
Media Exposure Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The only reason I know about the existence of The Owl House is due entirely to people talking about it, not a single Disney ad."
"I hope you help my channel get a hit piece and put us on the map, thanks again for coming on our show, Blonde."
"It was quite evident from Meghan and Harry's interview yesterday that the color of her skin made a difference to how, not only she was treated, but how Harry was treated, too."
"They know if they show what happens, they'll get taken out."
"The effect of Savile, the effect of exposing Savile has changed people's lives."
"I've never seen a video where I saw a cloud of blood mist."
"Being associated with the Jacksons created the kind of media exposure and free advertising that executives could only dream of."
"Our investigations into Onision, continue to anticipate some developments in the next week or two. Exposure will continue for Onision."
"If you get someone for ten minutes or the show is like three hours, I mean, you're really getting a ton of air time."
"If you're a 16 year old YouTube star, your life could be over for just a simple mistake."
"How do they go about this knowing that there's literally coverage of the guy 24 7 and unless you've been living under a rock the past six years I mean you have to acknowledge this guy in some sort of way."
"I don't really know exactly what I want, I just want to stop seeing this on the news."
"Harry came on and spilled the tea. He really did though."
"Man, on ESPN. Yeah, who would have thought, right? Like, losing that fight and just being so mad and depressed that fast forward a month and things are as good as I ever could have imagined."
"Being on the Super Bowl makes you still relevant and strong in the game."
"Jessica, good. I'm a little nervous. You're never on camera. I know, I don't like being on camera. This is your first interview of any kind."
"Exposing this to public view to millions of viewers, what's this kid's life gonna be like?"
"Ted Cruz... had run off to Cancun Mexico with his family and only when he got caught there by the media did he cut his travel plan short."
"Many songs have gained dramatically in popularity after they were used in advertisements and movies or TV series."
"They are literally putting all the symbolisms right in front of your children every single day."
"Is it weird seeing yourself on TV? It's crazy."
"It ended up being on some like minor indie media outlets. Other outlets saw those outlets and it just kind of like exploded."
"We're asking you to keep them out of the reach of our children."
"There is no such thing as bad press if they spell your name right."
"You might be chill if you were somewhere else, but on No Jumper, you're gonna get way more people watching and giving a [__]."
"Just wanted to say I love your channel so much, my girlfriend is from the Philippines and hasn't seen hardly any Western films."
"President Xi Jinping's wolf warrior diplomacy is not sustainable and unless solutions are found to curb the rare earth monopoly that China is currently enjoying, there is trouble up ahead."
"This clip ended up getting more exposure than anything else I've done on my channel."
"We were showcased to 100 million households in the United States."
"80 million views that President Trump got in his discussion with Tucker Carlson was probably more politically productive for him."
"Being on the front page makes a massive difference."
"This is what's important: that the network has been exposed for what it is."
"The very idea that this experience properly exposed to the media will kick-start her career."
"Friends for life, okay remember that 48-hour boat ride, Ahmed? Yeah, I remember, cheers bro. You know, I feel like that's trauma bonding."
"Someone has had a camera in their face all right since they were three years old."
"No one has pointed out in an international organ that this thing started with a CIA operation."
"there's a lot of talented black people that are doing the right things and I think that it's very important for us to support them and acknowledge them and because you know I think that this type of work is getting the exposure it deserves"
"One of the things that's so important is that whatever side of the political argument you are on... you should have the opportunity to see films or see articles that give voice to people with the alternative point of view."
"It's interesting that uh Roger Stone has released the video of himself being arrested and yet Trump hasn't released the uh video from Mar-A-Lago."
"She's been on mainstream television shows and they applauded her ratchetness."
"Just deal with your dirty laundry in a way that, like, I understand it makes for good TMZ moments but... your kids are going to be negatively affected by all of this."
"Just being able to expose yourself to different media, I think, is wonderful."
"Life was too slow for the winner, a pardon and a life of television freedom with my beautiful golden trophy."
"It's not even the shock content you have to worry about, it's the psychological training of kids."
"Shelley herself was never a public figure; she never addressed Scientologists."
"By the end of that week Paulette's face was absolutely everywhere."
"Very slow and nobody needed to be the wiser until the newspapers, the media pointed it out."
"If you on fox news you are brave my hat goes off to you to tell and be vulnerable in such a cruel world around monster people."
"It has done more, I think, to expose the hypocrisy of corporations, politicians, and the media itself than maybe anything else."
"Having your stuff published in a newspaper or magazine is an incredible way for people who do not know you or a different demographic to get to know you."
"A full two-page spread of Daeron's face, that's exactly what this magazine needed."
"So that was a big moment for us when Knicks Fan TV content really shot out there on the mainstream."
"In a time where everything is so overexposed, it's still refreshing to see starlets focus on the craft and the art and refrain from becoming overexposed themselves."
"Seeing these videos coming out are it's hard for me to even put into words um just how um mind-blowingly horrific what is going on right now."
"Donald Trump still individually is one of the most effective people at exposing not only the media but our corrupt politicians, our two-tier justice system."
"If they turn on the television, they're going to be exposed to racism."
"No one is forcing me, but turning on the TV and seeing my live shots from when I'm not wearing makeup, like, that's enough motivation."
"The largest circulation newspaper in the United States revealed that one of the world's most influential companies was promoting pedophilia and nobody in power did anything about it."
"Unfortunately, like most of the cases that we cover, his face has completely disappeared from the media. No one is covering him as much as I always say exposure is everything."
"there is actually quite an extensive history of racism in the royal family and as we now know especially after that Oprah interview last year things haven't necessarily recently changed either."
"If images and stories of police assaulting citizens is news to you, congratulations on being born white."
"If you don't expose something, if something doesn't leak out and this is why I think mainstream does leak out real stuff."
"Despite the first film being slightly overexposed, I maintain that I really enjoy it."
"He embarked on his own Venture with the short-lived spin-off show ejnyc offering viewers an intimate glimpse into his opulent World."
"...every single day, the first thing I see is somebody getting hit, yeah, literally, like I open up my phone and it's an Instagram account that posts all these takeovers and accidents and it's somebody getting thrown in there."
"Like, I don't want it to be a situation where the child starts to become conscious of everything, and it's like, I don't want to get used to a camera always in his face, you know what I'm saying?"
"I'm just not trying to get cooked on live television."
"That exposure, that spotlight, has been so important."
"Loss of reputation for the hospital... can end up on the front page of the local paper or the media, social media, and all of that."
"We hate to have to show those videos, but the reality is we're left with no choice because this is what happens to us all too often."