
Metaphysical Beliefs Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"We are non-physical species temporarily using a biological body to experience the physical world, to grow, to learn, and to express ourselves."
"When we die, we simply move from one world into another."
"The spiritual world is the controlling arena of everything."
"Reincarnation: consciousness leaves the body and continues."
"The heart is the connection directly to our higher self, it's also the access to the plant world, to the nature spirits."
"The game is over. I'm creating my reality, I'm choosing what I'm going to be experiencing. I am. I am. You start becoming the master in the game. The game's over. I got it. I'm good."
"You have the power to mold the energy that creates worlds."
"Consciousness could survive the death of the brain."
"The world is a place of spirit, not just physical."
"I do truly believe there is another realm, a spiritual realm of some sort."
"An imaginal act creates the fact, and all day long you and I are creating all the confusion in the world or the joy in the world depending upon what we experience."
"I came from another realm to volunteer to be here."
"The power to create worlds lives in one single complete breath."
"We are light beings literally, and the sun itself as it brings those photons which energize and interact directly with our DNA."
"Time and distance make no difference in the spirit world."
"We are not bound to this three-dimensional realm, and the true essence of our being is light and energy."
"Whatever is going on in the spiritual world, a lot of times it manifests in the physical."
"We actually lived off the aether that may sound crazy but you either belong to the world of materialism or nothing."
"If a UFO actually crashed then it had to be something that is solid material."
"They feel your soul mates or twin flames if they know that label they know the divine brought you together with these rays of light."
"The black woman is the physical manifestation of the Creator."
"I'm here to help you guys ascend, raise your vibrational frequencies, and return back home to our natural states of life and love."
"Energy doesn't die, ever, energy does not die."
"We do not die; these bodies just no longer become powerful enough to store our light energies."
"If you want to find eternity, you must seek the spirit realm."
"We have somebody that is of a different order than we are that has powers that we can't even understand."
"We are multi-dimensional beings, we are the ground crew and we're here to have contact with other beings so that we can awaken each other."
"He claims that he can incarnate in any dimension in any time frame."
"Words are like spells, and the spells that you cast on other people could be the spells you're casting on yourself."
"The Edgar Cayce readings suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions with the rest of creation."
"If it's fear-based, it's BS. The universe is not a fear-based place; it's a loving place for immortals to dwell within."
"Your soul is eternal. When you drop this body, you are still going to be living."
"All of you are already quantum beings of light."
"Not one shred of evidence so far points to even a trace of an Ice Age civilization."
"The physical world is a reflection of your internal state."
"Many of you will be riding the Merkabah, make sure your intentions are clear, coming from a space of unconditional love and light."
"You see, your light body can pick up on frequencies and vibrations way more sensitively than your physical body."
"You don't realize you're basically doing the same thing as programming a computer. You're programming the universe to respond to what you're thinking."
"I'm just believing that people have ears that hear and eyes I see."
"Your light is helping divine timing. Right place, right time. As above, so below, you're increasing your light."
"All life, all light, all vibrations come from the Blackness."
"We're here to shift the collective from 3D to 5D. That's why we're here. And the way we do it is very unique, we each have our own way of doing it."
"Astrology isn't going to dictate anything for you as you start to step into these higher frequencies because you're literally stepping out of that linear structure and you're absolutely creating."
"If you're spiritual and you understand spiritual practices and understanding the metaphysical world, that means you should be walking in abundance 24/7."
"Who you truly are is consciousness. You are God. You are the self."
"We are capable, we are an interdimensional species."
"I see the hand of God in everything. We are energetic beings with a physical body."
"So, when they're making sacrifices to the Gods, they are interacting with this non-human level of in the lower astral which is ultimately orchestrating the simulation and orchestrating Human Society."
"Your higher self is telling you to get in touch with your spirit guides. They're here, ready to heal you, ready to answer any of your messages, help you manifest."
"Your spirit team is around to support you and to guide you."
"Originally in our blueprint we are eternal beings."
"The catalog is a part of the shop where you can buy most Cosmetics that have been released."
"Because yes, God is your supplier, your I amness, that power within you is your supplier, but more important than this, and this is big. It is supply."
"Death is a transition from one level of reality to the next."
"The negative entities are afraid of positive entities that are aware of the law of one because you can bathe them in love and light and they cannot resist."
"The answer to prayer is to come back here, come back to the light, then we no longer keep on feeding all this absurdity that we've made ourselves."
"Returning to Unity is returning to that state of perfection."
"We become gods, we become like creator gods."
"Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the altar of truth."
"The universe has been constructed from various frequencies of energy, and all of that energy has god's essence embedded within it."
"You must get rid of karma before you can move into this new earth."
"Astrology is our unique sheet of music, our modeling clay."
"This reality is a reflection of the vibration you are emitting."
"Time is an illusion, you can jump timelines easier than you think."
"When you look at the sun, it raises your vibration, it heals your vessel, it stimulates your third eye."
"If you can't hold the light, your human avatar is annihilated from existence."
"We are our own Akashic record of everything that ever happens to us."
"Our most ancient and cherished spiritual traditions have preserved the knowledge and the technique to interact with the Divine Matrix."
"Life is not only spiritual but everything has its origin in the spiritual world."
"I held powerfully in my heart what I knew was taking place in another dimension."
"Desire is what creates expansion in the metaphysical world."
"Entities are basically spirits that haven't moved on yet."
"You have to let go to grow. You gotta let go of this third-dimensional [__] that you love so much."
"We're not just this Flesh and Blood body, that there's a Consciousness that resides in and outside of this physical form."
"We evolve through an inner process of transmutation... how we evolve."
"We're moving from a cycle of earth to a cycle of air."
"There is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't be able to manifest any physical material thing that we want with our consciousness."
"Arman and Lucifer siphon energy from those without Christ in their hearts, feeding the eighth sphere."
"Every single thing has an akashic record... rewrite it."
"You can harness this energy through the power of magic and through the power of belief and how powerful the mind and the heart truly are."
"In the spiritual world, there's nothing but love."
"When you die, your death will be like a dream; it would be like when you went to sleep, the only difference is when you wake up, you wake up as a newborn baby."
"In our world, reincarnation exists, and the ultimate goal is not for good to defeat evil; it's to restore balance to this world that's out of balance." - Rafe Judkins
"We are the field, every atom in our bodies is constantly emerging from this field."
"We came here to ascend, to help Mother Gaia ascend."
"At some point, you almost have to shed that skin and begin again if you want to enter the kingdom of heaven."
"Everything that I told you about you being an experiment that is being conducted by beings of light is actually true."
"Karma governs this for real, the universe is governed by energy."
"Karma collectively, Saturn's been waiting too. All right, Saturn's been waiting."
"I believe beings exist beyond us in a non-physical realm."
"We need to accept that there is a divine reality before we talk about the qualities of the divine reality."
"Your palm is not clear because any action or inaction that takes place in your life is quickly reflected in your palm."
"You're not ever changing the world you live on; you're changing yourself and you shift to a version of Earth that's already representative of the change you made within yourself."
"There are lessons in that for us that our guides are angels our spirits our source energy doesn't matter what you believe that divine right it's the divine speaking to us trying to guide us by showing us those signs."
"Everything is conceived initially or produced or manufactured in the spiritual realm before it's manifested in the physical world."
"Death wasn't a mystery to her like it was to me. She told me that a person's life force never really goes away, it only changes form."
"We're not really suffering anything at all. We are Immortal Souls having a physical experience."
"You are a plant. You are a plant. You created the plants. You created the planet."
"We aren't victims in this holographic experience. There are ways to take advantage of the convergence."
"You are an immortal soul with profound connection with the heavens."
"The angels who come to take us, they love a good fragrance."
"People need to make the choice now if they're going to stay in the old Earth or graduate with the new ascending Earth."
"We are our own saviors. We are here to create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth."
"Your universe will always come through for you without fail if you always choose your soul over what you perceive to be your soul."
"Your angels and ancestors are literally letting this person have it right now."
"Some people say that they could there's a trick where they can make them spin. Oh supposedly with like Chi or something and some people say it works some people say it doesn't but they say if the real wants to make it spin it has to be meteorite metal which is pretty trippy."