
Racial History Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Black people have always lit themselves on fire to keep America warm. And now that we're done being burned, the response is bitter and cold."
"George Floyd's story has been the story of black folks...ever since 401 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to be is because you kept your knee on our neck."
"PA's story is not just a tale of a forgotten black inventor, it is a narrative that speaks volumes about the erasure of black contributions to society."
"Despite efforts to distort ancient Egyptian history, there are undoubtedly notable pharaohs acknowledged as black and firmly documented in historical records."
"If all the stuff you're only getting taught is... just chains and whips and oppression and stuff like that, it's gonna put a very low ceiling on how you see yourself."
"Mound Bayou was founded in 1887 by black businessman Isaiah T. Montgomery, a southern man with a simple philosophy: 'It's a white man's country. Let them run it.'"
"Nor has anyone been enslaved on the basis of their whiteness or been legally considered inhuman or prevented from voting or kept in ghettos due to their whiteness."
"As long as there will be Native American or there will be blacks alive, they will continue to tell that story." - Raul Peck
"Race plays a role in that. The history of black people in this country plays a role in that."
"Each race had its own unique set of memories that came with it that are embedded in all of us forever."
"America can't have its own Reckoning without dealing with the Negro and what it did to the Negro right it can't do it it just can't do it."
"There is a lot of rage that is being felt from 400 plus years of systemic oppression, a systemic racism that of a country that was built off of genocide and slavery."
"We shouldn't be mad at white people for not teaching about Dr. Claude Anderson."
"This country was built on the backbones of black America."
"Black people have been described as lazy ever since we stopped working for free. Ain't that something?"
"This is where we come from. They know if you give us a little bit, we gonna take it to the next level."
"They don't realize that enslaved people built the wall after which Wall Street is named."
"The 1619 project proposes that we should talk a lot more about the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black people when we talk about the foundations of our country."
"Maybe they don't even know they've been learning the white version of history this whole time."
"Your precious little white businesses are going to be fine when people act like slavery ended... but don't take the time to learn about the long-lasting effects that racist policies in Banks and government."
"It's not just simply a racial reckoning, it's a reckoning with the history of this country."
"If you're talking morality, if you said it's just morality, show me at any time where the white man has been morally correct with us one fucking time."
"A good black woman tries to understand the position that our man has been in in this country for the past almost 500 years."
"The first legal slave owner in history was a black man."
"They poured as many resources as they could to get it out the door in a decent state."
"If you truly believe that we need to... face the reality of our history of race, then..."
"If black men can go to the supreme court off the plantation to petition to be with women of no color, why couldn't they go to the supreme court and petition for you to be in a better situation?"
"Blacks were the engines that drove economic development in this country."
"I'm not sure why we need it... I'm not sure that in order for black people to overcome, all Americans need to understand what we've been through."
"They gave Dr. King a holiday, but they gave Malcolm X a stamp."
"White folk always on a Saturday night would call all their slaves around the mansion just to entertain."
"There is a long dark and complicated history behind the oppression of black Americans."
"We must create our own saints, create our own martyrs, and elevate to positions of fame and honor black men and women who have made their distinct contributions to our racial history."
"Russia stands alone in preserving religious artworks where Jesus and his people are depicted as black while the rest of Europe whitewashed such artworks."
"Our country has had a very complicated history of how we've treated black people."
"There are times when we have to confront our racial legacy and the problems we've encountered along those lines, and there are times when we do need to go back and revisit those painful issues..."
"It's nearly all of our history: middle passage, slaves, Jim Crow, convict leasing, reconstruction, KKK, mass incarceration."
"White supremacy has never beaten black Americans."
"A black man born in America today is born at the best possible time in the history of this country to be black."
"Whenever black people build up a community that's independent... it gets burned down."
"Texturism, the idea that good hair is equated with a straighter hair texture, was cemented into American culture during chattel slavery."
"This is our shared history; this is not the history of black people, it's the history of America."
"Prince Hall Masonry has thrived from that date, the end of slavery allowed Prince Hall Masonry to spread southward, a faithful facsimile of the ancient brotherhood."
"How strong these people are to endure a history of racism that's still present today."
"Black folks are special people, mistreated and subordinated for 460 years."
"Blackface has a very, very long origin and a long history in this country."
"White people according to history not only ended slavery, they created one of the most free societies in the United States."
"We must canonize our own saints, create our own martyrs, and elevate to positions of fame and honor black men and women who have made their distinct contribution to our racial history."
"We are a country that has never had the courage to actually confront our history of racial inequality."
"The migration of the 1940s altered the racial configuration of Seattle, making blacks for the first time in the city history the largest racial minority."
"We all know these things, what folks have done to black people over the centuries that we live here in the United States."