
Governmental Responsibility Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"I want to assure you that as a government, we're committed to protecting the health and safety of all Canadians and the effort includes the impressive and innovative power of Canadian businesses."
"It's the job of leaders in our government to fix those problems, to find them and to fix them."
"People are desperate to hear from the new Prime Minister and her plans to support them this winter."
"I will invest whatever it takes to keep you and everyone else in our country safe because that is the first duty of a prime minister."
"States and local governments have not only responsibility but they have incredible accountability to the people that they work for to be sure that elections are fair that they're free that there's no question about the outcome."
"Secretary Mayorkas has not done his job. He has willfully ignored immigration laws passed by Congress and allowed our Southern border to turn into utter chaos."
"I think that was something of a cold hard reality check... his primary purpose in the treasury right now is to restore economic credibility."
"Environmental preservation will be central to every decision I make. My Administration will require that every state-funded project, big or small, consider the impact it would have on the natural environment and require mitigation of those impacts."
"As we push further into the future, all your little petty beefs with each other are really starting to look stupid."
"We will do everything that is necessary to make sure that when we ask people to do something tough... that you're not disadvantaged."
"We want to make sure that this is done well and right for the American people."
"Gross National Happiness became a responsibility of the government, or a mandate of the state to create an environment where citizens can pursue happiness."
"This is where again governments have to be super careful that they understand what's actually happening."
"What the American people need especially in a moment like this is straight answers and they need to believe that their government is using the tools that we have."
"The first duty of any government is to preserve the safety of its people."
"I think the government needs to ask itself whether it is there to try and fill the pockets of a donor and a company that doesn't have a great track record or whether it's there to ensure that people who need help get it."
"We need to now do the work of government, work together to take the difficult decisions, implement the necessary reforms so we can move forward."
"The Attorney General works for the American people, and the special counsel is just one more step removed from someone who was appointed by the sitting president to, in this case, investigate a prior sitting president."
"It's costing them millions and millions of dollars... the Pentagon should pay for this."
"This virus may be on its way and you have a duty to your citizens and to the world to be ready."
"Responsibility, my first responsibility in this country is to secure life and property."
"If you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way. I'm not going to let you get away with it."
"We can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state. And I can tell you Florida, we're a free state."
"Children should be at the front of the line when it comes to protection from the government."
"Our responsibility is to fully oversee the facts, report the facts, and legislate in a way that protects the country going forward."
"Recognizing the duty of the federal government to create a green new deal."
"You ought to get on the job and take care of the needs of the American people. What did you do and say? 'Do your time.'"
"The hospital's need help you see what they've gone through and the states need help some states in particular need help they need big help I'm willing to look at that very strongly but I like looking at it and phase four"
"We're going to stay here as long as it takes to get everybody out that needs to get out, period."
"Now the priority is this government should start right away by fixing the fiscal problems to secure the money of the people."
"How often do you need to be reminded that the government are meant to work for you?"
"National security is the most important thing a government can deliver, and we will never fall short."
"A president and anyone who's a part of our government should be of service to its people."
"Every American, no matter your background, is entitled to a government that puts your needs and your families first."
"The first job of a government is to keep their borders safe."
"Does the Prime Minister agree that our national security must be protected and our food, energy, cyber, and National infrastructure must be secure both now and in the future from hostile governments?"
"Canada went into this crisis with a far better fiscal position than just about any other G7 country."
"We had a duty, as a government, and we made the choice of helping them."
"Large majorities of the public believe that the government should actually be doing more to tackle climate change not less."
"We shouldn't have to wait for a crisis in order to ensure that we have a reliable and accountable vote."
"This government is trying to do right by the majority of the people."
"Government's job is to take care of its people. That's the only job government has."
"I just hope Congress resolves this because it's you know yes super important."
"It's the obligation of any country to uphold its border."
"I want my country to be ahead of the game. I want us to not be funding things on an emergency basis all the time."
"As a government, as a society, we have a responsibility to act to prevent more tragedies."
"We need to sort out the borders thing because it's what we inherited."
"We need agencies we can trust to do the prosecutions and investigations."
"What Britain needs is its leaders and Parliament to step up to the plate."
"What's important moving forward is that governments remember what happened at this pandemic."
"The Department of State claimed that they had it in hand which meant that they were supposedly taking actions which they were not."
"The government has a duty and a right and a job to make sure that the economy functions in a way that promotes the well-being of the people, not the enrichment of a few."
"What is the point of a state existing if they're not going to literally feed children who are undernourished?"
"Government should be protecting people and the real economy from predatory finance."
"The government needs to be responsible and to get markets calmer and more under control."
"Reparation is the federal government repairing the damage they have done to Black Americans."
"Government stops showing up for us in a real way, not only is it potholes. What happens when you call 9-1-1 and nobody shows up?"
"The country should function for the benefit of the people."
"The trustees that hold office take solemn oath."
"My government is responsible. My government brought these two young men to such a level of despair that they would take their own lives and take the lives of other innocent people."
"If the executive branch has the discretion to decide which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore, then what's the point of having laws in the first place?"
"You deserve a government who will not stop until all Americans are out of Afghanistan."
"How can any responsible government or military possibly think they're going to be able to describe this to the public?"
"Hey YouTube, commission won't assist in dealing with the thunderstorm. The consequences could be catastrophic."
"You're going to Bumble your way into a default and I don't want that for the American public."
"The American people deserve a government that's working for them."
"We know that one of the most important things the federal government can do to help Canadians today is to be mindful of our responsibility not to pour fuel on the fire of inflation."
"I want to keep the government open. I want to do the job."
"No veteran should ever will ever die waiting in line for health care in this country ever again."
"The alternative to us going back to how things were before is we have a government that takes the responsibility to bring about an economy that actually works for ordinary people."
"Governments need to address this by imposing new regulation and improving food education."
"Will the Prime Minister finally show he has even a modicum of compassion for Canadians?"
"Life is hard enough with all of the illness and accident and heartbreak for government to be compounding the misfortunes of life with the injustice of denying people access to health care when they get sick."
"If they do stop this, then there is no attack, we figure out who did it, we get an investigation, and we say okay, here are the people who did it. I can respect that."
"The government needs to do something to take care of the people, not just the large companies."
"It's the job of both governments, Dublin and London, to act scrupulously in good faith to allow the Irish people to form and decide that future together, peacefully, democratically, and in an orderly fashion."
"At a time when citizens are struggling to make ends meet, can the minister just make sure his staff solves the problem once and for all?"
"Canadians are struggling right now but the real difference between us and the conservatives Mr Speaker is that our government will not abandon people in need."
"Enough is enough. Canadians have sacrificed a lot, but the federal government has to stop asking Canadians to sacrifice normal life."
"We're going to do everything in our power to get all Americans out and our allies out."
"They just don't want their budgets to fail on their watch."
"It's shameful that our government hasn't taken responsibility."
"From its inception with our founding fathers, it seems like governmental agencies have either ignored completely or passed off to others the care of the severely mentally ill."
"We expect from the Israeli government to take this deal to save all the remaining hostages who are still alive."
"The most important tasks of the democratic government are to ensure the basic rights of the people so that no one is left hungry and no one dies of hunger."
"It's important for everybody in the U.S. government who's entrusted with access to classified information to uphold their oath to protect it."
"The government should take responsibility to the people, for the people."
"I take and took very seriously the duty that was on the shoulders of me as First Minister and of the Scottish government collectively."