
Religious Context Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"It wasn't the job he objected to; it was where the job was located - inside the temple."
"He says, 'But as for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good.'"
"If you enter Jannah, you enter with perfection."
"A religious connotation you know when Dr. Hynek interviewed Officer Zamora, bloody Zamora did not want to speak to Dr. Hynek until he had gone to church to confession and spoken to the priest about what he had seen because he was troubled."
"Forgive and forget? No, go get them, Father!"
"Be on your guard for they will deliver you to the courts and you'll be flogged in the synagogues."
"A Scientologist actually held accountable for crimes against other Scientologists. Absolutely incredible."
"Neil, do you think we'll be able to see any angels?"
"This is Sodom and Gomorrah level depravity that we're experiencing in our culture today."
"The quickest way to get into heresy is to take a text out of context."
"Just because something is biblical and it's back in the day don't mean they didn't have technology."
"Jesus said there had come an escalation of fear and the supernatural."
"It is disheartening to realize that women in ancient Egypt had to endure such vulgar treatment even during religious festivities."
"The painting is trying to understand her death and the baby's death in intensely religious terms."
"Pilate sympathies toward the not Jewish side of the argument."
"We're trying to get him to save. Missionary dating, no. No, it doesn't work."
"We wrestle not only with flesh and blood but with the gospel. We can stand."
"If you want to play church, you're in the wrong place."
"For as devout and good willed as Matthew is, his marriage is not as happy and loving as it appears to be. Suspicions abound that Matthew physically, mentally, and emotionally abuses her throughout their marriage."
"Before Jerusalem Fell by Dr. Ken Gentry... the possibility that no actually the dating of the book of revelation can be earlier and the book of revelation in its historical context is about the 70-80 destruction of Jerusalem."
"Every financial burden lifted in the mighty name of Jesus."
"Lorgar wins. Yeah, at the end of the day, the entire Imperium believes him to be a god."
"The right side of history versus the right side of Christ."
"We can win with our weaknesses by the grace of God."
"The marriage of Joy Jaida truly illustrates the plurality of our Prophet's marriages."
"Desecrating the altar of the church, don't think you're on the side of justice and right and light."
"It's a heart issue... Latter-day Saints in there is a reminder."
"Keep watch because you don't know the day or hour."
"Chivalry is Christian. It means you understand that's God's daughter and she needs to be treated as such."
"Living in a world where Satan Reigns and you and I and our families have to suffer the consequences doesn't really feel appealing to me."
"Only in 40k can the solution to a problem be throw a crucifix at it."
"I'd be very interested to know if there is anyone out there who is a fan of this movie and yet does not subscribe to all that, all the Christian faith."
"Money answers with all things. The Lord gives you the power to get wealth."
"Jihad means to remove oppression and give people their rights and dignity."
"Let's put our differences aside right now, we have a common enemy that's been around since the fall of man, his name is Satan."
"The cult of Onision already puts Onision and his self in a religious context because outside of that, we again tend to think of cults as not being religious."
"Greg only grants the words he's spewing religious contexts, but outside of what we have, all these things are just vague enough to just be like his opinion, man."
"Neither should you females. Don't want a guy who's all emotion. Why? It's because that doesn't reflect the nature of Jesus."
"The story of Yusuf is about love, the good love and the bad love."
"Be kind, be generous, be loving. God is watching you."
"A reset is never any fun in anything except for the kingdom."
"He's sent you here from God because that's a hell of a lot to live up to."
"Being gay is not a trial. Being gay in the church is a trial because of how they treat you."
"No, you're not giving up anything by taking on another father; you're actually enhancing and deepening those previous relationships."
"What part of shall not be infringed do people not understand God is correct shall not be infringed that is cutting clear shall not nothing."
"This meal is all about him. Be ready because this can be the day that he comes for us."
"Jesus felt the same way when he was here on earth."
"We're living in the last days, in the end times."
"More than fact or fiction, at the intersection of science and scriptures is a story that began over 3,000 years ago and continues to this day."
"We will continue inshaallah to do the best that we can."
"I locked the church doors and left right then and there not questioning my decision."
"It wasn't that the point was to burn a bible, it's that they were using the bible as kindling."
"The devil's trick is to convince you that you can never improve."
"X was very, very intelligent like that, you talking about the Bible, forget reading."
"It's a global event, man and wife in bed, they're sleeping, that's nighttime."
"Jesus is really tempted, it's not just that he's presented with the opportunity."
"What about that verse says that we need to love our enemies, not that the gay community is our enemy."
"Joseph is revealing Christ in a sense because he's saying, 'Please, you've got to know, I've forgiven you. I've forgiven you. Please don't experience unbelief in the fact that I forgive you.'"
"For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom."
"There's only one thing that makes the Jezebel spirit happy - control."
"Without Indo-Pacific, there is no India and without India, there is no God."
"This attack on the Divine institution of the family and... language itself is prophetically significant."
"Who's the real monster, god is good."
"If there's one group of people who should understand the spirit world, it's Christians."
"The first vending machine dispensed holy water."
"If you're talking about Christianity, you have to remember that Jesus Christ and here we are in the season of Easter."
"There's nothing about the context of scripture that suggests it's isolated to a church setting."
"The black church has a racial idolatry issue."
"Mention me to your master and as a result of mentioning him mentioned me to your master he didn't put enough trust in Allah."
"Seventy seventy are determined for the people and the holy city."
"The enemy wants to keep you trapped, stuck, and bound."
"Every time you hold yourself back, you have to remind yourself, 'What am I doing this in exchange for? Jannah.'"
"Jesus Christ existed, clearly. He came from a Jewish background, was born."
"It's been a failure, it's not politically correct or ecclesiastically correct to say that, but if you just look at the numbers, it's been a failure."
"It's not even about them it was never when allah created you it was never about them anyway."
"Was the fuse leading up to the Common Era uniquely preparing history for the coming of Jesus Christ?"
"The only reason I cite the Bible is because the Bible was enjoining actual child sacrifice this is actual child sacrifice."
"This verse that we're talking about was revealed because of what took place between the dispute between the Al-Ansari and Zubair."
"The day of the Lord is coming suddenly like a trap."
"Ain't none of us perfect, all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."
"What if our emotional health was tied into the Kingdom's performance?"
"My house shall be called the house of prayer."
"We cannot be afraid of this culture. What we're dealing with is actually paganism revived."
"It's not about religion. It's about identity."
"Zuka Zama me, an elite spec ops officer who received personal blessings by the prophets to carry out his duties and seek revenge on the demon."
"Jesus, what are You doing here? I'm here because I want to heal the sick."
"Will not come back after Mass when the situation very very grave Evils are line is long right they will not uh becoming known of who did what to who."
"You can't divorce scripture from the context."
"Wake up, don't let an ounce of strength in this church be wasted."
"We need people who have leadership qualities, who are trailblazers. They do what they want to do within the frame of Islam and others copy them."
"His hand is coming on your hands through this fast... Wait till you get a double portion anointing this year on your hands."
"Stop tearing yourselves apart. You may not like the style, but the people doing this are doing God bless you genocide."
"It's hope but it's not the end of the story."
"I think it's a good joke because it works religiously and not yeah like to accept the help from people who offer it yeah it's never gonna be exactly what you expect you know I mean yeah help and opportunities they come along you got to take it."
"Even at people's best, you'll find paganism."
"America, once a Christian nation, is now seeking ways to return."
"How many wonderful ministries are we missing out on simply because of this spirit of jealousy and bitterness floating around in the body of Christ?"
"Nervous is good... because you're speaking on behalf of the almighty God... you should be nervous."
"The Antichrist is not a pope but a military or political figure."
"Be not ye therefore like unto them, for your heavenly father knows what things you have need of before you ask."
"I find it to be a law that when I want to do right evil lies close at hand."
"Folks, we're living in the last days. We're living in the end times."
"Babylon wins... How can Babylon rise in a Christian Nation? How can churches fail and anti-God institutions win?"
"What we shall discover is that this Christ of the Gospels is nothing other than the true inner reality of ourselves."
"Desire leads to suffering, and sin in Catholicism."
"Ask me about the things to come... concerning my sons and the works of my hands."
"Quite unacceptable, a glorious day. The Prophets will be pleased that we have rescued an Oracle from the humans' violation of the holy temple."
"Watch China in the year 2024, especially watch what happens to them, watch what they get implicated in, watch the Lord raise his hand against them."
"We're not undercomers, we're overcomers, amen?"
"Please be careful using the words God told me in your communication."
"Now I'm not trying to be Blasphemous or nothing but from what I've gathered it seems like Jesus freak is the Christian Smells Like Teen Spirit."
"It's a flipping of the tables... the wealth of the sinner who stole our inheritance is stored up for the church."
"Everything in leadership is either emulating the devil or emulating the Savior."
"You can hate the cult, you can hate the religion, but recognize that the people... shouldn't be blamed for it."
"It's about your glory, it's not about our glory... we are merely vessels."
"Unfortunately, there's a wave of feminism that is destroying the iman of many of our brothers and sisters."
"When you see him, meaning the Mahdi, then pledge your allegiance to him even if you have to crawl over the snow."
"The greatest sin is committing evil in God's name."
"Prophets were there to bring God's message in the midst typically of spiritual decline."
"After we learned what we learned through osmosis, not that we knew the truth, then we would get up in church and perform."
"You did a pretty good job talking about redemption, to be fair."
"If you read that whole passage in context, it's about heresy."
"Jesus simply was alive and he was well in a small village in the land of Israel."
"It really becomes something that makes sense even for a secular person."
"It's now time for judgment to begin at the house of God."
"The Holy Spirit is not for a Christian service. He is for Christian service."
"God is a multiplier. Silver at 30, damages are sevenfold. That's multiplication."
"God said I am going to do this for a thousand years."
"It's called Islam... but even beyond that, feminism isn't about hating men."
"But we do know this, that these were very definitely states that at a governmental level instituted atheism."
"He could hear him asking God to forgive him over and over and over again."
"God has not called us to fight the war in the building."
"When you see Jerusalem as a very heavy stone for all people, you should know that you're getting near something interesting."
"If a man is there for his wife, protecting, providing, that's the basic deen, by the way."
"Thank God for America's Christians and Maimonides said if it weren't for Christians the world wouldn't know about the Torah."
"Psalm 23 was written by a shepherd... David knew the relationship."
"We're going to found a religion at some point I promise you."
"He broke man's rules but he didn't break God's rules."
"This is the time for the church to fight back."
"God set rules, and if we go back to Genesis, you could write this down."
"There has to be fear and hope that run besides one another."
"Someone has killed Reverend David Terry and left his decapitated body inside his own church."
"This is the greatest spiritual battle in the history of man since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"We have a whole ass economic system that stands in violation of the tenth commandment."
"For a man does not hate his own body but feeds his body and cares for it just as Christ cares for the church."
"History will end with two Ummahs, the Ummah of Nabi Alayhis Salam and the Ummah of Muhammad Ali's Law Sattuslam."
"This defender of Islam was buried in the Grand Mosque at Damascus."
"Don't let them guilt-trip you into 'well you're not Christian' when you read the context of your scriptures when boundaries are set."
"Now the true story of Mary Magdalene is beginning to emerge. And it is more amazing than any legend."
"The goal is to rescue as many people as possible from this horrible time of tribulation."
"All the prophets have looked forward to our day."
"Tell me your sins, my son." "Well first I should tell you that I am 25, Jewish from my grandmother's side." "Well that's no sin."
"The disbelievers say don't listen to the Quran drown it in frivolous talk you may gain the upper hand."
"If Jesus came back right now, would you be ashamed of the last week?"
"Revival is just turning our hearts away from what we used to do."
"The New Testament is woke; it's for like a New Covenant."
"War is deceit, but Islam never allows treachery."
"I'm not afraid of Brahma. I mean, I'm not doing anything bad. I just have the right to express what I feel."
"Be careful how you overread the kindness of Christ in sections 60, 61, 62."
"A congregation that knew they're small people with a big God."
"Israel is running towards Revelation chapter 13."
"Stop waiting on the gods. The gods are waiting on you."
"Papers, if I sign a new Pope with paper, then I don't know."
"This is the anti-prophetic world and the entire prophetic word."
"A good fight is always connected to the good news."
"The miraculous victory of the nation of Israel in the six-day war of 1967 was not really anything new."
"Father, in the name of Jesus, today I possess all my possessions."
"Even a messiah, or in other words, a savior of the world."
"For all these reasons, I think contextually historically, we see that Jesus was referring to baptizing in his name, and that's why the apostles did it that way, and that's why we should do it that way."
"The reason you felt shame is because I've been ordained."
"If Jesus wouldn't have died the way he died, it wouldn't be a thing. Can you imagine if Jesus died in a camel accident? That messes up the whole Bible."
"These are super important issues that affect thousands if not tens of thousands of Mormons past, present, and future because abuse seems to be way too common within the Mormon context."
"... but there was something about being moved from the Lutheran context taken out of this massive beautiful beautiful Gothic Cathedral and put in a gym where somebody preached the gospel to me and all of a sudden it just totally made sense."
"Whoever hates me hates my Father as well."
"The fundamental questions of religion remain the same, but the way in which we answer them is inevitably affected by the context in which we find ourselves."
"Professor Graham has tended to consider Islam or the Quran not as a sui generis but within the broader context of religious history."
"Good news, nobody found in Jesus's tomb."
"The prophet said whoever was killed trying to defend his life is a martyr."