
Small Changes Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"A tiny variable... can have a huge impact on the course of one's life."
"It's the little things that really change a city's vibe."
"That's something that makes all the difference."
"Look to those little tiny things to improve the scales just a little bit."
"What's really going to make a difference is a bunch of people making small changes on a global level."
"I think the world would be a much happier place if we could all find it within ourselves to just to just do that small thing."
"But what if it was a lot of small things? Maybe that would be enough."
"No matter where you're going to start with finding extra room in your budget, the biggest thing is to start making those little changes that can seem kind of pointless on the surface but add up to big things in the long term."
"One small thing can make a really big difference."
"It's the little details like that that add up to make a big attitude change."
"A small nudge in x allows for a very big change to y."
"A little bit of reversal goes a long way toward making you feel better."
"Sometimes the smallest little details can make a big difference."
"Atomic in this sense means small, it's the small little changes, the choices that you make on a daily basis that change the trajectory of your life."
"This is a tiny tweak that'll have big ramifications."
"Just very slight changes with your posture are going to make a really really big difference."
"One minor change can have massive repercussions."
"All it takes is one little tweak and instantly it goes from feeling benign to being potentially deadly."
"Seems like a small thing, but for me, it's gonna make a huge difference."
"Tiny little differences can have consequences that magnify and magnify and amplify into a butterfly effect."
"If everyone made some small changes, it would make a huge impact."
"It's incredible how such small things can have such large effects."
"Something as little as changing your posture can have such a big impact."
"I'm gonna go for a walk it can do that tiny tiny shift to change the way you look at things."
"Start small. Five minutes, ten minutes. That's enough."
"Small, intentional steps lead to big changes in building a life you love."
"How small changes we take can spread and create change on a larger scale."
"Little changes matter, and you should give yourself a pat on the back if you are even doing the slightest thing."
"A small change for sure, but one that is going to feel so great when all is said and done."
"Just simple shifts in ordering can make a big difference."
"Small changes in the blood usually equate to huge symptoms."
"It's weird how small improvements help transfigure a part of your life in a way that just makes you feel really good."
"A few small actions implemented consistently can lead to huge results."
"It's never the big things, it's all the little changes you can make in your life."
"It's amazing what one sticker slapped on a weapon can do."
"Sometimes these small things really change everything."
"So don't skip them thinking they won't make much of a difference because they will they will indeed"
"Start making little changes and start getting healthier."
"It's the little things that make the biggest differences."
"Even the slightest difference... can make a massive difference to your group size."
"It's crazy how even a small adjustment can make a big difference."
"Your day today can be changed by you making a small adjustment."
"Doing little things to kind of switch things up can make a huge difference."
"I'm so pleased to see the difference in Maggie's house. They might only be small changes but to Madge, they make a real difference. She's happy, I'm happy. A job well done."
"Even the smallest things can lead to big transformations in your life."
"I am fully convinced that it is some small but significant changes that make all the difference in being able to enjoy and continue a reading habit..."
"So something very simple like this, you can see it makes a big difference already."
"It's crazy how much a small tweak like this could make for such a big improvement."
"It's just all these little things that make a big difference, right?"
"I believe the big thing God is about to do in your life is going to come from a little adjustment that you're making."
"Small actions create waves and you may be doing more good than you realize."
"Small tweaks, small changes can have the opposite effect by just changing one of the 10 things listed here."
"It's a small thing that makes a big difference."
"These are small things but small things have a big impact. Remember, the better your sleep, the stronger your immune system."
"It's amazing that just a very small amount of static grass on a model can make a huge difference in the overall appearance."
"Sometimes a small pebble starts the avalanche which changes your whole future, don't you think?"
"It doesn't sound big but I think it will really help everyone."
"It's like one small thing could make the entire thing flow perfectly."
"Small adjustments today expand to massive order of magnitude changes in the future."
"It's like these little things that add up that make such a huge difference."
"Because that can make all the difference in the world."
"Little things here and there can really help shift your energy."
"One percent change doesn't have to just apply to farm life. They can apply to Family Life."
"That little two percent change of that 95 is enough to change your reality."
"This one small change makes a very big difference for this one individual player."
"It may look like a small movement, but I promise you, when done consistently and done well, they deliver big results."
"...don't think that your efforts fall short or that they don't make a difference they really do make those small changes every single day..."
"Just doing a few little things here and there can make such a difference."
"Small changes can make big results."
"It's not one thing is going to make a difference, a thousand tiny things will make a difference."
"Those little tiny changes can make a big difference."
"They're small changes but they're huge quality of life improvements."
"Little tiny changes add up and make a space feel really intentional."
"Make small changes over time, not one big lump."
"You can make similar small changes that will add up to Big results."
"How small differences can make a difference."
"Small movements make such a big difference."
"Even a hundred or two hundred dollars a month can often make a massive change."
"Those little things can make a huge difference in your success."
"These little changes make a big difference, they can make quite a big difference."
"Small changes can have a big impact and framer is the perfect canvas for play and exploration."
"One percent can make a huge difference over time."
"What is the smallest thing that can have the biggest impact?"
"Tiny adjustments can make a big difference."
"Sometimes it's just the smallest things that make the biggest difference."
"...such a little change made such a big difference."
"It's such a small change and yet it makes an absolute world of difference."
"Tiny things can have big impacts."
"It's just small things that make the difference."
"All these little things adding up could potentially add up to a lot."
"Small steps to start getting out of your comfort zone a little bit can lead to good outcomes."
"Just by setting your trajectory by 1% in a different direction, you could be 500 miles in a better position down the road."
"Just think about the small things that you can do that can make you a healthier person."
"Work on those small things, and I promise you, you're going to feel that shift."
"If we all make small changes, we can do our part."
"I love it when a little thing makes a big difference."
"You'll be surprised how all these little changes lead to higher energy levels across the board."
"It's funny how that little bit brightened up every page."
"Something very small can make a very big difference."
"It's amazing what small things can do to help a team which improves their productivity, gets better results, the whole bit."
"We like to say no big, but the truth is little things can really add up."
"Big doors swing on little hinges."
"We often dismiss small changes because they don't seem to matter very much in the moment."
"A little bit goes a long way and can make a huge difference in your well-being and the quality of your life."
"How little things can make a big difference."
"You don't have to create something that changes the entire world; you just need to create something that changes somebody's world."
"Little things like this can make a big difference in the end."
"The tiniest changes can make the biggest differences."
"A lot of us put weight on making small changes that create a big difference."
"I think going completely plastic-free is impossible for the majority, but I do think it's important to see if you can make small changes."
"Little millimeter miracles on our mat can have such a big impact on our body."
"It's a little something that can make a huge difference."
"Just little things here and there can make a big difference."
"The smallest bit makes the biggest difference."
"Isn't it amazing how such little tiny things can make such a big difference?"
"It might be a tiny tweak that takes you to big peaks of destiny."
"It's about teaching something small that's going to make a big difference."
"Sometimes the little things make the biggest of changes."
"It's incredible how with small changes you can achieve incredible results."
"It's these little bits that make the biggest difference, you know."
"A little degrees goes a long way."
"Sometimes just the smallest tweak can make the biggest difference."
"It makes a little difference, we love these."
"The little adjustments make the big difference."
"It's easy to forget that when you start to make small little changes, those little small positive moves have a positive ripple effect."
"We just change one little piece of code, we just change one little habit, it makes all the difference."
"Small changes like this can make a huge difference within the home."
"It's incredible how a few minor changes can just make you fall so much more in love with something when you already loved it so much."
"Small things make huge differences."