
Time Constraints Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Our current healthcare system doesn't allow us to spend enough time to dive deep into this conversation."
"We only had three weeks to choose our prom date, and even more daunting, we had three weeks to woo them and conquer their heart."
"We made our case in the time that was available to us."
"I could talk about that forever, and I just don't have the time."
"Eventually there's a time limit on everything."
"Having limited time is exactly what we see in every piece of zombie fiction."
"I feel like if I start with that I should really fully explain and I don't think I have time for that right now to do it justice."
"We don't have the luxury of decades to make a mistake and then fix everything."
"There's no shortage of ideas. Every game developer in the world has like a hundred ideas that wish they could do and they never have time for."
"There's no way we all have been able to create these string parts even if that's all we did within 90 minutes."
"We're going to get them all out. Or until the clock runs out."
"He's going to save the universe, the galaxy here in under 30 minutes."
"It's going to be night soon. We are not supposed to stay here after nightfall."
"All you can really do in six minutes is give them hope."
"Women have a finite amount of time to find the best guy."
"I realized now I really don't like meet and greets because there's always like a time limit and I feel, oh yeah, I hate the whole life yeah."
"I'm sorry, we ran out of time, but we will do part two."
"Bethesda decided to only give Obsidian 18 months to make Fallout New Vegas."
"The partners weren't given very much time by Nvidia is the real takeaway here and it sounds like they didn't have enough time to put the cards together."
"I could have started this timeline with Ralphie from A Christmas Story showing up in Iron Man but who has that time anyway."
"It's kind of like that feeling when you're at an ice cream buffet and then are told the buffet is gonna close in five minutes."
"Obsidian wasn't given a lot of time... impressive how much they were able to do."
"Is that true? I would—I don't have time to lie."
"What I want to do is maybe take that information and then make it accessible for the people that don't have the time to be paying attention to this all day."
"But here's the deal guys, check holders only have 12 months to deposit or cash their stimulus check payments after that time the checks actually become voided."
"I feel like a little kid honestly, but I'm okay, you know what, no, we can't. If we don't even have time to talk, we have so much to get into."
"I have so many more ideas... there's so many things that I want to do that I just haven't had time."
"Our version of Arthur Ford not making it to the clock in time."
"Two days just isn't long enough. I mean, we didn't have time to do half the things we wanted to."
"I'm just saying, the glacial pace that any kind of government machinations move at with two weeks left, even if they all decided right now, 'Yeah, he's gotta go,' I don't think they could actually push it through."
"The days of you two being gone from one another are on borrowed time."
"Even when a JJ is 40 minutes I try to keep them under 40 for that reason..."
"There's a clock ticking... a retraction clock... very severe limits on how much you can say and how long you have to say it."
"In a bullet game, the weaknesses of your king are amplified because they're very hard to defend. It's time-consuming."
"Unfortunately, we have run out of time with still a lot of good stuff to talk about."
"If we don't get it in three years, it's a fail."
"There's a lot to juggle in a short amount of time, and I think [the show] manages to pull most of this off pretty well."
"If Antonelli is as good as they think he is but Mercedes just don't have that much time to really assess it."
"We need to get an edit put in there, I don't want 10 or 15 seconds, we haven't got time for it."
"We never really have time to really ever fully unpack any of these things."
"The timeline feels really tight, overlapping energies."
"You only have one day to work on your fashion piece, but it must be your own design."
"They unfortunately ran out of time to do so and decided to just use the first two floors instead."
"Time was limited... there wasn't going to be much of an opportunity to make up with each other."
"He's popular amongst his peer group even if he doesn't get to spend that much time with them."
"If I could just go back a couple of seconds... time and space won't let you."
"The amount of time and the amount of detail and effort that it takes to get something that looks like a polished product out within time constraints, I mean, it's just... it's someone's work."
"It's tough. I mean, that's not enough time to... you know, she's not running a big program."
"Most of the film was filmed at night so we were limited in the number of shooting hours we had that whole opening of Halloween five was shot in one take because we were running out of time."
"Nobody would have had time to explain, nobody would have had time to do that, even if look, okay, for the viewer's sake, like trying to debunk for them, right, but nobody even had time."
"It's hard to condense six months of life experience into this short video."
"We don't have hundreds and hundreds of millions of years, but we do have petabytes of processing power."
"Wow what a night huh I know you have to run you people are running you out of here."
"I'm sorry guys, you're not going to agree on this, but we're running out of time here."
"We're going to Disney next week, wait no, no, no, the week we're gonna get Chick-fil-A, we gotta hurry before it's Sunday and they're closed, Jesus Christ."
"You gotta break the routine. Tomorrow's my last day here, I got no time for romance."
"There are many advantages to Cluster sampling with the most obvious being that if you're doing face-to-face surveys for a large geographic area this makes sampling much easier in terms of time and money constraints."
"I can tell you I've been another career. I have, yeah. We don't have time for that, okay?"
"Hope you guys enjoyed this video, I really wanted to do more but like I said before y'all, I got to go to Atlanta, like the time is ticking."
"He's the one that folks wanted to see most of all, but again, uh, they, that was great exposure for the ECW brand to be, featured on WrestleMania but, uh, it's hard to get, established in six minutes."
"Social institutions don't have the luxury of time."
"You've only got 30 minutes to say goodbye."
"Well it's such a shame isn't it when we run out of time but I do hope I've been able to take away some of the fears that you may have had about cooking fish."
"The Omnitrix as Ben used to say 'timed out'."
"I can't give you anything but love, and that's all we have time for on the hot and mellow hour tonight."
"We did not have enough time and barely scratched the surface of what Idaho has to offer."
"I'm really excited to be going and 48 hours is definitely not enough."
"The dream is always to shoot a sunset or sunrise, but we can't, so we have to use the entire day."
"So much to do, so little time to do it."
"Percy," my mom said, "there's too much to explain and not enough time."
"It'll take more time to explain than you have left."
"Throughout eternity, I shall do that very thing," he told her, "but now we haven't time."
"The biggest challenge is squeezing what you have to do into the time."
"There's so many secrets, so little time."
"Too many projects, not enough time, not enough money, not enough patience, just a whole lot of ideas."