
Data Structure Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"We didn't tell it any of this structure, but somehow, just through the course of this training process, it learned a lot about the latent structure in the sequential data."
"Immutable linked list: the essence of blockchain technology."
"The power of GraphQL really comes into play... all we had to do was define this author type, define this book type, and tell the book type how to get the actual author from the book."
"Tree map suitable for displaying hierarchical data."
"When we're talking about non-structured data, these are often classified as NoSQL, meaning not only SQL."
"Tupple is beautiful, it is just collection of data, lightweight collection of data which is immutable."
"Multidimensional data, organized into hierarchies, is an intuitively comfortable way to analyze."
"Whenever you're looking for something in a set, you can do that very quickly."
"The reason you use a set is when you don't care how many times something exists or where it exists, you just care if it exists."
"A pandas data frame is the equivalent of an Excel spreadsheet."
"A dictionary consists of a key and a value."
"This is like an in-memory structure which can do a faster search on your vectors."
"Merge sort recursively divides an array in two, sorts them, and then recombines them."
"Hash tables have a fast insertion, lookup, and deletion of key value pairs."
"Hash set is the set implementation that you are probably going to use 99 plus percent of the time."
"What if we wanted to add something to our hash table?"
"Working with an associative array is a little bit different."
"A data frame is a two-dimensional data structure with labels. We can use labels to locate data."
"Numpy's main object is a multi-dimensional array."
"Objects also allow us to use multiple values together."
"HashMap is basically used to store the data in a key-value pair."
"Bitcoin introduced the concept of a public append-only data structure."
"Hash maps are my favorite data structure...it's called using a hash map, similar to a dictionary."
"Hash maps are my favorite data structure. The trick is to organize them in the right way."
"In order to maintain a cache the very first thing which comes to our mind is Hash table."
"Given a key, we can find its corresponding value in no time, in zero seek time."
"Python uses a dictionary backend, which means all the member variables, all the functions, all the class attributes are stored on a dictionary which you can look up and access."
"It's really powerful and gets used all the time; you've structured your data in such a way that you can zero in on your target much, much more quickly."
"Hash tables enable me to very easily and without being very verbose just say hey here's a whole list of properties I want to set and their values."
"Structs can be used to group together values of different types into a named data structure."
"A map is a data structure that you can access from an ebpf program."
"Chaining or probing on hash collisions."
"So now let's get into the code. The first thing I want to do is convert each sticker to a hashmap."
"Architecture is about describing, understanding the enterprise information or data structure."
"...using dynamic arrays and this is because dynamic arrays have the ability to resize themselves when something happens."
"...you don't specify the size for your vector like you would specify the size for an array and this is because vector resizes itself automatically."
"Now everything is perfectly structured as a JSON object."
"Searching a try, inserting into a try, deleting from a try is constant time."
"You can reimplement the queue with this really easily."
"Python dictionary can be defined as a collection of objects, values, or items of different types stored in key-value pair format."
"We want TypeScript to tell us if we're not really defining or not really returning the correct data structure."
"The usefulness of your data depends on how well it's structured."
"A tuple I'll typically use if I'm just storing a few values."
"A GraphQL entity really defines a collection of entities, right? A hierarchy of relationships."
"A stack is a collection of data in which you can only add a piece of data at the top of the structure or retrieve a piece of data from the top of the structure."
"A binary search tree is simply another way to store data, similar to a linked list."
"The program will then load the baseline text hash files into a dictionary which is basically a data structure that will store the key, which is the file name, with its corresponding value, which is the hash."
"We want to just return every duplicate subtree."
"They're both the exact same, so they're duplicate subtrees."
"Can't we just take our tree and maybe every subtree and serialize it in a way that it can be represented with a text or a string?"
"We're not going to return the actual serialization of the tree; we're going to return the root node of the duplicate trees."
"If you're going to write a substantial program that needs to work for a long time and it's doing sophisticated things, you want your data to be well defined and structured."
"A graph is for enabling efficient algorithmic traversal structure implied by relationships among and of data."
"What is a binary tree? A binary tree is a collection of nodes where each node has a reference to only two other nodes."
"Once you've created an index, you're almost in the situation of a Python dictionary."
"A set is an unordered collection of elements, and all of the elements of the set are unique."
"A Python dictionary is a very important data structure that associates keys and values."
"An array is just basically boxes inside of a bigger box."
"Awesome, this looks good to me. We've got an array at the top level and then two feed objects."
"A binary tree is just one where all of the internal nodes have exactly two branches."
"Items provide the ability to better structure the data we scrape."
"If we want to preserve the tree structure, what we need is that every node has a unique parent and that the tree contains no cycles."
"The header section is prefixed by one pound symbol, followed by records which are data lines storing information about the variants."
"We have a root, the name, and two children, first name and last name."
"The least recently used, or LRU, is a linked list. There's a head and there's a tail, and every item is linked to each other."
"A binary search tree is really just a tree data structure that each node has at most two children."
"This type of pattern persists all throughout the tree and that's what makes this particular tree a binary search tree."
"The time that you find a node in a tree of this form is going to be log of n where n is the number of nodes in your tree."
"A binary tree is just a tree where each node has up to two children or subtrees."
"JSON data works like key-value pairs."
"Hash sets do not allow duplicates."
"A vector is a data object that has multiple elements of the same type."
"Worker queues work in a principle like in first in, then first out."
"Data frame is all about rows and columns; it is a tabular data structure."
"An index itself is simply a data structure that contains an organized copy of some of the data from one or more of the tables in the database."
"The great thing about this is that all this structure is dynamic."
"The first thing you have to do whenever you're building an app is you have to visualize a data structure."
"Linear probing crushes everything still; it's still the fastest way to do this."
"Lookups and deletions under cuckoo hashing are always going to be O(1)."
"That's the main point of having a relational database: you have relationships between multiple tables."
"An HL7 message is made up of segments, a segment is a group of related fields each segment begins with a three character segment that ends with a carriage return."
"A tree map is used to represent hierarchical data."
"Each node needs to have a boolean value indicating whether the node is an end of a word or not."
"The stack... a last in, first out storage method."
"We have just created a complex data structure without too much effort."
"A binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, referred to as the left child and the right child."
"Every node in this tree will have at most two children, making traversing such a data structure interesting and varied."
"A complete binary tree is one where every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes in the last level are as far left as possible."
"It's really helpful to start understanding how GraphQL works and to see how the data in your account is structured."
"A data frame is a core data structure in pandas."
"Python has support for what are Python dictionaries, which are effectively equivalent to JSON objects."
"The reason why it's called a hash map is it uses a particular strategy to store these key-value pairs called hashing."
"So that's what's called a partially retroactive data structure."
"We defined the notion of a knowledge graph as a set of nodes and a set of relations between them."
"A blockchain is a data structure that we're going to call a tamper-evident log."
"...a Merkle tree is a binary search tree built with hash pointers."
"This allows us as developers to perform frequent updates and changes to the structure of our data."
"Can we somehow have the two things combined into one embedding that would show us both the continuous structure and the cluster structure?"
"Create a powerful node structure that makes the most of the query functions in InVivo."
"The number of levels in an n element skip list is order log n."
"A post can have many comments but a comment always belongs to a single post."
"So B trees have thousands of children, and they keep them sorted. It's sort of like that, but the fan out is huge."
"A dictionary is a key-value pair."
"All GeoJSON objects have a type property, which tells you everything you need to know about how to read its data."
"You really have to design the schema for everything that you think your application is going to require as far as data."
"The optimal way to represent our graph is with a two-dimensional adjacency matrix."
"A tree should have a root node from which all other nodes are accessible."
"Let us learn to design a FIFO: first-in, first-out."
"Cardinality is very important to understand when you talk about tables."
"Whenever you see curly braces, it means it's a JSON object."
"If you see square brackets, it's a JSON array or list."
"Using the aggregate method, we now know that the amortized time of doing operations on this data structure is simply O(1)."
"The class is a blueprint, it is a template... you can also think about it as a new data type."
"We can create a hash object whose elements are hash objects which we can then loop through."
"The state is essentially just a map with a bunch of variables in it."
"This is the data architecture we will create today."
"Collections are basically a grouping of models, like rows in a database table."
"Index determines the position of an element in the array."
"Arrays are linear structures, linear arrangement of data."
"An array is identified as a whole by a name."
"An array is actually a representation in the memory which are contiguous."
"A queue is basically a data structure that follows the first in first out model."
"A stack basically follows the last in first out model."
"A PriorityQueue... when we want to remove the elements, they are selected based on a priority."
"A HashMap stores data as key-value pairs."
"A connected and acyclic graph is called a tree."
"An inverted index is like the index in the back of a book; it points to each page on which a topic is covered."
"Parentheses are just a way to write this two-dimensional structure as a linear character string."
"A data object has multiple data attributes, the structure of the data object is determined by the common data class."
"A lot of data has shared structure by nature of the fact that the laws of physics underlie a lot of real data."
"It's essentially an array, but instead of just storing individual elements, we can store key-value pairs."
"The expected height of a randomly built binary search tree is indeed order log n."
"SQL tables can be clearly connected with each other."
"The last one that goes in is the first one to go off; that's what a stack is."
"A list is a sequence of values that all have the same type."
"Doubly linked lists can be traversed in two directions: forward and backward."
"In doubly linked lists, we can add new nodes in four places: in the beginning, at the end, after a given node, and also before a given node."
"Prefer doubly linked lists when you don't have memory limitations and will perform a lot of inserting, deleting, or searching nodes in your list."
"A stack is basically you think of this stack of books where you can put things on top of a stack, you can take things off the top of the stack."
"Stacks are efficient but they have limited access."
"Binary Search Trees are essentially a subtype or implementation of binary trees."
"What differentiates a binary search tree from a general binary tree is that every left node or left subtree must be smaller than its parent, and every right node or right subtree must be bigger than its parent."
"The most basic definition for a hashmap is it's a data structure that stores key-value pairs."
"But that's the key idea here behind a linked list."
"Once I have both of these in place, I suddenly have something that can move forward easily O(1), move to the front easily O(1), move to the tail easily O(1), move backwards O(1)."
"Q operates on FIFO principle: first in, first out."
"Binary search tree follows all the properties of a binary tree but with an additional property where the values are sorted."
"AVL tree is a special kind of tree where not only it is a binary tree but it is also a binary search tree and on top of that, it is a balanced tree."
"This is the data structure that the neocortex uses to store information about the world."
"Most of the time, I prefer to have explicit schemas; they give a clear statement of what the data looks like."