
Religious Prayer Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Oh Allah, grant us from our spouses and our children the coolness of our eyes."
"Ask Allah to forgive you and pardon you because there's nothing greater than forgiveness from Allah."
"Jesus Christ, we need help. We're asking you to restore our marriage, to remove every spirit that is causing division in our household."
"May Allah make us some of the people who are able to hold on to a good word."
"I pray for divine favor not just in this season of my life, but all through my lifetime."
"Lord, we humble ourselves before you and admit that we have sinned against you and against each other."
"Compassion, because Jesus had compassion with me. Lord, I pray for a spirit of authenticity, for a heart of boldness, and for a life of compassion over your people in Jesus' name."
"The only one that we save from it is the one that makes the dua of a drowning man." - Unknown speaker
"Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done."
"Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us."
"My prayer now is, 'God have mercy.' Yeah, please."
"God, help me to become more humble, more of a servant."
"We pray Allah opens our hearts and minds and helps us see and understand this in the most correct and pristine way."
"God will give you a spirit of confidence, a spirit of boldness, a spirit of courage, and a spirit of might."
"I decree that everything I do or touch shall flourish. Favor me, Lord, in the eyes of my destiny helpers. Bless me physically, spiritually, and monetarily."
"God, please forgive me for lying. God, please prevent me from committing any future lies. God, you are the greatest, you are the mightiest, you are the wisest, you are the forgiver, you are the most merciful. Thank you, God, for everything."
"Obtain for me of his Bounty the grace which I ardently desire from the depths of my heart." - Novena to Saint Anthony of Padua
"Father, I pray for everyone connected to this vision, connected to this sound, that you would illuminate areas of their life where they could stand to accept your truth even more."
"Save me from your punishment when you resurrect your creation."
"Please continue to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the wisdom of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government."
"May Allah grant her full shifa and allow her to pass through these critical moments with shifa."
"Father, I pray someone's destiny is going to be loose this day in the mighty name of Jesus. Let that destiny be loose for good in the name of Jesus."
"I am asking you, Jesus, to change me, renew me."
"I pray God that you’ll have humility today and ask God the Holy Spirit to speak to you the truth."
"Pray for your loved ones to come to the cross."
"Lord, give us your word now and speak clearly to our hearts. Lord, we need you, you need to hear from heaven, and we're trusting you now. In Jesus' name, Amen."
"In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus the Christ we pray. Amen."
"Dear God, I know I am a sinner... Lord Jesus, come into my heart and forgive me, give me salvation."
"Father, we just pray for deliverance. We just pray for breakthrough. We pray for healing right now. We say all migraine must go now, all migraines, all headaches, all anger must go now."
"We need to pray because this thing's a monster. It's a disaster of biblical proportion that's about to hit Vanuatu."
"I pray for the Salvation of my family and children."
"Create me a clean heart, so you're asking the Most High to put in you a clean heart."
"May Allah make us amongst those that are grateful and patient and love Him."
"I just pray for whoever's watching this right now in Jesus' mighty name that you would be transported to your next season."
"I pray with all my heart that you too may experience the love of God."
"Lord Jesus, you said if I ask, I will receive."
"Every time we say the lord's prayer, we're literally praying for God to establish his government on earth"
"Oh Allah, let my ummah not fight one another."
"Father, we praise You for this day, Lord, let Your name above all be glorified through this, I pray in Jesus' name, amen and amen."
"Pray in this way: Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name."
"Oh God, who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in his consolation."
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth just like it is in heaven."
"Lord Jesus, Our Redeemer, you willingly gave yourself up to death so that all people might be saved and pass from death into a new life."
"Oh Lord God of Israel, which dwelleth between the cherubim, Thou art the God, even Thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; Thou hast made heaven and earth."
"Dear Heavenly Father, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Yahweh, we come before Thee."
"Oh Lord God of Israel, who are enthroned above the cherubim, you are God, you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; you have made heaven and earth."
"Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will."
"Always ask Allah to guide you to the truth."
"Thank you for loving us, and I pray that you bless us with the peace that comes from Christ."
"Thy will be done, thy kingdom come."
"May Allah grant us all firmness upon the truth until we die and depart from this world."