
Government Influence Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"We are longtime journalists, lifelong learners, and we cover the stories the mainstream media either spins exactly as the government asks them to or they ignore."
"Hollywood and the US military got far more subtle and effective with their propaganda, and today, the government's influence over films is even greater than it was back then."
"The Communist Party of China's involvement, influence, and control over the commercial sector means that Chinese companies are beholden to the party state and can be compelled to sacrifice corporate interests for government favor."
"President Eisenhower's last speech...he warned about the increasing cooperation between military facilities and arms manufacturing companies and how much these are influencing our government."
"The collusion between big tech and government and an apparent concerted effort by legacy media, and now the state and big tech, to silence independent media voices."
"We're really concerned that a government statement is going to now kind of subvert the ability of a parent to have a shot at kind of making their case."
"The founders certainly understood the power of a corporation that was in bed with the government."
"It's a fascist system now because governments have been directing the FBI and other government agencies working with the social medias to punish them."
"Twitter has a form of a propaganda arm of the United States government because it's willingness to de-platform accounts."
"If you see the letter CGTN, know that it's [ __ ] it absolutely is from the Chinese government."
"No one would think it's the best result to have something in Washington DC dictate whether you or a member of your family must be vaccinated."
"Because there's only one industry for beliefs other than religion and that's government. I mean how exciting is it how influential how powerful can it be to make decisions that can move worlds move the nation change people's lives."
"The quality of your life is determined by the condition of your heart."
"Society is going to destabilize... because of big government coming to replace what the society used to have."
"Finance is very important. If you do not have custodianship over your own money and you have to jump through legal hoops to do things, that is a way for the government to control you."
"We need to build unions in this country because it's one of the key ways that we can counterbalance the domination of our government by corporate power."
"Each of those accomplishments can be tied either directly to new policies or at least indirectly through a brimming sense of hope from businesses that the White House is back on their side."
"Disunity predated Trump; he's a symptom as well as a cause."
"And that's what they want. So, you know, you can kind of piece it together as to why they are so insistent in spending so many hundreds of millions of dollars of propaganda money to dumb down society."
"Let's make decisions in our own best interest, free of some government restriction or mandate."
"Those unelected people part of the biopharmaceutical complex."
"They got the government and they got the media so and 100 billion dollars people don't realize how much money that is."
"No American should be forced to choose between the dictates of the federal government and the tenets of their faith."
"I think it's a little bit of that cultural mindset over there, yeah, not saying that every person believes that but that's like kind of how the government pajama Institute half-second this China goes back very far into history, last a few years."
"The US government, the best propagandist in the world, knows how to control narratives."
"Corporate America has captured our government."
"Unless the monetary supply is unhooked from governments, there will not be any type of true freedom for people."
"The question is whether speech that goes to the very heart of government should be limited to certain preferred corporations, namely media corporations."
"Governments are no longer the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage." - Klaus Schwab
"The unelected branch of government that now sets policy for the country has been installed as a result of presidents who have lost the majority vote in this country over the last 20 years."
"World governments creating sub-optimal circumstances for deals."
"Fascism is going to bring government into it, corporatism could be like John Rockefeller owns every road."
"The administrative state has been a fact of our lives and our government."
"The government can't control the phenomenon. They can only control the narrative."
"The American government works at the behest of corporations."
"I think that's a big question: Why do Facebook and Twitter feel they need to be subservient to the FBI's request, especially during the election?"
"Christian nationalism is infecting our government."
"Elon Musk's empire would not exist without literally billions of dollars in government subsidies over multiple administrations."
"The more the government comes in, it crowds out communities, churches, localities, and traditional norms."
"Big tech censorship is government censorship when the White House gives issues lists of names for big tech corporations to censor."
"The federal government shaped the rules of online discussion in unprecedented and unnerving ways during the pandemic."
"A lot of people during this time even argued that even though the fed was independent this was a time where you really got to see the fed used by the government to kind of accomplish their purpose more explicitly than non-explicitly."
"The state dictates your future and dictates your agenda and shapes your mindset."
"How long will we believe the market only matters if the feds buy stocks?"
"So the deep state was starting to control this country before World War two okay of course Federal Reserve in 1913."
"We have the First Amendment to prevent the government from creating a hegemonic opinion that no one can challenge."
"Think about it if you're willing to take a ride for four to five years and capitalize on these things that the government's saying over there and put your money out there and let it sit for four to five years these are the stocks to consider."
"The last thing the federal government should be doing is discouraging that through this kind of tax system."
"God cares about you so much he will not abandon you regardless of what the government does."
"They will not bite the hand that feeds them - and that is the hand of our secret government."
"So, the path that Bernie would take towards removing lobbying from the government I would consider those steps to be overwhelmingly positive."
"Cryptocurrency is rearing up to become more powerful than what governments could control."
"Part of the reason there was so much fear was because the government put the fear in people."
"The government wants to socially engineer the population out of wanting to drive."
"The BBC is always operating in this kind of gray area, being a government broadcaster or a state broadcaster and a genuinely independent media organization."
"Governments in the major auto markets are all pushing car companies to sell more EVs."
"Gary Gensler may get his way, and that may have been worked out a long time ago in back channels in meetings with the White House."
"They're going to have this referral power so that other branches of government... can go after groups like pro-life pregnancy centers."
"Foreign policy really matters they have power over this day one get serious."
"President has really put the fire under the private sector."
"Money, especially in the form of coinage, also made chattel slavery, possibly."
"Tick Tock will remain a place for free expression and will not be manipulated by any government."
"Sinicization of Christianity is part of Xi Jinping's Chinese Dream, whose purpose is to convert Christianity into a communist and socialist version, an instrument of the CCP, which will ultimately be destroyed in China."
"We are changing Washington. Never forget that."
"What the US government has repeatedly done when it comes to Facebook and Google and every other platform."
"Nobody is safe. There's a possibility that your favorite social media personalities have been reached out to by the government to further their political aims."
"I want to use government to make these entities at the very least where they're afraid of being drowned in the bathtub."
"I think if it keeps going the way I'm going and Ratcliffe is fantastic, if it keeps going the way it's going, I have a chance to break the deep state."
"If This Were Russia or China we would automatically Define these companies as extensions of the government right..."
"The control the government had on social media was such a godsend for the Democrats and they wanted to keep it going."
"One of the more common theories about the agency is that they're puppet masters of the world."
"Disco is so uplifting and the only reason why y'all hate it now is because the government made you think it was bad."
"Media, MTV, colorful, he describes them as having PR people, speech writers, basically this is a government-sponsored superhero team."
"It's never a good idea to have corporations monopolizing basic infrastructure and services, and also gaining so much capital that they can basically push the federal government in any direction they want to."
"Inflation is not set by the government; it's influenced by the government."
"Tick Tock will remain a platform for free expression and will not be manipulated by any government."
"Nobody is born racist; it's a vicious cycle of lies and misinformation often perpetuated by governments."