
Rationale Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"Evidence is the only reason to believe anything."
"Every single public policy should have a secular rationale to support it."
"Understanding the logic and rationale is key."
"Just make sure it's for the right reason and that you're giving a solidly scientific case based on scripture."
"People buy with emotion and then justify with logic."
"I'm for protecting black women, I'm for taking up for your wife but it also has to make sense."
"You gotta fight fire with water... even if they're irrational."
"The number one reason you should do anything is love."
"I think there is a good case to be made to take it seriously."
"He’s making a mistake, but a mistake that makes perfect sense of his character."
"If you can explain your position in a nice way and and actually cite an explanation for like why you think the way you do then I actually like reading your criticism because then it makes [ __ ] sense no he's right that's my ghost."
"Make the little decisions with your head, and the big ones with your heart."
"Why in the world would they do that? I'll tell you why."
"Emotions are the killer of good decision making."
"It's not personal, baby girl. Biological need to spread the seeds of your ancestors."
"There will always be a smart sounding reason to sell, whether it's a recession, a global conflict, interest rates going up, a currency crisis, or a youtuber telling you to buy or sell something."
"I always try to show you exactly how I've come to that conclusion."
"Faith is the reason people give when they don't have evidence."
"Evidence is the only reason anyone should ever believe anything."
"When you do something crazy, you got to make it right, make it make sense."
"There's a story behind everything, and at one point in time, a person was doing that and they thought in their brain that that was the logical thing to do."
"There's a good rationale to train body parts much more frequently."
"Your reason for obeying it is that it is the law."
"I believe my decision to quit PDP is both sentimental, objective, and psychological."
"In the stock markets, expensive is expensive for a reason, and cheap is cheap for a reason."
"The reason for this well it was Flair's Choice he didn't want to steal the spotlight from anybody else."
"I'm gonna be asking you to do a lot of things in the future that won't seem to make sense, but there will always be a reason."
"I came all the way here to experience London, am I really just gonna move kind of out of it? It doesn't really make sense for me."
"Sometimes things are the way they are for a good reason."
"We need to know why we're asking you to think about it."
"Always ask why. The 'why' any assumption became primary."
"Preferences do not happen in a vacuum. There's a reason why oftentimes why you prefer certain things."
"I personally, in the way I use them, I would pay attention to that order only if there were a particular reason."
"Panic is when you begin to feel a number of feelings that you don't want to admit. When panic strikes, rationale vanishes."
"And it's cool because it means there's actually an underlying astronomical reason for those assignments. Just like with the domiciles scheme, it means there's a rationale from it where you can derive it from actual astronomical principles."
"...you're about to make the most important decision of your life, and it's biased and it's crooked. Why? Because you allowed your infatuation to cloud your rationale, your judgments. And Allah does not want us to do that essentially."
"When it comes to kidney failure, everything that we're doing really makes sense, especially in the context of all of the research that's established."
"The state's rationale didn't rest purely on morality. It rested partly on morality and arguments about sin, but it also rested heavily on a public health argument."
"If you can't explain the reason why you're making a trade then you probably shouldn't make it."
"Thanos reveals that overpopulation led to the downfall of Titan, and he had suggested wiping out half the population to save the planet."
"Whatever you do, just understand why you're doing it."
"...the rational brain wasn't enough to motivate people to do the right thing but if you just walked up to a person goes and it said to them you should do the following because of ABCD..."
"I know I sound crazy but I can justify my decision."
"They keep asking, 'Why you didn't do Summer Madness?' I told 'em, 'Cause the fans ain't gonna have me talk about no money over there, so I said [__] it, I'm gonna come talk about some money over here."
"Apologetics is designed to give a rational account of your system of beliefs, your system of religious beliefs."
"The best argument for doing testing."
"Selecting a former GE executive just because she was an employee of GE to run a hospital corporation or a publishing company does not make sense."
"This is not backed into a corner. This is, they moved up in the first round to, this wasn't when they, when they drafted worthy, we went, huh, no, it was this 100% makes sense."
"Why would you not allow your student to use an iPad just so they can do the work I mean seriously makes no sense to me."
"Far more reasonable, more credible intellectually for me to believe in the beginning God than it is for me to believe in the beginning hydrogen."
"It makes vastly more sense, a trillion times more sense, if there is a God than if there's not."
"But again, let's look at the evidence."
"You're supposed to treat every single trade as if it were an investment. And if you don't have a full explanation on why this trade should go in one direction versus the other, then you don't have a good trade."
"We thought that this was the right way to do it and maybe we just kind of wanted to do it that way."
"it was a perfectly reasonable idea to put a rebuilt version of the same engine in because everything fits"
"I don't know why they selected to have no compensation."
"People decide with their hearts, but justify with their heads."
"New Zealand's limitation on the numbers of people they allow in each year are rooted in logical and scientific thinking."
"This is why I went with the side rollers too."
"Does it make sense to you that the law only permits a person to use deadly force to avoid injury or risk to one's own safety? Does that make sense to you as well? Do you think that's a good law?"
"Honestly, fair enough. He didn't really have any ties in the surface world, whereas here he is, Keita."
"What are you gaining from destroying the infrastructure?"
"It's much easier to include something in my routine if I understand why I'm using it."
"The two reasons that I decided to choose this pistol now as my everyday carry were twofold."
"Show me the bigger picture of why this has happened."
"Nothing happened without reason, right? There was no decision that was made without reason."
"I know if some of you are thinking why isn't she wearing gloves, well, I should but I just don't like wearing gloves."
"they specifically wanted one-man turrets for a couple of reasons that actually made a at the time a fair bit of sense"
"Follow the science, that's all you need to do."
"Which answer you pick, matters not. The important part is the reasoning that leads you to it."
"What an objection usually is, is just an excuse."
"If you own Brent oil it pays you one and a half percent a month to own it. Why wouldn't you own that?"
"But let's say he was a liar. What do liars lie? Why do liars lie? Liars lie because they want something."
"That's the advantage of why people do it."
"Why would you, though? Well, you know, it's cold. You're trying to die as quickly as possible."
"It's very common practice for solo sailors to not wear PFDs... because if you fall overboard in the middle of the ocean and you have a PFD on and your boat sails away... you're just stuck in the middle of the ocean floating and all it's going to do is prolong your death."
"Because why not? Come on now, why not?"
"If you communicate clearly that this is the rationale that we are using, this is why we are doing this, that people were remarkably understanding and bought in."
"This type of anger that I'm referring to is more of a thought-out anger."
"There's no rational way to make it work. Now there's actually several reasons given for exactly why this happens and I think that they're all flawed for the same reason."
"Choices have thought behind them and reasoning. They don't just happen on their own."
"I think there's a rationale for what we're doing, it's clear what we're trying to do and what we can achieve and what we can't achieve."
"Just figured, 'Okay, makes sense', yeah, yeah, yeah, 4,500 calories if you're 100 kilos. Okay, makes sense, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"Why we have four of these first principles and not two or three? And this is my rationale. I think the main principle is this distribution of data ownership."
"My father had the same sort of attitude; he didn't mind whether things were unconventional or not, as long as he had good reasons for thinking what he thought."
"But ultimately this was such a cheap price it wasn't that much more expensive than just getting a 1u 8 Port switch so it just made sense to go for the full 24 Port switch 10 gig uplinks."
"How do we end a 20-year war and our defense spending goes up by hundreds of billions of dollars? What is the rationale to do that?"
"You decide with your emotions first, and then you come up with a rationale to make that make sense."
"Everyone has a reason for everything that they do."
"Spend 120 on one pill, or I could spend 40 dollars and get like triple the amount and the high. It's just like in my brain, that made sense to me. It was like, wow, what am I doing? You know, look at the math here."
"We usually don't work on games this new but we figured why not."
"If a treatment really works well, you ought to have it. No one's ever done a placebo control trial for parachutes."
"They're refusing it for, you know, they have their reasons, but let's talk about those reasons."
"Why did you do what you did? Very important concept."
"There's a reason why they exist, they exist for a reason."
"Radian measure makes a lot more sense because 360 degrees is like you pull it out of the air."
"I think I chose Spider-Man because he's been at it longer. I went with that logic."
"His complete rational commitment as to why it would work."
"How do they have the influence they have? Well, no, but what's their thought process that gets them there? Is it emotion or is it fact?"
"People just don't do things, there is always a reason why things are done."
"You don't just believe in something without reasons. You find the reasons."
"The only reason I believe in anything at all is because the evidence leading up to it."
"For the best results, study thoroughly and understand the rationale behind each answer."
"Understanding the rationale behind each answer helps solidify your understanding."
"I always like the idea of saying okay if something works let's understand the mechanism let's be able to say here's why it works rather than just saying well the emg study says so therefore well okay great but let's find out the reasoning right?"
"There's always a reason for things; they don't just really, really just think one day, 'Hey, let's play a prank on that guy.'"
"You have to keep and a lot of people do that here's the thought process behind that."
"What's the evidence that treating the behavior is a good idea?"
"A somewhat lower probability of success can be very reasonable."
"There's no actual reason behind there, so that's why I wanted to do it with, you know, Vitali."
"So I have two reasons to prefer this policy to that policy."
"You know there's a reason for what he does."
"You know, I'll do it and here's the reason why you should do it."
"Joe Milton was the best quarterback on the board, why not?"
"There is no reason to be in the trade at that point."
"Why in the world would I ever start out with an apology?"
"Questioning the assumptions and then providing ultimately a rationale for why this conceptual framework is still valuable."
"If a train is going 125 miles per hour, it's going really fast twice the typical highway speed limit so I think calling it high speed makes sense."
"It makes a lot of sense. And so, again, I always think about financial aspects of these, and it just makes sense that it's cheap."
"Why would you do that? Well, I thought it would be memorable."
"You have to do it because you'll understand exactly why the rules are the way they are."
"I mean, there's not bully reason."
"How could the humans do this? They're zombies that are trying to eat everybody. Why wouldn't people do this? It doesn't work."
"I think it's one of those things where now you understand it, you think well yeah why would you not pile it?"
"From a marketing standpoint, that makes perfect sense."
"Everything is for either somebody else or for your own good, you know what I'm saying? It's always a reason, a season, and a lifetime."
"It kind of makes more sense for everybody to sleep together at some point from a certain perspective."
"It made sense for everyone and especially me."
"What matters is the why behind that decision."
"There is always a reason behind my actions."
"I'm well aware that some people are wondering, well, why did he stop here? Why didn't he go up until it was fully round? Well, I could have done that."
"You have to always tell us your rationale, justification, hypothesis at the end of your literature review because that's the whole essence of the literature review."
"People have already started to do the work to sketch out a theological rationale."
"I could do strides but I got a workout either I just did a workout yesterday or I got a workout tomorrow so I don't do a lot of strides so that's kind of my rationale for not doing them it's probably not a good reason but that's the reason."
"Legalization makes a lot of sense."
"Everyone's an adult and also he clearly wanted to go with you and also like hooking up with your ex is something that people do because it like makes kind of it makes sense."
"It has to be Taylor. I think it has to be Taylor it just made sense."
"...Philo rationalizes it as a problem because it obstructs procreation and that's the primary purpose of sex."
"If my target isn't Steph anymore, why am I putting Steph on the block? That doesn't make any sense."
"So going through this whole process of all the reasons for quitting, balancing the pros and cons, going through this flow chart, all of that, it was very clear to me that this decision made sense for me."
"It makes a hell of a lot of sense."
"You cannot blame being depressed on buying stuff. If you're sad, why would you just... Wait, that makes no sense, bro. Retail therapy, what? What are you talking about?"
"You can't buy a cloud drive, so it kind of makes sense to subscribe to that kind of thing, doesn't it?"
"It makes sense why he'd do something like that though."
"You need to recommend to design the website this way because we know this, this, and that."
"It makes sense, like, realistically."
"The number one and number two reasons were the beliefs just make sense essentially."
"The thought and the process behind it, it's making sense."
"We have the mysticism of the east but we also have the rationale of the west."
"If it makes sense and it's gonna push you somewhere forward, yeah do it."
"If it wasn't required then why was it happening?"
"...there's a reason why we pick this rep range... there's a reason why we do a full body routine."
"It makes sense, it makes all the sense in the world."
"No consistency without understanding the why."
"I just don't understand why, like in my head it wouldn't have even made sense to even do that."
"You can see how that kind of becomes a rationale for just an literally endless counterterrorism operation."
"I can't explain it. Some things cannot be explained away by rationale."
"I need good reasons why I do something or believe something."
"Ultimately, you want to be able to say, 'That person's idea made sense to me, so therefore I made this decision.'"
"It's all about being systematic and also having rationale behind your actions."
"The rationale section is where you state the goal and the objectives of your project."
"The comments that are most useful tell us why we made those choices."
"The course rationale answers the basic question of why should we develop this course in the first place."
"The most important thing when you answer a multiple choice question is the rationale."
"That reason will justify the visual aspects of that character."
"It's all in the name of science, right?"
"When we make decisions, we have some basis for making them."
"I'm keeping it simple for that reason."
"If you're going to add another independent variable, have a good reason, a story, a common sense rationale for why you think it belongs."
"What makes a good plot is good reason."
"I think that's a perfectly good rationale for creating something that you can drink young."
"The rationale behind it is safety - your safety and other road users' safety."
"To do this, you'll need to provide context, show your concepts, have rationale for those different concepts, and lastly, have a recommendation or a preferred solution that you would like to move forward with."
"Rationale is important because it's going to help you get more buy-in and convince your stakeholders of the direction you want to move forward with."
"You have to explain the why of each and every design choice."
"Being able to articulate why do we do what we do and how do we know it works."
"No outreach without research, and no follow-up without reason."
"You will understand the reason for society like this is so people can be protected."
"What is the rationale of using a certain herb, and to have that reasoning, you really have to have a good grasp of the principles."
"What makes an opinion strong and probative in VA's eyes is that there is fully supporting rationale to support the conclusion that's ultimately drawn."
"Why do you think we have rules? Because rules, they save lives."
"Humans are just going to do what they're going to do because it makes sense to them."
"Prayer must always precede praise because prayer makes praise rational."
"If you're making more money, that's actually a good thing. You wouldn't run a business to lose money; you'd run a business to make more profits."
"People buy emotionally and justify intellectually."
"Explain why you are making a change."
"This makes so much sense as to why it would work and why should I not try it on myself."
"You want to spoil yourself once in a while, it makes a lot of sense."
"It makes good economic sense; this is costing us a fortune."
"Best practices are best practices for a reason."
"We can describe software architecture as a set of elements, forms, and then along with them the rationale and constraints that come along with software architecture."
"There's a very strong rationale to treat all persons with acute HIV."
"I'm going to explain how I started from the previous environment that we had and ended up building this and why I decided to do that."
"For anybody running for president, or any office, or any business, it's all about rationale, a clear compelling rationale."
"It's important to understand the method behind the madness."
"It's interesting to see Hinderer making this knife, but it makes sense."
"We have to be compelled by evidence."
"It makes more sense to be angry than atheist."
"People need to understand why they're setting up the policy."
"I did all the things I did in my life because they made sense to me."