
Psychosis Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"If you become psychotic or delusional, that is definitely mania."
"Don't ever let the stereotypes associated with behaviors such as being quiet and calm meaning that you are feeling less emotionless that you are evil no psychosis makes people this way."
"Somebody who answers the door quiet and calm after murdering five children is seriously unwell that's psychosis for you."
"When a mass psychosis occurs the results are devastating."
"There is no Archimedean point from which those living through a mass psychosis can observe their collective madness."
"The insight is psychotic because it is based on delusions."
"The media is lying to us... They've been programming us for mass psychosis for decades."
"Remember, a defining feature of mass psychosis is that you are holding on to an ideology or a system of belief that is by definition irrational."
"The spectrum of psychosis matches seamlessly with the spectrum of consciousness."
"Psychosis is really defined as having a problem understanding reality."
"Batman rejects the notion that he's psychotic."
"The frequency of psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder is even more pronounced than in unipolar depression."
"There's something mentally ill here; there's something schizophrenic if you wish. Indeed, creativity and psychoticism are linked in Isaac's work."
"Psychosis is a symptom of severe mental illness, people who are psychotic are irrational."
"I thought my eyes were never going to heal and I worried that I'd given myself permanent psychosis."
"Psychosis is seen as the psyche's way of dissolving the old way of being, starting again, renewing the self."
"Hallucinations, thoughts, and beliefs that defy our understanding, held with complete conviction and unaltered by evidence, characterize psychosis."
"My name is Navraj Saddu, I'm a psychiatrist practicing in Montreal, Canada. I have an interest in specific psychosis and particularly in psychotherapy for psychosis."
"Clozapine: Tackling psychosis, reducing aggression."
"A lot of people, when they kill their family or someone in the name of God, they don't realize they're experiencing religious psychosis."
"However, there was no indication that he was driven by a serious mental illness or a psychosis."
"This stuff is serious. You need to take it seriously because for thousands of people every year, it's not just hallucinations, it is life or death."
"We hope to dispel the myths and inform not just about the illness but also about the hope for people diagnosed with psychosis."
"It takes a very special kind of psychosis, I think, to do...just kidding!"
"Psychosis is really what that means is that it's any of a number of symptoms that indicate that someone has lost contact with conventional reality."
"Johnny Davy's delivery really builds into this almost neurotic sound, like coming from a place of psychosis or something."
"He was psychotic and legally insane."
"Someone who's saying 'God, why did you stop it?'—that's exactly how psychosis works."
"Most serial murderers are not psychotic, but Ed seemed to have the symptoms of some form of psychosis."
"The vast majority of people with psychosis will never be violent."
"The take-home points are that prescription amphetamines are associated with an increased risk of psychosis compared to methylphenidate."
"Previous studies found that amphetamine causes dopamine release, which correlates positively with psychotic symptoms."
"They might feel like they have to control their mind, they might feel like they are psychotic."
"Voice hearing is better conceptualized as dissociative than as psychotic."
"The belief system that there's this big conspiracy that you know the truth about but nobody else does, very much ties into the belief system of psychosis."
"Sometimes the thinking that they enjoyed when they were psychotic is reduced as a result of the medication."
"Anybody who doesn't sleep for five days... they are going to start experiencing what that thing is called psychosis."
"A person is delusional, it is considered a form of psychosis, a symptom of psychosis."
"Having periods of moodiness and psychosis with periods of being lucid and clear-minded and normal, that's really hard."
"Psychosis disruptions to a person's thoughts and perceptions that make it difficult for them to realize what's real versus what's not real."
"Excessive energy, decreased need for sleep, and then oftentimes we see in the field of forensic psychology that it can induce psychotic symptoms."
"I did not personally observe psychotic symptoms during the moments of my evaluation and Missy business, but I did see in the record indication of past psychotic symptoms to be clear."
"Psychosis is a symptom just like fever is a symptom."
"Psychosis is characterized by someone having hallucinations and delusions."
"Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder; psychosis is a condition in which the patient has experiences and/or beliefs that do not have basis in reality."
"I'm probably healthier than many of my neurotic colleagues, even though I have a psychosis."
"The human condition is the result of a psychotic break from reality, a break from love and light and oneness."
"She does not present any longer with symptoms of psychosis."
"We're dealing with a large brain that's in this bathtub, basically they become psychotic."
"People with psychosis aren't normally dangerous to others."
"The specific symptoms that characterize this break with reality are false perceptions... then secondly false thoughts or beliefs... and then the third kind of positive symptom is disorganization of thinking."
"Psychosis in a patient with Parkinson's is our diagnosis."
"Clozapine is the best drug for patients with Parkinson's that have psychosis."
"It's about a psychotic breakdown and what happens to a person's mind when the barriers which distinguish between reality and the reports of imagination completely disappear."
"The adverse effects with the intoxication... it's mimetic of some psychiatric psychotic symptoms or analogy and it's an adverse effect of the drug."
"To me, psychosis means living in a different reality, a reality that isn't shared with other people."
"By going back and finding and resolving those wrong indications, you help the person to come out of that psychotic break."
"Psychotic means a break from reality."