
Scientific Fact Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Tell them it's not a theory, it's a fact. It's as much a fact as the fact that the Earth orbits the Sun."
"Wearing masks saves lives, period. That's scientific fact."
"Evolution doesn't have a goal; we are what happened."
"Thorium 232 has a half-life of about 14 billion years… so, don’t hope for the lenses to be less hazardous any time soon, but that also means that you don’t have to worry about radioactive decay influencing the integrity of the element……"
"He's denying scientific fact... denying that trans men exist." - Sajid Javid
"We're essentially the same mass as the Earth."
"The Earth is round. It's almost not a perfect circle but it's like a sphere, not a teardrop."
"The sun produces about 420 million billion watts of power every second."
"Now fusion fuel is stupid cheap, it is the most abundant stuff in the Universe."
"It's just so obvious that the world is round."
"First living cells emerged 4 billion to 3.8 billion years ago."
"Light has this amazing ability to dispel darkness, and that's not just a metaphor, it's a scientific fact."
"The virus is so tiny that it can only be viewed through an electron microscope. It's about 80 to 120 nanometers in diameter, about one thousandth the width of an eyelash."
"Evolution is a fact, a thing that happens and can be shown to happen in lots of ways."
"You will never find a Megalodon tooth on the same layer as a human bone."
"Evolution doesn't have gurus. Alleles change frequency in populations over generations. Fact."
"All viruses continue to mutate all the time."
"We believe that water is two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen."
"The planets are ridiculously stable and will continue to be so."
"Viruses don't care. Viruses don't have minds."
"More than 90% of the mass of trees comes directly out of the air."
"Every time we add a proton, we get a new element."
"Evolution is an established scientific fact."
"The pH plus the pOH always adds up to 14 at 25 degrees Celsius."
"Genetically we're only four percent different from chimps."
"Africa is splitting apart. Did you know that the African continent is slowly splitting apart and a new ocean is forming? It's true."
"Both fusion and fission release approximately a million times more energy per unit mass than chemical reactions."
"A sonic boom occurs when an object travels faster than the speed of sound."
"The total area of membrane inside a typical human body is about 200 acres."
"We are all descended from one remote ancestor which lived probably between three and four thousand million years ago and we are therefore all cousins."
"Lightning is also hotter than the surface of the Sun."
"Water boils at 100 degrees C at one atmosphere like the air you're breathing now."
"No weapon is faster than a laser's beam of light traveling at 186,000 miles per second."
"Light races across the universe at 186,000 miles per second."
"Evolution is a fact. Biodiversity and complexity do increase, and both occur naturally only by evolutionary means."
"Best example... the Earth being round versus flat."
"99% of the mass of an atom is to be found in its nucleus."
"Evolution is the fact of life and it's why you and I are here."
"The heart is the number one module of communication through emotions."
"Dinosaurs are more closely related to birds than lizards."
"Stars live billions of years but haven't cracked immortality, so they eventually die."
"The moon: an 81 million billion ton lump of rock and dust more than 2,100 miles in diameter."
"Our sun is insanely massive - 99.86% of all the mass in the solar system is in the mass of the sun."
"We think there'd be something like a million particles of dark matter in this room with us right now."
"We just crossed the galactic plane about two million years ago."
"If someone managed to uncoil all the DNA in the human body, it would stretch out to around 10 billion miles."
"Phi is a fundamental building block in nature."
"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Don't forget that. The mitochondria is the powerhouse."
"Energy can't be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed."
"So molecules can exist independently, absolutely right!"
"The speed of light is the speed of light. That light ray moves with the speed of light."
"Hydrogen, because it's the lightest gas, diffuses faster than any other gas."
"Age is an actual thing that measures how many times the Earth has gone around the Sun."
"Your body radiates at the same level as a 100-watt light bulb."
"Matter literally is energy and matter can become energy and energy can become matter, they can switch back and forth forever but they're never destroyed."
"It's not that the earth may be older than 6,000 years old, it is older than 6,000 years. That's a fact."
"The largest animals to have ever existed in the history of life on earth."
"The solar system, today, is around four and a half billion years old."
"The idea that we only use ten percent of our brains just isn't true."
"Space is only about 100 kilometers up, Earth's a big rock with a very thin layer of atmosphere. Also, going to space is easy, staying in space is hard."
"The universe is about 13.8 billion years old."
"1 billion miles, that's the distance to the Sun times 10."
"The most common ingredients in the universe is what life is made of."
"Truth is, scientifically, you are what you absorb."
"RNA is really unstable. You only have minutes, not even days, of stability at room temperature."
"The earth is round and it revolves around the Sun."
"Dry ice expands 845 times going from solid to a gas."
"The most happiness-inducing things are doing something for another person, it's a naked scientific fact."
"In its youth, the Earth's temperature was over 2000 degrees Celsius or more than 3630 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Scientific fact here: puppies are the greatest thing to ever happen to this world."
"So, if you didn't know, in the future, in the far future, we've actually worked out that the moon and the Earth should collide."
"The Big Bang really actually did happen."
"The Earth was round or flat was that debate was over when I was a kid."
"Our sun is way too small to ever explode."
"It's a fact, and we can argue about it, but it's not up to us to argue about. You just ask the scientists, and they'll tell you it's a fact."
"Well, scientifically speaking, there's no way a bison could actually fly."
"Electrons move through graphene as if they have no mass."
"All humans deal with bouts of sadness and chemical imbalances; it's just scientifically true."
"Evolution is a fact and the theory of evolution by means of natural selection is the model that describes that fact to the best of our ability."
"It has been scientifically proven that 85% of speech-related stress can be alleviated."
"The universe is actually expanding."
"The age of the universe is 14.4 billion years."
"A genuine scientific estimate of the number of cells in the human body has come up with 37.2 trillion cells."
"If you've denatured a protein, it cannot be undone; you can't uncook an egg."
"No life can actually exist at Absolute Zero temperature."
"All of the positive charge and most of the mass of the gold atom are concentrated in a small volume that is known as the nucleus."
"Light is the fastest thing in the universe, traveling at a speed of roughly 300 million meters a second in a vacuum."
"The correct refractive index for water at most average temperatures is 1.33."
"Boltzmann's constant... is equal to 1.38 times 10 to the minus 23 joules over Kelvin."
"The sphericity of the Earth has been an established fact of science for longer than it would have been feasible as a means for financial gain."
"Remember this: Strong acids and strong bases react completely and completely disassociate."
"A virus was never alive to begin with, so you can't kill it."