
Postpartum Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"Everyone's eyes are on the baby. It's easy for moms to get overlooked. The emotional needs after birth are so great, it feels like the world is ending."
"Thyroid dysfunction can occur after pregnancy due to immune dysfunction and hormonal imbalances."
"Every woman's body is beautiful, and every woman should be celebrated for however her body looks, especially after having a baby."
"There should be no pressure on women to lose the baby weight after they give birth. The focus should be on the baby and on their own mental health."
"He helped me bounce back from just my postpartum... my support system."
"When your body, you know, all the hormones that you have when you're pregnant, and then when you have your baby it kind of like all those hormones just drop."
"Women not being supported after giving birth is a big issue."
"Take the first month to solely rely on your support system and focus on establishing your milk supply."
"You are not a failure if you give birth and you want to abstain from sex for over a month."
"Postpartum depression is after you give birth."
"I learned a lot about postpartum depression, but I also feel like I learned a lot about myself."
"I am gonna make a video like this for my postpartum favorites, my baby favorites, and my gluten-free food favorites."
"I really recommend that postpartum, I feel like it made a huge difference."
"Postpartum is so weird, you kind of never feel more wrecked or like a disaster, but also totally feel like a warrior who just gave birth to this tiny perfect human."
"I didn't want to share it but now at 5 months postpartum it's something that I've come to terms with."
"I want to bring some of my own items of postpartum stuff."
"I'd like to put a little bit of makeup on before heading home, just because we take pictures. I usually have family here, and then I just feel a little bit more like myself leaving the hospital too."
"Postpartum: this is what we call a transient hypothyroidism. It is not chronic."
"The thing about Skims that I really like is that especially going through my postpartum body changes... everything is just really flattering and like just makes you feel really good."
"Postpartum with mellow went by really really fast"
"I'm all for if you can this is what I always say about getting somebody for like a baby shower present like loads of people would get you like a nice manicure or something like that get someone a mummy mot for after you've had a baby to get like your body checked out."
"I've been struggling a bit with postpartum fashion."
"I finally feel at a point like almost two years postpartum where I feel really comfortable in my body and really confident in my body and I feel like that has shifted what I want to wear slightly."
"I was really kind of low after we had him. And it's not talked about enough, there's not enough help, there's not enough support."
"I saw a video I wanted to stitch... fellow mums like when do you start feeling yourself style wise again after a baby?"
"Resting after you have a baby is important for your health long term."
"Drinking enough water after you have your babies is really important."
"Creating a plan for postpartum is so important."
"It's not about for me losing weight or like building muscle although those things I would like to work on but the most important thing which I've learned since having the babies is that how good it makes me feel like mentally well."
"So today is day two of my postpartum weight loss journey, and let me tell you, it's gonna be a journey."
"Being heard and being validated, there's nothing I needed more, especially postpartum."
"I am going to be taking all the help that I can get and I'm gonna be laying in my bed with my baby for as long as humanly possible."
"We typically take a break in the end of December while Adam is off work and that just so happens to line up nicely with the time that I will be postpartum with my baby."
"It's true, losing the weight and focusing on your baby, I heard a great one they said it takes nine months to put that weight on and that you should give your body nine months to take it off."
"I genuinely felt like I was sexier and stronger after having a baby."
"The fourth trimester, which is the first three months after birth, is when mothers need as much nurturing and protection as they need to give their babies."
"There's no rush to look perfect; we can enjoy our babies and let our bodies recover as they were meant to do on their own."
"Neutral Postpartum Supplement... has been shown to improve hair growth and decrease hair shedding."
"It's hard, there are so many variables and just misinformation about what is normal in those early postpartum days."
"Support is critical, whether it is family, friends, or hired help. Extra hands around the house are crucial to getting the new mother the rest she needs and ensuring a smooth transition into motherhood."
"The postpartum period has been significantly better."
"I think there needs to be more research on this our needs our wants and what we're experiencing especially after birth."
"This being my sixth birth my sixth postpartum my sixth newborn I really want to try to make sure to take care of myself."
"Taking care of yourself after you've given birth should be high on your priority list."
"Black is the best for that, obviously you've just given birth and you have like a pretty heavy significant period."
"If it can help with postpartum, then it's a game changer for me."
"Postpartum, if you go through what you go through in childbirth outside of that, it would be equivalent to a car accident."
"Absolutely game-changer postpartum lifechanging."
"This is perfect I'm about five going at six months postpartum it's like my favorite Core workout I've Done Yet right."
"As a woman, after having a baby, to me, it wasn't even so much like, 'Oh, I want to go back to being skinny' or whatever, like, I just want you to feel good."
"Instead of postpartum depression, I have postpartum elation and I really think it's like hormonal more than anything."
"Something truly magical that happens after you give birth is your hips like sit differently."
"You know your body best so I started doing these around two weeks postpartum, I'm currently eight weeks postpartum."
"the people that you think look amazing after giving birth they probably feel so self-conscious about themselves it's sadly very true"
"I'm almost 10 weeks postpartum, back to work, back to filming, back to social media, and so excited to be."
"Let me know if you enjoy these videos. I may possibly be doing one or two more of these while I'm still pregnant and then definitely again postpartum."
"I haven't spoken about this much but I Got My Placenta turned into pills which you then take for as long as until it runs out."
"A lot of people, it's not just me, get harassed and postpartum harassment is real."
"Overtraining is a spectrum. Just because you used to work out a certain way before you had the baby, doesn't mean you can jump right back into it."
"The biggest advice if you're going through like a tough time with postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, like just having ugly feelings in your postpartum period, I think what we're getting from this is like find another mom,"
"Your relationship changes so much because when you're postpartum after you have a baby, you're never going to be the same person."
"One in four women experience a pelvic floor disorder after having a baby."
"If you've just had a baby, it's also important to get your thyroid screened. Postpartum thyroiditis impacts one in 12 women worldwide."
"I think one of the main reasons for that is after two C-sections and two births, I felt like my body had a lot of healing to do. And that has nothing to do with body image. That was like, I just didn't feel strong. I feel like I needed to rehab my core."
"I can tell you 100,000% she's been totally different since she had her baby and she's never gotten any help for it."
"In terms of anxiety and postpartum, I would say that I'm kind of all over the place still right now."
"I'm doing the challenge right alongside everyone else because I'm post baby."
"Postpartum can be really hard for some people."
"My heart goes out to everyone who has to deal with depression or anxiety, particularly though the postpartum. It's hard for the entire family."
"Even if you just gave birth, you still look great, you're still awesome, you're a superhero."
"This year, now, today. 3 weeks postpartum. I'm going to do it regardless of the fact that I don't feel like I have everything I need for this channel."
"So guys, I'm starting this Vlog today. Today is Sunday... I am about 3 weeks postpartum and I'm feeling a little bit like myself honestly."
"I did lose uh 21 pounds so far so one more week to go before we hit the one month postpartum mark and little Ava will be one month old and I can't wait."
"Postpartum hair loss is around the corner. It doesn't happen right away. It tricks you."
"These drops are supposed to help with postpartum cramps."
"It's a complete travesty that postpartum physical therapy is not standard."
"I want to do this right, I want to repair and get back into shape after having a baby."
"Let's talk about mum. After having a newborn, mum enters a period called postpartum. The postpartum period."
"Postpartum is real, postpartum is tough."
"Whether you had your baby weeks ago like I did, or even years ago, it doesn't matter."
"I mean, have you seen any celebrity get fat after having a baby? No, they hire trainers, get a dietician, and they get back into shape."
"I'll explain to the ward nurses to make sure they can visit. Right now, you need to rest your exhausted body after giving birth. It's important for the baby too, right?"
"Try to start pelvic floor exercises as soon as possible after you give birth to your baby."
"The goal of routine postpartum management is to ensure the well-being of the mother and baby."
"A good well woman physical exam is good to do postpartum."
"I just love that postpartum time."
"Postpartum is probably the hardest era of my life for so many reasons."
"Postpartum is the biggest hormonal change at one time that anybody can go through in life."
"I'm struggling with postpartum depression, my body is wrecked, I'm sleep-deprived, and have already been feeling worthless."
"If you do experience postpartum depression, make sure you get the support you need."
"Self-care is by far the most important thing that you need to be doing postpartum."
"It was a labor of love on behalf of my husband when I was postpartum."
"There are so many ways that we can serve and love on our new mama friends in a way that will truly make postpartum such an enjoyable time for them."
"Feeling really cute today. These dresses are like perfect for postpartum bodies."
"You just have to learn to feel confident in your new body because we don't have the same body that we did before pregnancy."
"Everyone's body is different, everybody's journey is different, you guys know I just like to keep it real and honest, and this is what I look like, this is how postpartum is, this is what I've been experiencing."
"Please be kind to yourself in this postpartum period."
"I am one month postpartum. I just had a little baby girl, her name is Chloe."
"This is really the key to getting that flat tummy that we always talk about, but more than that, getting our core function, getting strength and function back after having babies."
"It's okay if it takes you weeks, it's okay if it takes you months. You know yourself, you know your body, and you need to be taking care of yourself after you have a baby."
"Drink that water like it's going out of style. Your body needs water, especially when you're postpartum."
"So this workout is great for anybody in the postpartum period."
"Postpartum depression was not really understood or effectively treated."
"I feel like a lot of men have no consideration for the postpartum stage of women's lives when they are a new mother."
"Postpartum fever is technically defined as a temperature greater than 101.6 degrees in the first 24 hours, or greater than 100.4 degrees on any two of the first ten days postpartum."
"The most common cause of postpartum fever is endometritis."
"We have the seven W's of maternal fever or postpartum fever."
"When you have a woman who comes in with a fever and she's given birth recently, you want to first ascertain the history."
"Endometritis is an ascending polymicrobial infection of the uterine lining."
"Postpartum depression and depression in and around birth is a very common thing, much more common than people talk about."
"Now that I am postpartum, I have goals of my own."
"Why does no one talk enough about the fact of how much hair you lose postpartum?"
"I want this vlog to be a very honest and open conversation about project comeback postpartum."
"We're excited to share just postpartum recovery how we're handling things emotionally how our kids are doing."
"I have not had any symptoms of postpartum depression. I cannot believe it."
"I'm determined. After I've had the baby, I've set myself a target of a year to get down to that twelfth stone, and I will do it."
"I'm six weeks postpartum today, and Adeline is six weeks old."
"I've lost twenty-three point five pounds total since I had her, so that's great. I'm on track."
"It's so normal to feel weepy, to feel like you're on an emotional roller coaster."
"I'm doing well physically and mentally after birth."
"There's a direct correlation between a mother's subjective birth experience and the way that she views herself and her baby during that initial postpartum period."
"I've been enjoying every second, I've been loving every second of the newborn and postpartum phase."
"I feel like after every baby you always have to fall in love with your body again and accept the new body."
"A faster return to pre-pregnancy figure... your body produces a hormone called oxytocin."
"It's so unrealistic for somebody to think that I should look a certain way when I just had a baby."
"People glorify the body that carries the baby and nurtures the baby, but when you give birth and it doesn't go back to normal, then they shame you for it."
"She's back as good as she ever was, and she's six months postpartum."
"I've just had four babies; that should be the happiest I've ever been in my life, but I'm not."
"I really didn't even realize that I was probably experiencing postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety."
"I've been grappling with low self-esteem and body image concerns ever since I gave birth last year."
"Postpartum life is physically and mentally challenging."
"It's funny because people say you get the baby blues directly after baby's born, but obviously everyone's a bit different."
"Postpartum hair loss is quite normal but it can be very scary."
"I have recently lost a lot of weight and I kind of transformed my body in a really short space of time after having my third baby."
"By the third, I had visiting hours. I'm like, you can come from one to three. That's smart. You learn."
"I'm perfectly happy with the way I look after having my baby."
"The average American mother goes back to work 5 weeks postpartum."
"What is not standard practice, what needs to be standard practice is physical therapy postpartum."
"The fourth trimester is a very important part of pregnancy that nobody really talks about."
"Strengthen your core and flatten your stomach regardless of how long it's been since you had your baby."
"I noticed that I was going through postpartum depression."
"This is one of the most crucial exercises that you have to be doing after having a child."
"Postpartum fitness is definitely one of my specialties."
"It's probably the best thing I've done in my postpartum recovery."
"Pregnancy and birth is such a long journey, so I think your postpartum fitness or return to fitness and working out should also be slow and gentle."
"This is a great first workout after pregnancy. I felt the burn and I am more than a year past my second baby."
"Postpartum is no joke, and it's a lot of women out here who deals with this, and it goes on for a lengthy time sometimes."
"I'll let you guys know once I give birth, then I'll give you guys the tea on what you should actually bring."
"Postpartum is actually up to three years in some countries."
"I love putting those on after having the baby, and I felt kind of like sucked in but not at all in an uncomfortable way."
"I feel like if men didn't have to go back to work so soon, women would have a better time with postpartum."
"I love this stuff. I started craving it in my pregnancy and I still like eating it now postpartum."
"It's a very common thing, postpartum anxiety, postpartum depression, and it's important to talk about and to do something about it."
"I am still dealing with all of the postpartum emotions... but I just want you to know that that's completely normal."
"My body changes every time I give birth, but I think it's accepting that change slowly and getting back to a new you."
"This band is everything, especially coming from someone who recently had a baby; it sucks you in."
"What makes my 12-week post-pregnancy plan different is that it is 100% designed for diastasis recti."
"I'm so glad that I went through my postpartum being with Rudy."
"Resuming regular activity also helps women struggling from postpartum depression."
"It's just such a precious time, these postpartum weeks."
"Congratulations to both of you, and if you don't mind us saying, you do not look like somebody who gave birth to a baby a week ago."
"If you're struggling with postpartum, you're not alone."
"It's okay to be emotional, especially in those first few months. Those postpartum hormones are crazy."
"It makes your tummy go back so much faster."
"Pelvic floor exercises... are so important especially for pregnancy and postpartum."
"You look like you never had a baby; you look exactly the way you were when I first met you."
"One thing that I learned from my last postpartum was to find little moments of self-care."
"Partum depression is such a real thing for new moms."
"Seriously, people do not talk about what you go through after having a baby."
"I've lost 40 pounds since I've given birth, right at 40 pounds pretty much exactly."
"I have been living in Barefoot Dreams, especially right now during postpartum with my three-week-old baby girl."