
Miniature Painting Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Because these seven colors just have a single pigment, that means that our minis are gonna just pop at the table like none other."
"Putting a wash or a contrast paint over a metallic is a useful strategy."
"Essentially it's just a few simple steps to take an unpainted mini to tabletop ready."
"And though I'm biased, I can't help but feel just that little bit of streak and grime makes this zealous tabletop themed space marine all the more ready for some grim dark battle."
"These models are just models and you will enjoy actually painting them."
"Success in painting minis isn't all about spending tons of time on a project or flexing and showing off some particular technique."
"It just made my heart so happy because it was the first time I'd actually had like an army of that size fully painted, based, and rimmed and it was just it was so awesome."
"This allows me to handle him whilst painting him."
"I love Aegis Sigmar and one thing I really love about aegisigmar is how gorgeous and beautiful and perfect all of their Miniatures are."
"Every mini inside of the Joshi cases are finished and they feel finished, they feel all wrapped up in a nice little bow."
"It's so handy to actually have a place that is dedicated only to storing finished Miniatures."
"I added some nice green flocks and static grass to the bases of all the models of this force."
"And if at this point you're not at least excited to try implementing more dry brushing into your mini painting, let's take a look at a work in progress photo by David Soper, one of the greatest miniature painters alive."
"Blocking is a really, really good way to go about it because it's really simple, you just glue it on and it does a ton to separate your Miniatures and to make them feel like they are something different than what they're actually standing on."
"Anybody who thinks that you have to paint the edge of the base black can fight me."
"Sometimes we just don't have any miniatures that really spark our inspiration."
"I managed to achieve that classic Chaos Dwarf style on the 40K miniature."
"For these larger monsters and characters, it's always worth spending that extra time and effort adding those detailed effects."
"Highlighting is one of the most important techniques to learn and practice. Not only does it improve the look of our Miniatures, but it also helps us improve our brush control and hand-eye coordination, making us better miniature painters overall."
"Both have their place. Decals are more practical for getting a range of Marines painted up and on the table, but when it comes down to the look of well-painted sculpted-on detail, that can't be beaten."
"Here is the finished chaos knight I absolutely loved painting this model I hope you guys enjoyed the video and maybe picked up something you can apply to your own painting thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one."
"This model is outstanding and it makes me think that if Games Workshop put out dioramas, I'd just buy a few to paint. They are really, really cool."
"Head swaps are great ways to personalize your army right?"
"If you teach miniature painting at a convention, sometimes... that makes you a professional because you are teaching someone, you are charging money."
"It's a quick way of making your miniatures visually appealing in a matter of seconds."
"It's crazy how adding just a simple tiny white dot of glaze to the eyes just makes it come to life."
"Look how that's brought to the miniature, especially on places like these little touches of scale mail."
"I think we've achieved our objectives in that it's going to look great on the table, but it's also quite a rewarding miniature to look at."
"Painting up 70 plus Miniatures may seem a little bit daunting, but don't worry, we're going to do this together."
"Painting isn't just an aggressive tactic; it is a conversation between you and the mini."
"It's amazing to me how quickly these Eldar models come together once you've got that armor done."
"The Warboss is now finished, and I hope I've been able to give you the confidence to go away and paint this miniature yourself."
"I do really love Crimson Fist; obviously, that backstory of Rinor and them defending it."
"I do really love the sword as well, so if we have a look at this really beautiful sword with that electricity field just glimmering all over it."
"Always remember that skin is one of the hardest things we can paint on miniatures."
"We're just looking to catch those raised edges and the parts of the model that are catching the most light."
"This will give you that really bright element that catches the eye on the tabletop."
"This technique is called reductive painting, where an enamel paint is applied to your miniature and then removed by careful application of a solvent."
"One of the key things that really stood out is that when you're painting a miniature to go with your model, it should receive just as much effort and enthusiasm as the model did."
"It's the first time Games Workshop have very generously invited me to paint one of their pre-release models."
"When Games Workshop said, did I fancy painting one of their tiny new Titans, I wasn't going to turn it down."
"I'm really really happy with it; I'm not attempting to paint too many more cracking Miniatures but for me, this looks absolutely fantastic."
"Trapped under plastic, the miniature painting buddy comedy for the hobby enthusiast."
"So there we have it, this Primaris Chaplain on bike is done and he's ready for the tabletop."
"Let's tell a little story with our base."
"Keep painting and spreading the love and try to elevate miniature painting because it's a very rewarding activity."
"This is a collaboration; I sent him a mini, he sent me what I believe to be a mini, and we are gonna paint him up and make some cool videos."
"We're going to paint Ushiran's flesh now because we've got a black undercoat, we want to just help the next colors along."
"That's the tongue done in two very simple steps."
"Remember, we're also doing Usharan teeth with this, so take your time and make sure you've got a good tip on your brush."
"While I had the black paint out, I also based all of his claws."
"Here at Siege Studios, we're a UK-based premium commission miniature painting service."