will be successful."
"So, if you want to set up your own business, for example, you know, set up an email address with your business name on it. Something really simple that signifies to the universe, 'I mean business, I'm taking action. It could be small.'"
"Focus on improving your money. Start to make moves right now, don't hesitate."
"Trust your intuition, take the necessary actions."
"This is like the energy of... you're actually going to be able to plant seeds and take steps and see them things forming."
"Create the Visions you desire, take action in the plans that lead to fulfillment."
"Make that small decision a little bit today for that more beautiful tomorrow in the future."
"Friends, I hope you're taking steps because the world is devolving."
"Be proactive if you're unhappy, create a plan to create more happiness in your life."
"The steps you take today are to prepare for tomorrow."
"It's time to take action, especially when it comes to this Divine partnership."
"Work in a new direction to meet your future spouse."
"Pain is [ __ ] temporary and it's easier said than done but you got to take everybody has to take proactive steps in order to being healed."
"If you start thinking, 'Oh, I have to do it tomorrow,' whereas if you start doing even small steps today, you'll find the transformation and change possible."
"Breaking the wheel is about taking positive steps to do the important and meaningful work that you know is inside you."
"People started the processes of making this change once and for all."
"Do your research, take this next step of actually working out how to make it secure."
"If it's sending you the signals that something's wrong, listen and then take some steps to help yourself."
"Your chain of action is basically the series of actions you need to take to make your goal happen."
"The steps he's taking are proactively making this country and our people safer."
"We want to empower you to take control of your health one step at a time."
"Take inspired action towards the things that you want."
"We know what to do, we know how to do it, and now it's up to us to take action."
"If you want to start a family but just can't do it now, look into freezing your eggs."
"I took steps to destroy it before it sapped me, crushed me, left me victim."
"You can always make moves to get better."
"The anxiety is coming to an end; it's time to do something about it."
"Take the action, cook the food, weigh it out, and you're gonna see results, I guarantee you."
"I do A, B, C, and D to give myself a reasonable sense of security."
"I'm taking ownership of my life and I'm doing the next step."
"I need black women to begin to take the steps to make everything about your health."
"Somebody here wants a stable new beginning, and they're taking steps to make that happen now."
"You're going to start taking measurable actions towards it, openly manifesting it."
"Take action for your passions, for what you want, what you want to manifest."
"Once you are able to action that step, that's when love comes on in."
"Take action towards your destiny."
"Stay positive. Thank you for helping me be optimistic and take the appropriate action steps that support my health."
"If you train your mind and if you start taking action, training your mind is the key piece."