
Peru Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Montaña de Siete Colores, which is also called the Rainbow Mountain, is in the Peruvian Andes near Cusco and displays a glorious array of vibrant colors."
"The Nazca lines are a series of designs and pictographs carved into the ground in the Nazca Desert, a dry plateau located in Peru."
"The Nazca Desert of Peru is already famous for the existence of the Nazca Lines."
"Peru has so much to offer beyond Machu Picchu, including beautiful lodges in the Amazon rainforest."
"They're geoglyphs that are spread out over southern Peru's desert land and are easily identifiable from the air. While some have been made from piled up stones from as early as 500 BC, these are a little different."
"The ancient people of Peru used their canine companions for herding llamas, showing that the culture highly valued man's best friend."
"Pedro Castillo pledged to renationalize Natural Resources so that they can go to benefit the majority of people in Peru."
"Rainbow Mountain in Peru features stunning shades of yellows, reds, purples, and greens."
"The Nazca Lines are geometric designs and distinct shapes of animals like spiders and monkeys that have been etched into the desert of Southern Peru..."
"Perhaps one day Peru will reveal its ancient Secrets an astonishing collection of ancient evidential items and rediscovered historical factors have allowed the argument for an once lost history to have existed all but now a foregone conclusion."
"The Darkest Day in the history of football occurred at the estadio national in Peru."
"In Peru, they have the Mookie, a sort of goblin, elf-like creature."
"The coup in Prue shows once again that the Peruvian oligarchy and the US Empire do not accept leaders who are union organizers and Indigenous rise to government to work for the people."
"The Nazca lines, carved roughly 2,000 years ago in Peru, are one of the world's most renowned riddles."
"Machu Picchu is one of the most revered archaeological sites in the world."
"Marmalade's very expensive in darkest Peru."
"The mountain of seven colors is a stunning natural destination located in the Andes Mountains of Peru."
"The Band of Holes remains one of Peru’s most captivating archaeological riddles."
"The Almos Tunnel in Peru channels water from the Huancamber River on the Atlantic side of the Andes to the Pacific side, addressing severe water scarcity."
"Peru emerges as a highly affordable destination with a cost of living that is much lower than many Western countries."
"Ceviche is like the national dish of Peru."
"I have the secret knowledge required, I have read the forbidden text, I know the capital of Peru."
"Peru was off the charts. They had to block, I mean, it was like the whole street got blocked, got shut down. That's crazy."
"Well welcome to Peru! This beautiful South American country reaches as far north as the Amazon rainforest, as far south as the Atacama desert, and sees some of the highest plains and peaks in the world through the Andes Mountains."
"The fortress of Machu Picchu, located high up here in the Peruvian Andes, is one of the most spectacular sites in the world."
"Archaeologists in Peru discovered a mummy believed to be that of a young man aged 18 to 22 at the time of his death."
"Close encounter: Stumbled upon a massive 5-meter Anaconda in the middle of Peru's Madre de Dios region."
"The public needs to see sustainable fish farming. They need to see how people actually live in Peru and how much money they make."
"What makes it all the more compelling is that around the same time UAP sightings have also been occurring in Brazil not too far off the area in Peru."
"Peru is a lot more than just Machu Picchu and Cusco and Lima."
"The diversity in Peru is stunning."
"It is crazy out here. I am glad to be back in a hectic Peruvian Amazonian Market."
"I'm thinking now, going with Peru."
"Marvelous spatula tails are only found in the forest edges of northern Peru, a country in South America."
"There should absolutely be data over Peru."
"The Nazca lines are a group of the most famous geoglyphs that exist in the world."
"Marvel at the Rainbow Mountain, a must-visit in Peru and should be on the top of your bucket list."
"Scientists have used artificial intelligence to make some amazing discoveries in Peru's Nazca region."
"The Amazon river runs through Peru and around half of the country is covered by tropical rainforest."
"The Chimu civilization, flourishing along the northern coast of Peru, left an indelible mark on the pre-Columbian landscape with their capital Chan Chan."
"Leaving Peru without a voice but with a full heart and the memory also of many anecdotes lived here."
"La Rinconada is a city in Peru known for being the highest altitude city in the world."
"The Inca civilization flourished in Peru and surrounding areas between 1400 and 1533 CE."
"One of the most remarkable discoveries made thus far in 2020 is this monument in Peru."
"Peru is famous for the Inca trails and the Amazon rainforest."
"We are very proud of the fact that it is made in Peru by wonderful people."
"The Nazca lines are an extraordinary array of ancient drawings etched into the barren landscape of the Nazca desert in southern Peru."
"The Inca weren't the first advanced civilization to live in Peru, but they did build some of the country's most amazing ancient monuments."
"I've always dreamed of going to Peru."
"Peru is definitely one of the most exciting countries in the world."
"The city of Cusco in Peru was the epicenter of the Inca civilization."
"The Changkio Observatory complex in Peru features a whopping 13 stone towers."
"Machu Picchu may be what most people know Peru for, but it's also home to the amazing history of the ancient Inca Empire."
"Aramu muru, also known as the Gate of the Gods, is a mysterious stone carving in Peru near Lake Titicaca."
"We come from slow Peru, we talk about the World Cup, we won the FA Cup."
"The Nazca culture in Peru existed from around 300 BC to around 800 AD."
"Welcome to Samadhi in the Peruvian sacred Valley."
"I can't believe I'm actually in Peru eating a roast pig right from the oven."
"That is my favorite part about Peru, not actually the collecting, just looking at nature."
"How strange to build a city within the most challenging terrain of Peru."
"The dog mummies of Peru: It's no secret that people love their pets, but did you know even ancient people cherished their animal companions as much as we do now?"
"Machu Picchu, one of the new seven wonders of the world and by far Peru's most visited tourist attraction."
"So much diversity to Peru, it's just crazy."
"The entire archaeological site of Saihute in Peru is full of ancient wonders."
"Shout out to Peru, it's a pretty good coffee."
"Most of the geoglyphs are concentrated on the Nazca plateau, located 400 km from the capital of Peru, Lima."
"They mean so much to archaeology, to Peru, and to science."
"Peru is gonna be amazing, can't wait for Peru."
"These are handmade in Peru and they're just the cutest things ever."