
Extreme Quotes

There are 286 quotes

"That was the most insane thing I've ever heard."
"Oh my god stop no molina don't do that yeah that's hardcore [ __ ] i thought it was funny you gotta make moving man."
"That's the stupidest, Lee, awesome thing I've ever heard."
"Brutus: Death machine on wheels, reaching insane speeds!"
"Intimidator 305: Seriously on another level when it comes to intensity."
"In the world of cult cinema, there's messed up and then there's David Cronenberg messed up."
"I'm a guy that goes in there ready to kill, prepared to die."
"Go big or go home, baby, and a casket is how this one would end."
"Evil Dead... just there's literally a sequence where it's raining blood how [ __ ] awesome is that."
"Sell her left eye and have 59 million, that's a good deal."
"But I'm willing to bet you'd be hard-pressed to find vaults crazier than these."
"We got no sleep. This was some of the most insane Paranormal Activity I have ever heard."
"The most insane rebuild we have done yet comes to a conclusion."
"The results of this event are absolutely insane."
"There's nothing worse; I would be like, 'Take my spine.'"
"Listen, okay? If you want to get strung up from the ceiling and Diddly done dids six ways from Sunday, I hope you were getting it."
"No way, this is the most insane thing I've ever seen."
"I legitimately felt the sensation of my face melting off and I don't put that lightly. This is the fastest thing I've ever experienced in my life."
"Everything about the guy from his hard drinking to his rule breaking screams badass."
"I guess he likes big water... those are the biggest waves in the country."
"That move was many levels of deranged but boy does it serve to be an incredible characterization."
"Iceland's piercing gales are some of the most frigid on the planet; that wind chill is second to none."
"Glacier surfing: can you imagine looking up and watching a 300-foot glacier breaking into pieces right in front of you?"
"So when you join the gym, just go out and max out all the time, go for PR probably every time you train."
"This is the closest thing to Mars without leaving Earth."
"It's not a proper suicide mission until somebody dies."
"The sheer extreme nature of the thing and that unbelievable power delivery."
"A hundred miles an hour, no brakes, no clutch."
"I would cut it off right now with a butter knife to have him back."
"People found out he was killing animals in super duct up ways held a dog underwater until it drowned ran over a cat with a lawnmower use baseball bats and machetes dude was doing some serial killer level stuff now he's in the army."
"That was the most sketch thing I've ever done."
"Legalize dueling... It's all larping until you're willing to die for it."
"Aaron Ralston's experience is one of the most extreme survival stories of our time."
"Without a doubt, the F-150 Raptor is one of the most bonkers pickup trucks in America today. This is insane, it's stupid."
"You know what, cancel the ice cream. I'm gonna gross you out and drink the bucket. Hand me that bucket, I'm going to turn this into Fear Factor."
"This is so insane, I don't even know what to say."
"This is the Lamborghini Huracan STO, and it is extreme in every regard."
"The Sahara Desert, the hottest place on the planet, a deadly wasteland that time forgot."
"It's an anechoic chamber, the quietest place in the entire world."
"As a diet, it really is the ultimate in weight loss; there's no possible way you can do better than zero."
"By the year 2000, ECW had been calling itself extreme for more than five years and in that time had proved to be highly influential on other promotions both large and small."
"It was without a doubt one of the very maddest things I've ever witnessed and done."
"Terminate with extreme prejudice."
"It's data collection taken to the extreme, unthinkable in Europe."
"I honestly think it looks pretty sick, and I do love sleeping with the AC blasting, so hey, why not take it to the extreme and try and sleep in a giant freezer?"
"Blue whales... they truly are a species of extreme."
"It's the most extreme thing we've probably ever done as humans."
"It's going to be extreme, it's going to be painful, it's going to be educational."
"Gaziev was so dehydrated that he tried drinking his own sweat."
"The absolute creme de la creme of the shape de la Cite, the worst of the worst, the smell that would gag a maggot off a gut wagon."
"It's the world's most challenging off-road race."
"Ruins shows the human body pushed to its absolute limits and beyond."
"the worst thing I've ever seen in my life"
"I set myself on fire and I lost about seven pounds there and then I got in a motorcycle crash and that was the rest of it. So it's that sort of Crash and Burn or burning crash diet and it actually works quite well. I don't recommend it."
"He'd sliced off part of his lower lip using a pair of scissors, removed molds from a cheek using a box cutter, and gone so far as to perform a nose job on himself using a needle and thread."
"It's like a big bright blue bedsheet extreme training center."
"What these guys were doing was just absolutely completely insane."
"Good horror is about extreme empathy."
"Seriously bro, that is the nastiest thing I've ever seen."
"Ponti Bridge United in Wales who've been given the most mental punishment that the world of football has potentially ever seen"
"Godzilla threshold - that's the name!"
"How do you get more extreme than maximum security? Maximum means like this is it, you've reached the wall, you're at the max. Apparently you just add super to the title."
"Saturation diving is one of the most extreme jobs on Earth."
"Let me tell you, shooting this is the most extreme [ __ ] I've ever done in my entire life."
"It was like a very extreme case and if that case slipped by, then what does that say about the other cases?"
"This toy was super interesting but it definitely needs to be in the most extreme band toys tier."
"This kind of customization is absolutely crazy."
"I've heard of a walk of shame but that's just on another level right there."
"I mean, look, I don't really think that like fallout is a negative and what palette doesn't have fallout, but this is a little extreme."
"The challenge you guys just saw was without a doubt the craziest challenge I've ever done ever."
"Literally driving up the side of a mountain. This is absolutely crazy."
"It was the most insane thing you can imagine."
"...Jeff is hardcore because he will literally perform his Swanton bomb off any structure regardless of height."
"Black holes are literally gravity run amok."
"He's not going to be happy until someone actually dies on the program."
"It's like Reasonable Doubt too like extreme to them like to another galaxy crazy."
"Looking for a more extreme jungle movie? Then be sure to check out my review of Cannibal Holocaust."
"We’re going to tell you about the most insane 911 calls ever made."
"This is just insane. This is a full-blown cult at this point."
"Of course, once SCREAM guy comes in for a close up, we need to remain committed to extreme violence until he or she is pretty much just a puddle."
"That's one of the craziest things that I've ever done to kill a whitetail."
"Participants will be waterboarded."
"That's the whole aim of my year: to do extreme things."
"This is actually all just a massive and extreme misunderstanding."
"That [__] went into his school with a herpes-infested needle and was just stabbing [__]. Nah bro, that's Batman-level villain."
"This man was geared up to survive the end of the world and had spent a ton of money to do so. I've seen a lot of Preppers before but this was a very different level of prep."
"I would rather fall 35,000 feet out of a plane than drown in the middle of the Pacific Ocean."
"I'll quit the channel, I'll quit the internet, I'll go live on a mountain."
"It honestly doesn't get more metal than using your own blood as your method of killing someone."
"He's the meanest person I've ever met."
"The Heart Attack Grill is a place that literally just kills people."
"The first ever bike packing trip I did was through Death Valley. It was the most incredible riding I've ever done, one of the best senses I've ever done."
"He's going off the deep end for real."
"I like extreme experiences, I like weird shits."
"If you're gonna organize your fabric scraps, you might as well go to the extreme, right?"
"It's extremely close proximity to its Sun means that its temperature is scorching hot, soaring as high as 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit."
"That's just Next Level awful right there."
"He even tipped his paramedics a million dollars each as a thank you for saving his life."
"They really defunded the [ __ ] out of them."
"There isn't anything more dense than a neutron star in the known universe."
"He's extreme and brilliant and at times chaotic."
"I really like this, it's taken to the extreme but in a good way."
"I've done some pretty crazy things in my life in order to get food, but I've never done this. I've sat in the middle of the river in a box, holy crap."
"If you pass out from hunger while I'm hosting this show, I will kill you."
"This is the most extreme off-roading I've done."
"If somebody would only murder Henry Carson, I'd be the happiest woman in the world."
"I'm just this close to saying somebody should kill these guys, because that's the only way they will stop."
"This is over the top [ __ ] fire for like douche nozzles."
"Simply put, my vibe for Autumn this year is Extreme coziness."
"Is it [ __ ] sick? Yes. Is it [ __ ] yes it is."
"...dark romance and horror. It's extreme and I ate up every second of it."
"That's stunning, stunning, stunning relatable content to the maximum extreme."
"Maybe extreme is what's needed to explain ultimate reality."
"there's parking the bus guys and then there's this really"
"If all you know about Extreme is 'More Than Words' and 'Hole Hearted,' you're grossly misled."
"Extreme means reaching a high or the highest degree."
"I think extreme situations call for Extreme Measures."
"That's gotta be the craziest ever."
"This S&S fourth-dimension roller coaster is literally the craziest attraction I have ever been on."
"Literally at the bottom of the globe at the coldest place on Earth."
"The Flash has gone to ridiculous links with the speed force."
"The dumbest [ __ ] on earth, absolute."
"I'd kill to take a vitamin made with the world's strongest acid."
"I think for me it's like I saw it more of like trying to actually learn from these professionals and like do these photo shoots that you won't ever actually do in real life, you know because they're kind of extreme honestly."
"It's all legal" - showcasing the extreme nature of the Texas Death Match.
"It was the most severe heat wave in modern history."
"I'm a very intensely emotional person and I feel everything to the extreme"
"I loved it I thought it was so extreme it was just beautiful."
"I've never been more drunk in my entire life."
"These are unprecedented times. For decades supercars have focused on being the most extreme, uncompromising, and exciting cars imaginable."
"The worst is that winds reach the speed of 5400 miles per hour or almost Mach 7."
"This is the most brutal that I've ever seen."
"I want to build something kind of extreme."
"You sent him to a mental level that no human being has ever been to before."
"Welcome to the LZ compound. This place is freaking insane."
"This is probably one of the craziest drift cars I've ever seen."
"The intensity of that racetrack is obscene."
"This thing is seriously one of the most insane street cars I have ever driven."
"X2 at Six Flags Magic Mountain: 'California's most extreme and batshit crazy ride by far.'"
"This was the most absurd, obscene, insane, and enjoyable giveaway I've literally ever done."
"This road is one of the steepest roads in the United States and the world, the average grade for the mile and a quarter down is 25 degrees and in some spots the grade is 40 degrees."
"This race exists for the sole purpose of pushing those brave enough to compete in it to the very limits of what a human being is capable of."
"I truly believe she would kill someone for me."
"Leadville, it's just very American. It's like bigger than anything, steeper than anything, faster descends than anything, it's just... bigger."
"This is the most insane thing that I've ever done yet so far."
"This is going to be one of the most extreme adventures we've ever done on Brave Wilderness."
"They call it the Timber X for a reason because it is extreme."
"Last week I drove on an ice road in Northern Canada. This is the iciest road I've ever seen in my life."
"I'm extreme, yeah I'm obsessive, duh. Nobody well adjusted ever got my job much less maintained it this long."
"The Kalahari Desert is wild and exotic; the extreme temperatures here gave me a testing that went well beyond my own experience."
"That was one of the most insane things I've ever experienced."
"I would have killed her if that's what he wanted."
"Friends we reached the most extreme part of the route, here it is called 'Tarzan's jump'."
"I'm just a warrior when it comes to extreme conditions; I love the challenge."
"I did one of the most craziest thing known to mankind."
"That's some next-level malicious compliance, changing your entire name just to prove a point."
"America's Death Valley is aptly named, being the site of the highest ambient air temperature ever recorded on Earth."
"It's probably the most metal place we've been, seriously the most metal place I've ever seen."
"I'm taking the childhood game that we all love, hide and seek, to an extreme level."
"Hello and welcome to the Monroe Mark One, quite simply the most extreme electric 4x4 ever made."
"That's insane, I mean cool as hell."
"Arguably the most insane SUV you could buy today."
"Hell yeah, that's nuts and that's a big one too!"
"It's the hottest day of the year."
"In our world, we rise, we cheer, we scream, and we celebrate the men and the machines that conquer the most difficult terrain on the most extreme motocross tracks on the planet."
"Stretch out those wings behind your back, that'll just get your back as far lent back as you can and hands as far away from bars as possible for ultimate suicide no-hand style."
"That was legitimately one of the craziest, most intense experiences of my life."
"I've never experienced heat like that."
"It is bitter cold, it is inhuman, it is the site of the most frigid football game ever played in the history of the National Football League."
"That is absolutely decked, what the hell, that ain't sanity, that is raw man, that is raw."
"That was probably the most insane thing I've ever done in the truck. It was wild."
"It's the hardest week ever on record in Thailand, capping off a month so intense that the heat index here in Bangkok has surged past 50 degrees Celsius."
"It makes me emotional because this is extreme."
"That's the most insane tornado I've ever seen in my life."
"San Andreas was like the last really good one where they just went like balls to the wall."
"Death Valley in California is famous for being the hottest place on Earth."
"Synonymous with desert sand and heat, the Sahara is one of the most inhospitable places on Earth."
"In its darkest areas, space is freezing cold, minus 454 degrees Fahrenheit."
"This is the most extreme road legal track day vehicle that Porsche has built."
"It's one of the gnarliest things ever done and saddest ways to end a video."
"It's the gnarliest guys in the gnarliest waves at some of the most dangerous like and it's where we grew up."
"This film is the actual definition of extreme horror."
"I know what it takes to go that big on a quarter pipe, I know how much work it takes."
"Hotter than the Sahara, more humid than the Amazon, a deadly combination unlike any place on Earth."
"With radical track figures and a spinning train, the German World Market leader in roller coaster engineering is pushing the absolute limit."
"Witness to the maximum wicked level."
"This was worse than tragic, this was a catastrophe."
"It was the most extreme expedition I ever did in my career, it was really unbelievable, crazy stuff."
"X2 goes above and beyond... it is easily the most intense roller coaster at Six Flags Magic Mountain."
"Hatred is when you don't like someone, an extreme dislike for someone."
"The air temperature in the danakil is absolutely extreme."
"They say the Death Valley area has record soaring temperatures of 120 degrees Fahrenheit; that day, it felt much worse."
"That is insane, that is just insane."
"I spend my working life working in extreme environments from the jungles to deserts, but I'm always fascinated by the cold."
"50 degrees below zero meant 80 degrees of frost."
"This is the coldest we've ever seen it here."
"The 24-hour overnight 11-mile hike is both Survivor's longest and, for my money, most brutal challenge of all time."
"KELT-9b's discovery unveiled a world where daytime temperatures soar above 4,300 degrees Celsius, hotter than many stars."
"Imagine planets where the rain is made of glass, falling sideways at super fast speeds."
"Love terrorizes over men; it is a disease, frenzied madness, hell."