
Travel Safety Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Our priority, my priority, is to ensure the safe return of Canadian travelers back home."
"You have to arrive alive to have a successful drive."
"In the end, it really all comes down to you, the passenger, making yourself aware of your rights and the risks before boarding."
"I think if you're a healthy young person, that there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship to go on a cruise ship."
"we're eager to get back to our normal lives especially traveling turtle travel has made it their mission to make everyone feel as safe and comfortable as possible"
"Commercial aviation is one of the safest ways to travel, according to statistics measuring passenger injury and fatalities."
"Delta said it will continue blocking middle seats through early January next year."
"Honestly, I don't feel that at risk on a plane because it's... very high efficacy air filtration and mandatory masks."
"Despite its popularity, Las Vegas is relatively safe for tourists."
"Stay safe from pickpockets in crowded areas."
"Auto G-cast should be on every airplane in the world. The pros outweigh the cons infinitely."
"Universal use of face masks on the flight together with the plane's ventilation system significantly decreased the infectivity of COVID-19."
"Keep your gas tank full and use apps like Waze for real-time updates on hazards."
"A ticking time bomb for any who traveled aboard."
"The Netherlands warned its citizens not to travel to Russian cities particularly those near the Ukraine border."
"The plane is empirically the safest way to travel—its hundreds or thousands of times safer than driving—so stopping people from flying is in and of itself deadly."
"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."
"Make copies of your passport and email them to a friend or family member."
"It would also make it more risky for Chinese forces to travel through the Bashi Channel."
"Cruise ship with a fully vaccinated population is one of the safest vacation options available."
"Keep driving safely, explore new gadgets, and keep making each Journey Unforgettable."
"George Bush International Airport in Houston, Texas, has put new measures in place to slow the spread, allowing passengers to travel from curb to aircraft while touching as few surfaces as possible."
"Security has been ramped up a lot at airports and on planes."
"I think like right now it's actually probably one of the safest times to fly and the least likely that you'll get sick because everyone is so afraid, everyone is so petrified of getting coronavirus and there are such strict standards everywhere."
"United States urging its citizens to exercise caution."
"It's sort of an admission that Mexico is a dangerous place."
"I'm pretty confident to say that my experiences in Nepal... I felt very safe."
"Protect yourself and your information when in public while traveling or using unsecured Wi-Fi. Your data will be safe with double data encryption and no data logging."
"I pray in the name of Jesus Christ for each person that is boarding that plane, that you would cover that plane with the blood of Jesus Christ."
"Mittank insisted that he was fine and they could return home without him."
"Lifeboat provision on modern passenger vessels means abandoning ship is a far more survivable operation."
"You gotta speak a little bit of the language if you're gonna go into cartel territory."
"You should be educated when you travel, the shit is like really scary."
"Thankfully we missed hurricane Ian, and we got back to New York without really any bad weather."
"The best thing about Japan... everyone's honest."
"Wherever you are, I hope you travel safe, you take care of yourself. Thank you for watching."
"It was here in marrakech that matthew would be walking home alone one evening when he was jumped by a group of local men and brutally assaulted."
"Be on guard against pickpockets, wear a money belt, enjoy the crowds but protect your belongings."
"You're more likely to die walking into the airport than actually on [a plane]"
"Amen, hallelujah, have a great day everyone and travel safe."
"The exterior billet door locks custom-designed for our Earth Roamers provide safety and security."
"It's the marriage of computers and crew that ultimately makes flying one of the safest ways to travel."
"Voted the safest travel destination by the riemann holiday board."
"This has felt like a pretty safe way to travel."
"I think my family and I should have a prayer session next time I am on a plane. How do you think it will end?"
"If you want to get on a plane and travel with other people, you should be vaccinated."
"Always take copies of your passports. It's just so critical."
"Blowouts cause more fatalities in the RVing travel industry than anything else."
"Cruise lines are really going above and beyond to keep people safe."
"Do not start the trip until all of your passengers are in the car."
"You will be virus tested at the port both when you get on the cruise ship, when you get off the cruise ship, who knows they may even test you while you're on the cruise ship."
"It is such a relief when you land in a plane and you refresh your airtag app and it says in Germany assuming I'm in Germany it's like oh thank goodness thank goodness."
"You're safer on an airplane than you are anywhere else."
"Leave your really, really valuables safely at home."
"Be aware of your surroundings to avoid scams; a lot of scams in Europe thrive on distraction."
"Keep your valuables out of sight and try not to carry around too much cash."
"I've definitely learned a few things because you know even though I do travel on my own a lot there are still things that I can learn to be as safe as possible."
"When you're doing international travel, you really want that safety net, and it just makes everything a lot more comfortable, right?"
"The Green Book was indispensable to give you some way of finding a place where you could get some rest, get something to eat without being violated."
"Always staff available and around, so just have your wits about you like normal, but it is very safe for solo travelers."
"This passport holder is RFID protected, so of course, that's very good."
"Welcome to Copenhagen for safety reasons, please remain seated with your seatbelt on."
"Our Lady of Peace and good Voyage is believed to have miraculous powers primarily related to safe travels and spiritual healing."
"Always carry your important documents in your hand luggage, never put these important documents in the checked-in luggage."
"These roads are some of the most dangerous in Europe."
"Mind the gap, watch the doors, and we'll get started."
"Hello, my friend. I get a lot of questions and comments about how I stay safe while traveling solo in a truck camper."
"Share your plan with someone you trust, such as a friend or family member. Let them know where you're going, for how long you'll be gone, so they know when to expect you."
"What we need now is for people to get on that train and travel safely to their destinations."
"Sometimes just spending a little bit of money on a hotel... it's a lot safer that way."
"Be safe traveling and lots of good health and success."
"Thank the Lord for getting me and my wife here safely to Houston."
"I went to Kenya, nobody blew me up."
"We are on a mission to make travel as safe as possible, and your cooperation means a lot."
"Go and see Mitrovica for yourself, like I say, perfectly safe, the whole country is perfectly safe, and come and visit Kosovo, it's an amazing country."
"I highly recommend anybody who is in a vehicle and does a lot of traveling, you just never know what can happen."
"As much as we'd like to be able to travel alone, when you're a woman traveling alone, it can make you more appealing to certain types of predators."
"Wherever you are in the world, I hope it's as sunny as it is here today, and until next time, take care and drive safely."
"It's safe to travel now; the airports have opened, most countries are open now, you can go anywhere you want, mostly."
"When you're traveling, make sure that you're okay because it can be very dangerous."
"Travel smart because of nearby crime, unregulated alcohol, and drownings."
"I guess this was a girl, and unfortunately sometimes girls can be more vulnerable on trips in other places by themselves."
"Be safe, be smart when you travel anywhere in the world because it can happen to anybody."
"We are here and praising God for safe traveling mercies."
"I hope you could also learn something from my experiences, and that we all travel safely in the future."
"The president had tested negative twice for the virus and was cleared to travel."
"Why don't we act intelligently for a change? Why don't we mandate testing before people get on the flight or halt the flights from the UK?"
"Testing before and after you travel will keep you and your loved ones safe."
"You want your footage to be safe, especially when you're traveling; you don't get a second chance."
"Lithium batteries only in your carry-on, you cannot put any lithium batteries in your checked-in suitcase."
"Traveling abroad? Are reminded to check FCDO travel advice to stay up to date on the latest developments for your destinations."