
Brain Injury Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"We're going to talk about traumatic brain injuries, what to do if you get hit, things to support your brain, and what you can do if you or your family has Alzheimer's."
"I am an assistant professor of pediatrics and neuroscience at the University of Washington. My day job... is as a basic neuroscientist trying to find ways to treat the injured brain."
"Any seizure that occurs within 24 hours of traumatic brain injury should be considered an early post-traumatic seizure."
"Traumatic Brain Injury is a major cause of preventable death and disability."
"No parent should ever have to live with the knowledge that they've caused their child permanent brain damage."
"Repetitive head trauma can cause permanent brain damage."
"An investigation by the FBI in the Cuban incident revealed the diplomats may have been the target of a sonic weapon capable of using sound waves to inflict brain injuries."
"There's a proposal to study whether ketones can prevent traumatic brain injury in military parachute jumpers."
"The symptoms of traumatic brain injury may be cognitive, motor, or they may be sensory in nature, depending on the extent and the location of the injury."
"In primary brain injury, this describes the injury which occurs at the time of the trauma, and it may include concussions, brain contusions and lacerations, and also intracranial hematomas."
"To think about the leaps and bounds that one can make, and how your body can really come back. Especially your brain too. I always knew about body injuries, but never understood the brain injury thing until I saw it firsthand."
"I don't think it will be truthful, and if he truly does have TBI and brain damage and it persists... who knows what he'll say."
"Emotions after brain injury can come in a wide range and it can often feel like extremes. It can go from being so overwhelmed and overstimulated and having outbursts of anger or sadness that you can't control all the way to the range of feeling nothing, feeling blank."
"Feeling blank... somebody with a brain injury could have trouble feeling anything at all, like they could logically know they're supposed to feel a certain way in a certain situation but they don't and they don't feel anything."
"If you expect yourself to never have emotional outbursts after you have a brain injury, that'd be like expecting to, after you sprain your knee, never have pain while you're walking."
"So if you're listening to this and you have had outbursts yourself, I want you to know, it is common with brain injury, do not blame yourself, it is okay, it's gonna happen, your brain's injured."
"Low-level laser therapy applied transcranially to mice following traumatic brain injury significantly, again significantly, reduces long-term neurological deficits."
"One bad blow to your thought melon and suddenly you may not be you anymore."
"Positive brain plasticity approaches can have a tremendous impact for victims of traumatic brain injury."
"His case changed Neuroscience Forever by showing that an injury to the brain could affect specific personality traits."
"Permanent brain damage is likely, but we won't know for sure until the results come in."
"Hyperbaric oxygen... if I could only do one thing to help heal the brain from brain injury, it would be hyperbaric oxygen."
"Another application for the drug that has received some attention is in cases of coma and brain injury."
"For concussion or brain injury, you want to try to regulate the neuronal environment immediately following injury."
"...she actually stood up for herself and she was a representation of what it means to have traumatic brain injury."
"Following brain injury, many people become disinhibited and they become Risk Takers."
"Brain injury itself is an untold story; it's a hidden disability."
"Brain injuries are finally getting more recognition through the media."
"Living with brain injuries not only taught us the power of advocacy but it opened our eyes to the invisible world that we live in."
"I'm a rehabilitation physician and I specialize in providing care to persons who have had brain injury."
"Everyone's experience with mild traumatic brain injury is their own and its unique."
"The majority of individuals will make their recovery within the first three months after their injury."
"I have a brain injury. It affects my judgment, my decision making."
"The younger you can discover a child's brain injury, the quicker you can get treatment, the better their chances are."
"The brain is truly the organ of the psyche and that the things we think, the things we feel... emanates from the brain and injury to the brain changes who we are."
"It turns out kaggarlack was right; he'd suffered brain swelling due to a carbon monoxide leak."
"Learn what complex PTSD is... it's an injury to your brain and nervous system."
"Virtual reality is really interesting... could that be leveraged to enhance traumatic brain injury or brain injury recovery?"
"Post-traumatic stress disorder changes the brain, it changes brain function... post traumatic stress disorder is a type of brain injury."
"Why is it that some people with a previous TBI get degenerative brain disease while others are resilient?"
"The estimated annual cost of TBI in the United States exceeds seventy billion dollars."
"Brain injury can be viewed in three compartments: physical, emotional, and cognitive."
"Not everyone who has a traumatic brain injury develops schizophrenia."
"Aphasia ultimately is due to injury to language areas in the brain."
"It's always better to let the brain recover fully before playing again."
"Cerebrolysis improves outcomes of people who have developed traumatic brain injuries."
"If we're talking about brain injury, by two years out you can compensate, you can learn strategies to function better, but in terms of recovery of the brain, it probably won't happen."
"If the brain is moving 40 miles an hour and suddenly stops, the brain inside your head twists around and it rubs up against the skull."
"PTSD actually forms a lesion, a permanent physical injury to the brain which was never going to change and never going to heal."