
Concurrency Quotes

There are 304 quotes

"Concurrency is doing multiple tasks in a period of time."
"Scala offers different tools for parallelism and concurrency."
"The average C++ program is a set of layers of abstraction."
"Concurrency is fundamental in just about anything we do these days."
"RxJava allows instant concurrency, abstracting away the complexity."
"Transactions solve that problem by doing the equivalent of saying while David's like counter is in the process of being updated, keep Carter at bay, ideally briefly, and then let his data go through too."
"Threads ensure only one customer can withdraw money at a time."
"And then that brings us to channels which are gonna allow us to pass data between go routines."
"Trust without humility, there's no learning because in order to learn you must accept that you don't know. That's Socrates."
"Concurrency is a way of writing or structuring your program to deal with the real world."
"It's much like a regular switch statement, except it blocks until a communication can proceed."
"Concurrency is about breaking up a program into independently executing tasks that could potentially run at the same time and still getting the right result at the end."
"FastAPI: supports coroutines and concurrency without the need to import the async IO module in Python."
"If you only remember one thing from tonight, don't synchronize on concurrent collections."
"True concurrency is achieved when you have hundreds of different computers doing different parts of the same problem domain."
"Go has a lot of potential, it's one of the fastest growing languages out there right now, it's a systems-level language built with concurrency in mind."
"Concurrency gets solved by being functional by default."
"DBMS includes facilities for concurrency control to ensure data integrity in distributed environments."
"Integrity rules will be enforced by the DBMS whenever anything is updated."
"Rust fulfills its promise of preventing data races, achieving concurrency with granular OS threads."
"Channels in Rust require two halves, capturing sending and receiving ends, ensuring safe concurrency."
"Redis makes sure only one worker is able to pop. As long as one pops it, the other one will not get the same thing."
"Locks are rare in these kinds of situations, but they are frequently used when you need to do multiple transactions on a bus."
"I I I I think there are maybe um three three Alternatives um all of which may be going on concurrently."
"Launching several requests per threads means that you cannot write your code using the imperative approach anymore."
"Project Loom is bringing the scheduling benefits of Go."
"How do I make sure that I'm using virtual threads everywhere?"
"Writing lock-free programs is hard, it's harder if you want them to work correctly."
"You can create a thread by extending Thread class as well as by implementing Runnable interface."
"Concurrent HashMap doesn't throw a concurrent modification exception."
"Swift's approach is to be safe by default... achieve concurrency with compile time checking..."
"...the problem is if you thread first when you fork all the threads get copied and they share the same locks."
"Channels orchestrate, mutexes serialize."
"Concurrency was contentious, but Go had a significant role in convincing the programming world that concurrency was a powerful tool."
"So let's conclude this topic, let's emphasize once and for all that Asing and awaiting Dot Net doesn't solve the problem of concurrency or paralyzation, it solved the problem of blocking threads and the problem that blocking threads could cause to your specific application."
"Select for update causes the rows retrieved by select statement to be locked as though for update."
"A promise could be pending while some other JavaScript code goes ahead and executes."
"Avoiding data races is all about the visibility of memory and the changes made to that memory."
"What guarantees do we have when multiple threads are accessing memory?"
"If I needed to have like fifty thousand simultaneous clients on this it's probably more efficient to do that with co-routines than have fifty thousand POSIX threads."
"In multi-threading, any code block in C# runs in a process called a thread."
"Locks ensure that if a thread is interrupted halfway through changing or accessing some data, another thread cannot modify it during that interruption."
"Queues are thread and process safe, but more costly to set up compared to pipes."
"go also has built-in concurrency you don't need special packages or workarounds to get parallelism working and go this is built into the language done with what's called go routines."
"Now, we've talked about concurrency, parallelism, and how exactly that is happening on the CPU. Now let's get a little closer to Go, into our Go application, and how exactly that happens in Go."
"Reactive streams vs Java streams: dynamic, push-based, and concurrency-agnostic."
"Think of a coroutine as a runnable with superpowers."
"Structured concurrency: avoiding memory leaks and managing lifecycles."
"Asynchronous processing allows us to do multiple things at the same time."
"Concurrency is basically you need to synchronize. In a concurrent world, you need to synchronize. But the problem is if you do that, you will use mutexes. You will try to use all these complex things. But that will make your program much more complex."
"If you can avoid concurrency, do it. Because it's the most filthy world you will go into, trust me. It's hard."
"Concurrency: Run up to a thousand instances of your function simultaneously."
"...dealing with files in general, this thread pool would kick in and handle that thing."
"We could eventually have languages that are multi-threaded where we have a bunch of newspaper delivery folks but javascript's not like that."
"We need concurrency for performance and often it's a nicer way to structure our program depending on the problem that we're trying to solve."
"Concurrency: multiple things can happen at once."
"Threads can work together on shared data, but we need to ensure proper synchronization to avoid race conditions."
"Concurrency: launching a thousand threads to work together on a task."
"Global variables are sometimes used for shared data in concurrent programming, though they come with some drawbacks."
"Avoid managing your own threads if you can use the parallel algorithms."
"So, if doing one pixel at per goroutine is too small an amount of work, what if we kind of split the difference and did a row at a time?"
"We added fuzz tests and those are going to be useful for a long time coming. We got to debug an ABA issue and if you don't think that's fun you should stop doing concurrent programming."
"Concurrent programming has been around for decades."
"Logic programming and functional programming couldn't do the kind of concurrency that needed to be done."
"Concurrency or parallelism implemented correctly should also yield better performance."
"In computer science, we might think about applications such as a memory allocator, a file system, network requests, and so on as applications where you'd want concurrent behavior."
"Concurrency and this idea of how to increase performance are not new ideas."
"Now we as programmers need to learn how to do concurrent programming."
"In the next few lessons, we're actually just going to dive into a model of concurrency by doing thread-based concurrency and programming this in C++."
"Concurrent code allows us to have multiple users use our program at the same time and work much more efficiently."
"For things that are best effort, you really want to use things like thread pools, RxJava, or coroutines."
"... when you are using a stream on a list or an array and when that operation is being performed by a thread we should avoid trying to modify that source that array or a list in some other thread."
"...the concurrency model Erlang has is based on no shared memory."
"...what you do is you pick a programming language with a concurrency model based on no shared memory, and that solves a problem for you."
"Serializability is achieved by executing transactions in serial order, one after another."
"Async I/O and multiprocessing complement each other well, offering massive concurrency and processing capabilities."
"Data race is something that is older than me."
"Linearizability is the strongest thing that we enforce."
"With race conditions, everything is potentially multi-step."
"Concurrency is about multiple users accessing in a given period of time."
"With concurrency, you can have multiple blocks of code share the execution time by pausing their execution normally."
"Haskell's a very powerful programming language opening up a lot of potential when it comes to concurrency as well as safety."
"JavaScript is single-threaded event-driven model."
"The concurrency packages and structures, I think, are probably the thing that attracts the most attention."
"We want good support for concurrency."
"Welcome back to the concurrency in Go course."
"If you expose sequential APIs, using them concurrently is very easy, and using them sequentially is obvious."
"One of the most important things of Go is that we have very useful concurrency and it's very powerful."
"Virtual threads are user-mode threads that are lightweight enough so a single Java process could have hundreds, thousands, and millions of them running concurrently."
"This represents a big shift towards asynchronous and non-blocking as a concurrency model."
"You can be highly concurrent with a very small footprint."
"Fearless concurrency they say, you don't have to worry about data races or anything."
"It adheres more closely to SQL standards and it excels at concurrency."
"We're going to use virtual threads via structured concurrency to fetch all these pages in parallel."
"Concurrency control and recovery are intertwined with all the different parts of the system."
"Golang is optimized for concurrency and works well at scales."
"Concurrency is when your program can handle multiple tasks at once."
"This concept of concurrency is extremely important; it's the fundamental of any software application."
"That's the basics of multi-threading in Java."
"Structure concurrency is all about simplifying cases where some piece of work or a task splits into subtasks."
"Delta Lake supports transactions and also supports multiple updates at the same time, as long as each of the updates only touches a specific partition."
"A semaphore is similar to a lock, you have n permits you can acquire them, you can release them."
"Being able to write predictable and reliable tests over your complicated concurrent behavior is a real lifesaver."
"Race conditions occur when two threads share some data on the heap and they both read and write it, and they do not do so in a synchronized fashion."
"Let's build a single producer single consumer Lock Free fifo from the ground up."
"The Lock Free Part means to me that it doesn't use mutex locks."
"The Go scheduler uses these ideas to do its thing; it reuses threads, it limits the number of goroutine running threads to the number of CPU cores."
"I hope you walk away with an appreciation of the awesomeness that is the Go scheduler."
"Concurrency is having a lot of things in flight at once; they just have to be happening independently."
"Concurrency is not just threads; it's about solving problems."
"The goal of Akka from the beginning is to bring a distributed, highly concurrent, and event-driven implementation of the actor model."
"Concurrent hashmap supports full concurrency during retrieval."
"Iterations on a concurrent hashmap do not throw concurrent modification exception."
"As we get more concurrent, we're going to need to learn to live in a world that's going to proceed in spite of our intention or desire."
"We want to have multiple timelines; we need to have lots of threads of control."
"The rule in Python is there is one lock, and it's called the GIL, and you have to be holding it in order to interact with the CPython interpreter in any way."
"Async IO is about cooperative multitasking."
"I want to write programs that are easier to understand, change, and will work in the context of threads."
"Nice concurrent behavior, multiple connections, no parallelism whatsoever, and efficient IO."
"When you put concurrency in the loop, there is no longer any contest; nothing compares to using this kind of a strategy in designing your program."
"Concurrency is basically about how to do more than one thing at a time."
"If you want to do concurrency without threads, one way to do that is to do this kind of function scheduling idea."
"We can use Promise.all to start executing more asynchronous code at the same time."
"Concurrency is an important characteristic of distributed systems, meaning that processes are autonomous and execute tasks concurrently."
"And so that's what the asynchronous or the concurrency of model of JavaScript is."
"You can actually use e-tags... to control concurrency and consistency in the database transactions."
"We just have a single thread of execution, but thanks to slicing all this code into small pieces, we achieve concurrency."
"All of the JavaScript you have... runs in one single thread, which we typically call the main thread."
"Go's concurrency and features it provides as a language let us build highly performant, very scalable, very lightweight services."
"A lot of the people who've remarked on Go have thought that there's something really unusual and maybe even unique about the concurrency features inside Go."
"If you don't have sharing, you don't have deadlock, you don't have race conditions."
"You get the power of concurrency in an environment where fundamental computation is really efficient."
"That's pretty much it, that was a little bit of introduction into what concurrency is, what parallelism is, and how it works in context of Node.js."
"That's the big thing with VHDL; that's why FPGA works so fast, because I can do things concurrently with one another."
"On the pro side, we can be completely free of races and deadlocks, which is a huge win."
"Project Loom is about improving performance of multi-threaded applications."
"The Sendable protocol indicates that a value of a given type can be safely used in concurrent code."
"Golang supports concurrent programming, allowing multiple processes to run simultaneously."
"A few hours of TLA+ can help us get to the bottom of complex concurrency issues quickly."
"Because I have ACID transactions, I'm actually able to run a second stream."
"When multiple transactions are occurring, they will occur independently without interfering each other, that is known as Isolation."
"If you have a set of a variable number of async sources, we can say well pick the one that gives the result first and forget about all the other ones."
"Waiting for coroutine termination is universal and we also need to be able to handle exceptions that might happen in this coroutine."
"Actors are a fundamental unit of work and concurrency."
"The state can never be modified concurrently; it's safe. All actors' state is inherently thread-safe."
"Const methods are those that can be called concurrently in a thread-compatible type without synchronization."
"Valid programs don't have data races."
"It actually turns concurrency into parallelism."
"For concurrency, you can set a limit on the number of tasks running simultaneously with a given tag."
"Concurrency and communication are really the most interesting parts of modern systems."
"The database management system also guarantees that the transactions of many users in parallel are executed as if in isolation."
"In optimistic locking, we are optimistic that the changes that we make to the database during our transaction will succeed and no concurrency control problems will arise during the execution of the transaction."
"The key idea we're going to get with MVCC is the writers are not going to block the readers, and the readers are not going to block the writers."
"Isolation is where if multiple transactions are running in parallel, then all those transactions should not see the effect of each other."
"In parallel, the whole point is we want to process in any order and sometimes more than one at a time."
"We're using a technique called work-stealing."
"We're all working together, everybody's stealing back and forth from one another."
"Rights don't block reads, reads don't block writes, nothing blocks anything else."
"Threaded concurrency is a leaky abstraction."
"Concurrency without parallelism is like a single bartender can only produce one beverage at a time, however, they can take care of multiple customers at the same time."
"Concurrency is about structuring software so that it can adapt and grow in a very parallel universe."
"The emphasis in Go is on concurrent programming rather than parallel programming."
"If you have good support for concurrency, then it's not too hard to turn that into good parallelism on a multi-core machine."
"Concurrency is about the structure of the program rather than the performance you get."
"We sit in a loop and one of two things is going to happen: we are going to get a request, or a worker tells us it's done."
"Everything that this thing is doing is synchronous, it's everything blocks, and yet the system is highly concurrent."
"The combination of optimistic concurrency control and transactions allow you to give those guarantees to the objects that you are manipulating from a business or a domain perspective."
"Go compilation is very fast... it has a very nice model of concurrency."
"It's also just designed to be heavily parallel so in a world where we've got more and more cores or workloads being split across machines, that's where Go really kind of comes into its prime."
"And that's the power of the Swift concurrency model."
"These events are not related by the happens before relation."
"We say that these events are concurrent or causally independent."
"If two operations overlap in real time, they can take effect in either order."
"Linearizability is the strongest model of consistency for concurrent systems in widespread use."
"Actors... help you to create applications that are possible to make concurrent, scalable, and fault-tolerant."
"Go makes concurrency easier, a lot easier, it makes it way more accessible to a lot more developers, which is great, but it's still hard."
"Channels and go routines do not solve every single problem in concurrency; always use the right tool for the job."
"Concurrency is about dealing with many things at once; its focus is structure."
"The most important queue in all the world of iOS is called the main queue."
"It has really rich support for concurrency."
"Go is a concurrent, garbage-collected language."
"Concurrency is the coordination of parallel computations."
"In the next lesson I will finally talk about race conditions, which is a concept that you absolutely need to understand to effectively work with interrupts."
"It's really easy to write concurrent code."
"Now STM is a hundred percent asynchronous; it's non-blocking, nothing ever blocks."
"We need to address concurrent programming."
"Concurrency is the way of structuring your program."
"Race conditions... this is an extremely important topic when you're talking about parallel programming."
"It would make much more sense to send all three requests out at the same exact time and handle all three of those concurrently."
"Large-scale concurrency, massive concurrency is possible in Erlang."
"The altitudes of a triangle meet at a common point."
"This is a race condition where the order of execution makes a big difference in the actual processing."
"Hello, I'm Dr. Brian Frazer, and in this demo, I'm going to show how to use P threads and the mutex to synchronize processing between the threads."
"The Node project is to provide this purely evented non-blocking infrastructure to make these highly concurrent programs that are possible."
"I really feel that by implementing the context package, you're going to see some subtleties... also some really nice usages and patterns for concurrency using channels and routines."
"What is the best thing that we do as gophers? Concurrency."
"With the fundamentals of threading at our disposal, we now have a way for parts of our programs to run concurrently rather than sequentially."
"So data races... if you have a write to a regular variable and some other thread, either reads or writes to that same variable without this happens-before relationship between those two, then you have a race condition and your program has undefined behavior."
"Interlocked exchange allows you to replace a location in memory with a new value and ensure that nobody else will be able to perform the same operation at the same time."
"Interlocked compare exchange is probably the one you would want to use because it is crazy powerful."