
Buoyancy Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"It's the lowest point on Earth, the Dead Sea; it's 10 times saltier than the oceans which is what makes you float. You literally can't sink."
"The water buoyancy will relieve pressure on aching joints."
"Everything seeks its relative density and rises or falls until settling accordingly."
"If you blow all the air out of your lungs, you're gonna sink."
"Helium can lift stuff because it is less dense than air."
"Survival tip: drop excessive weight in water to stay afloat."
"The existing laws of density and buoyancy perfectly explain the physics of falling objects along before knighted freemasons Sir Isaac Newton bestowed his theory of gravity upon the world."
"I am now looking at my life like... but I'm grateful I'm alive."
"Do you know why a ship floats and a stone cannot?"
"Archimedes' principle is as follows: The buoyant force on an immersed body has the same magnitude as the weight of the fluid which is displaced by the body."
"Whether it sinks or whether it floats, the buoyant force is always identical to the weight of the displaced fluid."
"Buoyancy is an object's ability to sink or float."
"Ships float because they're hollow, full of air, and their shape doesn't displace too much water."
"Our new voxel buoyancy simulation is a success."
"The gist of buoyancy is basically you have some water surface, and then you have some object."
"Apples float because they're one quarter air."
"It's quite buoyant in a way, it looks quite good in the water."
"If you fill an empty aquarium with sulfur hexafluoride and place a lightweight ship into it, it would float on invisible waves."
"It does float, yeah, it's amphibious."
"Water has more mass than air so pushing against water has a better result."
"Buoyancy depends on the density of the thing and the fluid it's surrounded by. It all comes down to the particles and how they interact."
"Those people who attract happiness through their sheer natural buoyancy and intelligence, they are a source of pleasure and you must associate with them to share in the prosperity they draw upon themselves."
"The scientific explanation of how he's buoyant enough that he can be upright in the water much deeper."
"It is a ship. Just looking at how the ship loading and the center of buoyancy, center of gravity, center of lift, all these things are exactly the same because we do float."
"Feeling the buoyancy of the water, then after swimming, just resting on your back."
"I'm pretty sure if she jumped in the air she'd be able to float."
"Swimbladder infection show themselves as a fish not being able to maintain buoyancy, floating, listing to one side."
"Buoyancy will become so familiar that you won't even need a word for it; you'll just see and feel how it arises naturally from simpler principles."
"It's worth noting that because there's a lot more going on with the likes of the chod rig and the hinge rig sort of at the hook bait end you need to use a really buoyant pop-up."
"Ducks float because their feathers trap air bubbles, allowing them to float in water."
"So, pretty much he has too much muscle mass to float, so it's just too much mass in a small amount of space."
"I'm so curious if I sink or float!"
"If something is lighter than air, it floats upward."
"The boat is unsinkable. You can fill this boat with water and it'll still drive back to shore."
"The boat simply rides high. The flotation and the elevation and the deflection of the water to the sides is unlike anything we've ever tested."
"The cliff banger, the reason why it is such a great crankbait is it's super buoyant."
"It's made out of a material that's buoyant."
"Did you know it's easier to float in salt water like in the Ocean than it is in fresh water like a lake or a pool?"
"I don't bloat physically, I just don't float."
"Water wants to go down, but so does the boat. So water pushes boat up to get boat out of the way. Trick is, you need a boat that wants to go down less than the water does."
"The reason these ships keep getting brought back is because they have a massive reserve of buoyancy."
"You have to relax, you have to believe that the water is going to hold you up."
"Being neutrally buoyant and in proper trim and streamline like that are all things that are going to help you be a better diver overall."
"CDC feathers make flies float really well and don't absorb water."
"Quality of CDC isn't just about length; density matters more for certain patterns."
"When we talk about ground effect, it is also the reason you float."
"Dude, I can pull my feet up and float. I'm floating right now, literally floating."
"Boobies could literally have her boobies could have floated the Titanic away from the iceberg."
"Each island will be hexagonal in shape and contain a limestone coating that's two to three times harder than concrete but still buoyant."
"Looks like we got some Ivory soap over here. Reacher, meaning this [__] is so pure and floats."
"Be light. What happens to heavy things? They sink."
"If the ocean was big enough, we could hypothetically let Saturn just float because it's so not dense at all."
"We know that boat floats, doesn't it? It floats because we were standing on it in the water."
"They dance on the sea's surface and do not sink."
"Any object totally or partially immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object."
"Will the Legos float, or will the buildings and stuff be heavy enough to withstand that much water? I really don't know."
"The buoyancy of his K-pop jacket brought him to the surface and kept him afloat."
"Thirty percent of that liquid is mineral, and that's why we're so buoyant on it."
"Hot air is lighter than cold air, and that means if you warm up the air in a balloon, it will float up."
"Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system; if you found a pool of water huge enough to fit the ringed planet, it would float on the surface."
"It's like the hull of a boat where you take the hull of a boat and you cut it up into little pieces and every piece floats."
"Pumice... it has a very unique property when you take a piece of pumice and you put it in a bucket of water, it'll float on top of the water even though it's a rock."
"These are the floats for the dock; they're called a roto mold and they're foam filled so they float."
"Remember how Thomas Andrews had told some passengers on the Titanic that the ship could be cut into three individual pieces and each piece would float?"
"It's easier to float in salt water than it is in fresh water because not all liquids are created equal; they have different densities."
"The mother coats them in the oil from her feathers, so that makes them buoyant so they won't sink."
"It's neutral buoyant, it just stays like this."
"That's why you get this result from Archimedes."
"The only completely stationary object in the room was an enormous couch on which two young women were buoyed up as though upon an anchored balloon."
"How do you know if an ant is a boy or a girl? If you toss it in the water and it sinks, it's a girl, but if the ant floats, it's a buoyant."
"The bubbles in your soda push the straw up when they balance the buoyancy with the mass of the straw."
"Because it's heavy doesn't mean it's gonna sink."
"...the ship hits the water too fast or too high an angle and then water comes over... as soon as the water starts pouring in... it gathers enough water to just become negatively buoyant and continue the rest of its short voyage to the bottom."
"If the relative density is greater than one, then clearly the object will sink; if it is less than one, then it will float."
"It's easier to float in salt water like in the ocean than it is in fresh water like a lake or a pool."
"Water is like space, you're floating."
"When there's air in your lungs, you're being pulled up to the surface."
"Deep water's the same, it'll still float you if you got air in your lungs."
"The brain is floating in a fluid sac."
"What also floats in water? A duck."
"Any object that is partially or fully immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object."
"If the upward buoyant force is greater than the downward force from the weight of the object, then that object is going to float."
"If the upward buoyant force is equal to the downward force from the weight of the object, then that is what we consider neutral buoyancy."
"The ability to make yourself positively buoyant and float at the surface is utmost to know."
"Through fine-tuned control of your breathing and breath control, that is the secret to really perfecting your buoyancy."
"I float over beats with the buoyancy."
"The sphere has half the density of the fluid, which is what we'd expect if it floats with half of it in the water."
"When you displace it a little bit, there'll be more water displaced, so the buoyant force would increase, causing there to be a net upward force."
"Do you know why a ship floats and a stone cannot? Because the stone sees only downward."
"The brain inside your body is floating in its own little swimming pool."
"The cerebral spinal fluid surrounds the brain and the spinal cord and it provides buoyancy to the brain."
"The aerostat program which is a great big balloon filled with gases that keep it afloat."
"If a ship sinks in a body of water, does the water level rise or fall? Well, I think the question is a trick; it depends on how much empty space was in the boat that was submerged before going under."
"Buoyancy is the upwards force on a body that allows it to float or rise when it's submerged in a liquid."
"We should embrace buoyancy, the bubbles below."
"It floats, this rod and reel also floats, that's really cool."
"The Moby net is a wooden net and this net when you drop in the water, unlike other manufactured nets, this one will float on top of the water."
"If you took Saturn and put it in a bathtub, it would float."
"If you had a huge ocean somehow, Saturn would float."
"An object will float if it's less dense than the fluid."
"These bronze floors, they're really that connection between the buoyancy of the hull and the weight of that ballast keel."
"Saturn could float if you had a bathtub big enough."
"The moment of truth, we need to know if this thing floats or sinks."
"The plume that arrived at 40 million years underplated the subducting slab, but it's very buoyant and it pushed up the slab but also heated the slab."
"The DT is made out of balsa, and so it floats; it's very buoyant."
"Right, the wood floats. So we should build our boat out of wood."
"Boats come in so many different shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: they float on top of the water."
"Archimedes' principle: any fluid applies a buoyant force to an object that is partially or completely immersed in it."
"Saturn is less dense than water, so if it were thrown into a giant pool, it would float."
"Did you know you can make a boat out of concrete and they actually have and they do float?"
"These cakes will float, and it's best if they're fully submerged so they can hydrate better."
"Boobs float, they are mainly fat, and fat floats."
"It's actually more natural to be in neutral, in trim and buoyant, neutrally buoyant than not."
"Once you get used to being in neutral trim and buoyancy, it feels like, 'Oh my God, I don't have to do one single thing and I can just sit there.'"
"The better your buoyancy, the more enjoyable your dives, the less air you consume."
"Okay, an object is neutrally buoyant when it displaces the same amount of water than it weighs."
"Positive buoyancy means that it's displacing more water than the object actually weighs."
"And a negative buoyancy is when we're displacing less water than the object weighs."
"If the density is greater, the object will sink, but if the density is equal, the object will not sink or float, but it will be stationary."
"The upthrust is equal to the weight of the water displaced."
"The third shape is a hybrid... they hold you flat in the water and keep you in that kind of horizontal position."
"If your ship was right on top of that gas bubble, you would sink because you wouldn't have enough buoyancy to keep your ship floating."
"Feels good to be back. We're not dragging, we're actually floating this time."
"The largest animals have always been marine; this is mostly due to the buoyancy of water and the vast nutritious resources that thrive in the ocean."
"You can ensure that it can both float and not sink."
"If I were placed in a giant bathtub, I'd float."
"When hot air rises, it basically acts against gravity and that happens because of buoyant forces."
"The water is so salty, literally just float."
"Everyone had expected such a massive object to sink instantly, but instead, the ship floated gracefully."
"The best option is the empty barrel; it'll keep Gregory afloat."
"A ship needs sufficient buoyancy; it has to support all of its weight."
"Little Manitou Lake in Saskatchewan is so salty that you can float on it, call it the Canadian Dead Sea."
"Hot air rises, and if you can contain that air, you can create lift."
"The salty water made it impossible for her to sink."
"It's awesome. If you do find neutral buoyancy, what happens when we breathe in, we expand our lungs a little bit, we displace more water, and we're going upwards."
"I can swim like mad, plus I float."
"The downward force exerted by the ship is equal to the upward force exerted by the water."
"Having a neutral rig underwater is the number one thing you can do to improve your photography."
"The water in it is so salty that it constantly pushes you on the surface, allowing you to feel yourself in a state of weightlessness."
"The up thrust increases because the weight of water displaced increases."
"What floats in water? Apples, cherries, barrels, very small rocks... a duck."
"Archimedes' principle tells us that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid."
"Low density air rises, denser air sinks."
"Archimedes' principle states that the upward force on a body that is partially or fully submerged is equal to the weight of the amount of fluid displaced."
"Warm up is something pretty fun and easy; you let the water carry your body weight."
"Ice floats on water because it is less dense than the actual liquid water."
"It stands straight up and that's the other thing about the biz baits worm too, it stands up, it floats."
"We've made recommendations to add reserve buoyancy."
"It's like a balloon for magic; when there's more magic around, it floats."
"It's buoyancy, it's Applied Physics but it feels like magic."
"Ice is buoyant in water; it can make the rocks float just enough to move."
"Chunks of diamond didn't sink but floated on top of the liquid Diamond layer, creating Diamond icebergs."
"The upthrust acting on the beaker in the upward direction, and because the beaker is floating, that means upthrust is equal to weight."
"Saturn would float in a giant bathtub if a bathtub was big enough to fit it."
"The swim bladder gives the fish buoyancy; it lets the fish float at a constant depth."
"Did you know that hot air is lighter than cold air? Well, it is, and that means if you warm up the air in a balloon, it will float up."
"When it stays perfectly in the middle, we say it is neutrally buoyant."
"If you could build a bathtub big enough to hold Saturn, Saturn would float."
"This is amazing, just amazing, just absolutely impossible to not float out here."
"We've put 294 liters of foam in total into this boat, so yeah, I don't think it's gonna sink anytime soon."
"The buoyancy force is the weight of the water displaced by the object."
"Hot air rises, cold air sinks, and you get this motion not due to a pump, not due to a fan; it's just because hot air rises, cold air sinks, buoyancy, natural convection."
"Ice cubes float in water, and you've all heard this before, but it's never too never something you should say take too lightly."
"Yes, okay. When you're the water, it's buoyant; that keeps you up."
"The reason something floats is down to something called density."
"We're floating because we are less dense."
"Fish will use muscles to constrict and unconstrict their swim bladder which will change the internal pressure and changes their buoyancy."
"The rind of a lemon contains thousands of tiny air bubbles which allows it to float."
"Having the proper buoyancy is a real important thing."
"This is why the Titanic sank. Because ice floats on water."
"To be a good swimmer, you have to know that your body gonna come right up."
"Cranberries have four little air chambers inside each one, that's what allows them to float."