
Data Transmission Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Thanks to his invention, there is a mobile technology today that can not only shift data far more quickly but also in larger quantities."
"Latency is the time it takes for a single packet of data to leave your computer, go wherever it's going, Google, whatever, and then come back."
"We're talking about 10-ish kilobits per second from Titan back to Earth which is not a lot."
"Maybe your final projects, if you want to see what's going from browser to server."
"Communication is not just about transmitting already formed data between senders and receivers, but rather a complex process of continually creating and negotiating meanings and interpretations that shape our lives."
"Once inside the brain, the devices would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud-based supercomputer Network."
"Trunk ports are used to connect multiple switches together."
"We're going to keep testing this link, testing this link because when we send humans out to Mars or as we continue to send even more amazing science instruments, we're just going to want to get more data back."
"Code division multiple access is an ingenious way where multiple phones can send and receive data on the same channel truly simultaneously."
"From our computer, we may send information over the wireless network that then connects to the switch and is ultimately, routed out to the internet."
"We're going to connect the joystick and send its values."
"This illustrates how we can send data from a sensor."
"The Starlink satellites move incredibly fast, around 27,000 kilometers per hour, and data is being sent back and forth between them at hundreds of megabits per second."
"Understanding these details helps in figuring out how data travels across the internet."
"Starlink can carry data at the speed of light in a vacuum all around the earth."
"Forget about all that if you need to send a byte from one microcontroller to another, this is the way you do it."
"SPI port writes bytes, but each channel gets a six-bit number for dot correction."
"Latency refers to how much time it takes for a signal to travel to its destination and back."
"POST sends something to the server, while PUT is used to edit or override something."
"Through this tunnel encrypted data is transmitted."
"TCP/IP defines how data should be transmitted over the internet by providing end-to-end communications."
"...specify your sequence length... highest symbol rate... 100 Mega symbols per second."
"If you send your probe in, then it can't send its data back out."
"When you measure the number of bits that are supposedly transmitted through the world's communication networks, that number grows exponentially."
"Li-Fi is a form of wireless networking that uses modulation of light intensity to transmit data."
"By changing the number of amplitude levels of two quadrature signals, we can send more data without increasing carrier wave frequency."
"The job of a router is to find the least cost route for your package to get from network A to network B."
"The F22's radar acted like a wireless data transmitter, sending data at a speed of 548 megabits per second and receiving data at gigabit speed."
"Serialization converts data into a string of bytes for transmission."
"Websockets are considered full duplex communication."
"Power over Ethernet is not just about moving data, but also about moving power."
"Once someone hits send, it gets to its destination and the packets get put back together."
"Everything ends up as an IP packet, and all the routers in the middle only see that. Most routers don't even care about what's inside the content."
"Because of this elegance, having the IP packet carry data at the end of the day, anything on top of the IP is just data."
"Before sending data to clients, we need to serialize it to JSON."
"TLS protects the exchanged data from unauthorized access by encrypting it with symmetric encryption algorithms."
"TLS recognizes any alteration of data during transmission by checking the message authentication code."
"Bob just send the key to Alice directly over the public internet without the fear that the key can be used to decrypt any messages."
"We just want to make sure we send 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 all the way down to FF."
"And then finally, we saw the use of sequence numbers to detect retransmitted segments."
"The router's job is pretty simple: it receives datagrams and forwards them to the appropriate outgoing link."
"RDT 2.1 is a stop and wait protocol and uses a one bit sequence number."
"Large bandwidth means more data flow."
"The science, the physics that goes into these, is incredible, you're pushing the limits of how much data you can push down an optical glass fiber."
"You'll take those ten different 100 Gig carriers and you'll cram them together into a super channel."
"We believe that as the market expands at lunar distance, many people will need the capability to send data back."
"Voyager 1 became a beacon of human achievement, transmitting valuable data back to Earth across the vast expanse of space."
"LCRD will be NASA's first two-way end-to-end optical relay because it can both send and receive data at once."
"Laser communications can transmit up to 100 times more data per second than previous systems by using a shorter wavelength of energy."
"That's what packet switching is: you take your original data stream or your data set and you chop it up into small pieces."
"JWT enables you to transmit data back and forth between the server and the consumer in a secure manner."
"It's sending over the network is a lot less, so that's something to keep in mind."
"Optical fiber cable transmits data over longer distances at a higher bandwidth than any other network media."
"Latency is the amount of time, including delays, for data to travel from one given point to another."
"The pictures they send back to earth... they're not pictures at all, they're just endless streams of Boolean ones and zeroes."
"It's a tunnel; you send things, you smuggle data, the other party unpacks it and then makes the request on your behalf."
"It's effectively an open format used for the transmission of data or object data over the web."
"So the distance for that data to travel is going to be less and that's going to be quite important as well."
"Fiber optic cable sends data at the speed of light because they operate by transmitting light through optically pure fibers of glass."
"The fiber itself is perfectly capable of carrying massive amounts of information."
"At 28 gigabits, everything matters."
"The data link and the physical layer have to work together because the antenna is the interface that actually puts the signal on the wire or in this case the air, and takes it off."
"Application layer protocols define how the application interfaces with the lower layer protocols to send the data over the network."
"Millions of homes all over the world are interconnected with the digital Communications Network that can transmit hundreds of megabits of data across continents with milliseconds of latency."
"Forward error correction... you're adding extra redundant information to your transmission so that when the receiver gets it, it can actually computationally recover from any errors that it sees."
"The action attribute sends data to this location, to this file."
"The function of routing is to examine a packet's destination and determine the best path to take."
"When you're transmitting large amounts of data, that smaller payload size can really be helpful not only in the latency but also... reducing that by two to ten times could be a real benefit to your organization."
"Phase modulation... you're able to encode and send a large amount of data."
"In packet switching, all the data is chunked into discrete chunks of data, and those chunks make it through the network basically independent of each other."
"It allows you to transmit data, and this data is typically transmitted over the network using UDP ports."
"Optical fiber has greater bandwidth than copper cables so it can carry more data and it is less susceptible to interference."
"Researchers have achieved the fastest ever data transmission: 1.125 terabytes per second."
"Fibre Channel is a set of standards that define a high-performance data transmission technology."
"Fiber optic cables use light pulses to transmit data."
"These sensors... they are all attached to your computer system and will constantly send data back to a computer system."
"Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is sending multiple signals at the same time on different carriers."
"Digital Communications basically means sending digital data bits from some place to some other place across the channel."
"When it arrives at its destination, it's put back together again."
"Data sent across a network that follows the uniformity of the OSI model can be understood by other devices."
"Publish subscribe is a multicast way of sending data; it's very simple and very fast."
"We can transmit text data by using the ASCII table."
"The internet works by transmitting data in the form of packets."
"In the internet, what is mainly used is the packet switch behavior."
"We're not sending over the card itself; we're sending over all the data, all the information that the client needs to recreate the card."
"So now that they have names we can use the post variable the post method to send data."
"Just using one of those, putting some basic Python code on there to like read a sensor and maybe send that data somewhere could be really powerful."
"Now we are ready to send data from our create notes page to our route."
"We have successfully wired up our flow for transmitting temperature and humidity values as Sparkplug B payloads."
"To be able to send data from command things to higher chief or to be able to apply data analytics machine learning."