
Pleasantness Quotes

There are 341 quotes

"Every human being wants the highest level of pleasantness for themselves."
"Your interiority can happen 100% your way... But to create pleasantness in your body, mind, emotion, and energy is 100% your business."
"Walking with God is not only honorable but pleasant and profitable too."
"It feels like the most pleasant kind of marketing."
"It's a beautiful sunny day at this Barcelona circuit."
"Honestly, it smells good. Smells kind of sweet."
"The entire room right now just smells like a bouquet."
"You're such a wonderful delight and delightful person to talk to."
"It's these little things that really add up and make it a more like I guess pleasant experience."
"Wow, nice, aren't the people nice? Yeah, aren't they fantastic?"
"My last interaction with people to be pleasant."
"I've got a really hopeful feeling which is so lovely."
"Pokemon Let's Go is one of the most wholesome and pleasant nostalgia trips I've ever taken."
"This game is a very wholesome and pleasant nostalgia trip from beginning to end."
"The angels who come to take us, they love a good fragrance."
"Every human being for themselves, they want the highest level of pleasantness."
"If your pleasantness is dependent upon what happens around you, the chances of you being pleasant all the time is remote."
"It's a very subtle sweet cake, you know what it's like a Victoria sponge, it's very nice."
"It's like sixty degrees and sunny and hardly any wind, it's a complete reversal of yesterday's weather."
"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!"
"I felt extremely just very relaxed and very, very happy and pleasant."
"It's a pretty record, it sounds so nice."
"If you want to have great team members in your office, you better be pleasant to be around."
"It smells good, like the smell coming out of the Disneyland Hotel. I know that sounds weird, but it's so pleasant."
"Make it relevant, make it easy, make it pleasant, make it like the world."
"Wisdom's ways are always ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace."
"I would like to come to that after party I would like you to as well Co that sounds like a very nice time."
"Cheerful disposition - a joy to be around."
"...the entire experience is actually pleasant and soothing..."
"It just felt so attainable, I kind of forgot that you can do little things like that that are genuinely pleasant to do."
"She struck me as intelligent and just generally pleasant to be around."
"It felt so cozy so comforting it just felt like I was just like huh it's so nice it's so lovely."
"Feeling is how we experience the world as either pleasant or unpleasant. Craving arises naturally from these feelings."
"Is this people who have no idea how to communicate in a pleasant way?"
"It's the nicest smell I've ever smelled."
"I'm not just gonna sit here and say that this is gonna suck ass because this is actually very pleasant."
"That sounds like it's nice and engaging."
"It's a very wearable and pleasant oud."
"It was sacred, it was pleasant, there were a series of white horses."
"...add so much pleasantness to the way you live, to your happiness, and entertaining guests."
"It was like being in a warm shower all day."
"She was pleasant as she did it. The judge was pleasant. Everything was pleasant. It was beautiful."
"Oh, what a fragrance! It smells literally incredible."
"Not even kidding, that was so, so nice."
"It's been absolutely delightful meeting you."
"All the ways of wisdom are the highways of pleasantness and the highways of favor."
"If you're just looking for a good scent that smells really nice, this is a really, really good one."
"So pretty. And it smells like watermelon."
"That's nice. Oh, that's sweet, that's interesting."
"Wow, that sounds really nice. That sounds very nice."
"I hope you all have a safe and pleasant day."
"It's just really Pleasant and nice."
"It makes life so much more pleasant to feel the love of the Living God and that's what he wants most from you."
"So lovely, I love having nice people in there so nice."
"Lovely weather. This is like working in New Zealand."
"Oh, well, that was a lovely experience."
"Charming people say nice things all the time and make you feel good about yourself."
"It's weird how almost every single Australian I've ever met has been extremely pleasant and fun."
"Amiable, unassuming, and agreeable."
"It's always just gonna smell really, really nice to people."
"Let us all have a few years of pleasant dreams."
"She's always just so pleasant and a joy to be around."
"That's nice. Yeah, it is. It's super nice."
"And in general I like that people come here from different countries; working together, cooperation is very pleasant."
"Good evening everybody, it's currently Tuesday, and we have some really nice weather coming in finally."
"Thank you, you're welcome, well that smells so good."
"Wow, this place looks really nice though, wow, really nice."
"I've had a really lovely start to the day."
"It's a lovely place, really really lovely place, it's nice to live there as well, nice people."
"How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"
"It's been a really nice day, hasn't it?"
"She was pleasant for them to be flattered by this young woman."
"Nice day, isn't it? Yes, it's lovely."
"You were a really pleasant surprise for me."
"It turned out to be a really, really nice evening."
"There's something pleasant and yet something very vicious about this."
"There are lots of beautiful little villages scattered around this part of the countryside which are very peaceful, calm, and the people are really pleasant."
"Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity."
"The scent fills the whole room; it's really, really lovely."
"It's like a memory that's imbued in the brain, and it's nice."
"If you characterize spring, you get lovely sunny days like today."
"It's very sweet, it's very fruity, nothing too groundbreaking, but it just smells really, really good."
"You're just sweet, you're nice, you're kind, you're altruistic."
"You're wonderful but you're not over the top."
"The surprising thing is that the weather is very pleasant at 7 AM in the morning. Light & sweet winds are blowing."
"You can tell spring is in town because everything's becoming so green and so nice."
"Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to also sit together."
"The day is as pleasant as any vacationer could hope for."
"I hope your time there will be pleasant, and your memories will last forever."
"Look how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity."
"You would be a good co-worker or just a good person to be around in general."
"Am I dreaming? This is literally so nice."
"I hope the evening finds you well."
"It's just so nice, I don't know how to explain it, but it just feels rare."
"I hope you're all having a lovely evening."
"It's always nice to come in somewhere where someone's got a smile on."
"It smells kind of like freshly baked muffins out here, it's delightful."
"It's a really nice fragrance, it's a really nice pleasant inviting crowd-pleasing everyday kind of fragrance."
"It is a very pleasant afternoon, 68 degrees and a lot of sunshine here at Notre Dame Stadium."
"It's just very, very pleasant, just extremely pleasant, feminine, floral, light, inoffensive."
"It's like a warm apple pie, it's lovely."
"It's a very, very pleasant place to be."
"He is the nicest warden I think we've ever come across, so pleasant and friendly."
"Because I tell you what, this is pleasant. Very pleasant."
"It's such a pleasant temperature as well, isn't it?"
"It's just a nice place to be now."
"The tea is so pleasant. I hear it all the time, people say, 'Mushroom tea? Mushrooms? I'm kind of iffy on to begin with.' But this is actually a very, very pleasant tea."
"It feels so nice to say good night to you."
"It turns out to be a really quite nice comfortable place."
"It's got a lovely atmosphere, this place."
"It gets better as it dries down, it's really, really nice."
"I find you curiously pleasant company, young Bob."
"It's such a nice little tune, simple but still it sounds so pleasant."
"It's delightful, it's really pleasant, it doesn't perform like a beast, but it's very fresh and smooth and sophisticated."
"He's so pleasant to be around, he really looks like he's enjoying everything about it."
"Looks like it's going to be a nice day today."
"This is a very pleasant room to be in because it gets daylight pretty much all day long."
"Good morning, Margaret. Lovely morning, isn't it?"
"I will welcome a hummingbird over a bat; hummingbirds are much more pleasant."
"We're up to the youthful very pleasant business of having some nice people with very interesting occupations here to visit us."
"The overall presence of this is really very, very nice."
"Compassion helps you to be pleasant, to be loving, and you can restore communication with the other person easily."
"It's nice to have a conversation with you."
"It's really this very nice, very pleasant, sweet attention-grabbing aquatic scent."
"Let's behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."
"It's been such a pleasure meeting you, you're just a lovely person."
"It's a lovely smell, it really is."
"I want one of those nights; it's really nice."
"The melody is quite nice and catchy, very easy and pleasant to listen to the ear."
"It's like a floral, it's actually not that bad."
"The weather is just pretty; it's like not too sunny, breezy."
"With the easy aspects, you're guaranteed to have just lovely conversations."
"That's the kind of dream where you're like, it's such a nice dream."
"He was professional but fun and pleasant to be around."
"Let's have a nice pleasant conversation."
"The sound of a tube microphone can be more pleasant."
"Hello, Vincent. We have 74 degrees and sunny. It's windy, but it's nice."
"Thank you for the meal, today has been quite nice."
"Don't assume they're just for video work either - since making a few I've used them regularly for general illumination as the light they give off is so pleasant."
"This amp is the bass for me, the bass is round, there's a certain roundness to it, and it sounds very pleasant."
"It just feels lovely, doesn't it?"
"In October the blooms smell like cake batter, like butter and vanilla."
"It's a very pleasant scent; would smell good on people."
"It's a very pleasant, very easy-going, easy to get along with fragrance that I think is commercially appealing, mass appealing."
"They're usually just more pleasant because they're happy."
"A sweet, fruity, juicy fragrance that is crowd-pleasing."
"It smells really nice, vacationy, like a really nice vacationy scent."
"It smells like cinnamon goodness."
"Talk about anything in real life with someone and it's like, 'Oh, that was fine, that was okay, it was pleasant.'"
"It's a smile for me, how she looked at the camera, she's so pleasant."
"It was so nice chatting with you."
"Being in love is a little like an attack of chills and fever, only nicer."
"It just smells quite simply lovely."
"Everything about Canada is pleasant, even the Canadian flag. Just put a leaf out there."
"I just want these to be really happy, they smell just really lovely, it's not like a sweet fruity, it's just a very nice fruity vanilla scent, it's pleasant, I like it."
"It smells so nice; it's so quiet like this."
"It's very pretty, what a nice gentle sound it makes."
"She smells like maple syrup; a lot of people think pigs smell bad, but they actually don't."
"It is just a beautiful white floral that to me is not screechy at all."
"The lack of saltiness really helps make this quite pleasant and mild."
"Say what is true, say what is pleasant."
"It's such a lovely day, it's nice today, isn't it Max?"
"It's just the right balance of a little corny but kind of nice too."
"It's such a beautiful scent, it smells like a strawberry pound cake."
"What a lovely way to be woken up to, I can't think of a better sound that I would rather hear first thing in the morning."
"It was just a really pleasant experience."
"It smells like the ocean as well, it smells so nice."
"Wishing you a very pleasant good night."
"That's actually really nice, that is."
"He is very pleasant, smiles a lot and is far more childlike than he used to be before."
"It's polite, it's nippy, it's friendly."
"Hey, it's nice to see you. Let's not talk about garages; make it even nicer."
"It's a lovely day and the sun is pretty warm, warmer than usual."
"It's just got that kind of vibe, and it's just been so, so lovely."
"It's just a fun, pleasant thing to say, and it just ticks all the boxes."
"It just smells really good, it's a good everyday scent."
"Just be prepared to wake up to a little bit of pleasantness."
"It's not too obnoxious, it's not raspy, it doesn't drone, it just sounds good."
"The sandalwood incense smells really nice, it's very subtle."
"It was a really nice sunny day actually, back in September."
"In this world, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant."
"It smells like kind of raisiny oranges. It's actually a really, really, really pleasant smell so far."
"It's just between Cardiff and Barry, it's Fontagari and it's on a beach, so it's actually quite nice."
"That's pretty sweet, it's very sweet."
"You're nice to be with, nice to talk to."
"That was a lovely, lovely conversation."
"They were lovely; we chatted for a bit."
"I had such a lovely evening last night."
"It was charming, it managed to be charming."
"It's a friendly place, it's lovely."
"It rarely rains in LA, but today is one of those rare days that it does rain, and it actually feels nice."
"What a great experience, what a delight, a pleasant man."
"It's just a really nice overall day out."
"Everyone favors me, and the working environment is so pleasant to be in."
"He's funny in a very very pleasant way, he was very nice."
"It's a lovely day here in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and we're here at NCM Motorsports Park."
"I appreciate chatting with you, it was nice."
"Frankincense has a sweet, woody smell, very very nice."
"I'm a very pleasant person, okay?"
"If you've never experienced rye grass getting cut before, it's got this really sweet sort of smell."