
Color Vibrancy Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Because these seven colors just have a single pigment, that means that our minis are gonna just pop at the table like none other."
"I love the vibrancy. It's really fun to see colors that are so vibrant, and they make me excited to paint when I see them in my palette."
"The colors are absolutely superb, the condition, the brightness, the vivacity."
"Wow, this is so bright green, my goodness how beautiful!"
"I love these paints they are super vibrant super colorful."
"I absolutely love this, all of the colors are so vibrant and so happy."
"Just vibrant colors everywhere, everyone's wearing bright colored shirts, it's just really good for street photography color."
"Games look better when the colors pop out at you."
"The challenge when you paint colors like this is getting the shadow deepening the shadow and keeping the vibrancy and that's what I'm gonna deal with."
"My priority is to get the strongest pigment onto the paper so that it looks really solid and vibrant."
"His work, his brush strokes, the vividness of the colors... I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't."
"These are cool, all the beautiful colors, I love how vibrant they are."
"I enjoy the vivid colors that can be produced with long exposures."
"The color is very unusual and bright."
"The colors under here are amazing."
"I found their color got a lot more deep, more vibrant, under a lower light."
"It's simply spectacular, you're looking at really deep blacks, super vibrant colors, really high contrast."
"The more mica pigment powder you put in the more vibrant your color will be."
"The blues are very vibrant, it's the one thing I love about this tattoo."
"I was really impressed with how vivid the colors were and just how nice it really looked."
"Oh my gosh, the color on this is insane, be very careful with this piece."
"The choice of purple, orange, and green is such a vibrant combination."
"You haven't seen color until you've seen this show."
"They're noted for their extremely bright and beautiful colors."
"Make sure you hang it not in direct sunlight, but yeah, 15 years old and the colours are just as vibrant as they were from the day I painted it."
"The greatest thing about this palette is that it ensures you the brightest color mixes all the way around the color wheel."
"Say goodbye to dull selfies with impressive clarity and vibrant colors."
"That S 95B is making that red just jump off the screen."
"This is classic, like a banya bébés throw piece with beautiful color intensity."
"Check out how this one turned out, so bright and vivid, I absolutely love it."
"The colors in here are fantastic."
"This movie is beautiful, it's so full of vibrant, saturated colors."
"I just fell in love with that dial, look at that. It's like an electric blue Northern Lights style."
"There was an emotional note that had to be reckoned with in places like this, and that was the vibrant color of those worlds."
"The colors of Shaolin are just incredible."
"Colors just come alive, it's like the difference between a really cloudy horrible day and then suddenly the clouds pop and it's beautiful sunlight."
"Your pigments get that really deep vibrancy out of it."
"Such a brilliant red, these highlights here with the blue and the orange, just incredible."
"This is definitely an improvement over the D65; the yellows are a little more vibrant, our whites are still good, our greens are spectacular, and the blues are really amazing."
"Great contrast and also really good color pop there as well."
"I really enjoyed drawing this horse and I really loved the vibrancy of the chestnut color."
"Images made with this camera have fantastic colors, really, really nice. I find the colors spectacular."
"Colors look flush, vivid, and lively."
"It's a really nice color, just pops, looks really sharp."
"So by the end of this video we'll have taken this original unedited photo and we'll have transformed it into this beautiful masterpiece with vibrant colors and perfect exposure."
"I love the colors and I just think they look absolutely fantastic."
"Wow, the color is amazing, unbelievable, so good."
"Beautiful steelbook, you've got colors on that just popping."
"The colors have just become more vibrant as dyeing technology and dyes have become that much better."
"The display itself actually looks really nice; it's really clear, it has great colors."
"The colors are just so vibrant and beautiful."
"Look at the colors on this beauty. Well done, Louisa. Wow."
"I just love the pack color that is in here, it's very vibrant and rich and just makes for a really beautiful fabric."
"Look at that going, it's gonna be super nice, right? And already the red is just popping."