
Irrelevance Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"Anything you've observed is not relevant to the discussion of God."
"My personal definition for maturity is knowing when you've had enough and courage to be irrelevant."
"When we become our own devil, Satan's kind of irrelevant."
"But since it is merely a meaningless list, and it is a list based entirely on the things that I had fun with this year, what's missing from it is perhaps the least relevant thing I can think of."
"Signal nobody gives a crap about signaling until it's time to signal."
"Isn't she so cute and fun to be around? Has nothing to do with what I just said."
"Whether or not you guys like it is completely irrelevant to me, because this interests me to no extent."
"No, it's completely irrelevant. It's got nothing to do with anything."
"Your real question has nothing to do with any of the [expletive] I just said about value."
"This militaristic organization serves no narrative purpose and never once is important to the story's outcome."
"Suddenly, the gender pronoun stuff and the social justice people and screaming about bathrooms and the rest of it feels pretty freakin irrelevant right now."
"They're not our models. They're a bunch of preening idiots."
"If a believer's life isn't supernatural, it's irrelevant."
"These are simply the opinions of a man, but they have nothing to do with the Magisterium of the Church."
"I don't see myself like that. I literally see myself as someone that's like irrelevant, like a past, like no one likes, like you know what I mean?"
"It's still not so similar to Prince of Persia that one could argue it has made the latter irrelevant."
"Does he have anything useful on him? Wallet, badge, more files... nothing useful."
"Their doubt means nothing and neither does their despair."
"Aria stabbing the Night King doesn't teach me anything about reproductive rights or job place salary equity."
"Whether I understand it or not is immaterial and irrelevant."
"It barely factors into the third gen, so I'm not going to mention it."
"Think of the children... But it's fucking video games, bro. It doesn't matter. It's not important if sports games die."
"Congrats 343, you made leveling up feel irrelevant and unimportant."
"It deserves to be tossed up in the air and not be thought of as, 'Oh no, it just doesn't exist.'"
"If it's not about the NFL big guns or cheeseburgers."
"You've got to crave that end result so intensely that the work becomes irrelevant."
"But perhaps disagreements about the tales are beside the point."
"Most of the debates you see on television are completely irrelevant."
"There's no basis for someone like Captain Chiquita to be brought into the picture."
"Artist opinions don't matter... the whole moral outcry is not only pointless, it's founded on misinformation."
"God views time, especially a thousand years, as really irrelevant."
"The demand for continuity of knowledge is useless."
"What if you know big civil resistance Civil War Civil War Civil War whatever I don't it does it just doesn't really mean anything."
"We do that kind of [ __ ] as if anybody gives a [ __ ]."
"A final thing on this: the Act is basically 154 years old, it's dead."
"Nobody cares about you anymore, you're going to fade into irrelevance."
"Forgiveness for others almost becomes irrelevant when you forgive yourself."
"I'm joking about Marcus' arms. It ain't got nothing to do with him not having babies. His hair's on his sperm, gone. That's what."
"Your personal revelation and your personal experience with God is irrelevant to everybody else."
"Voter/viewer-based award shows are as useless as tits on a bull."
"Thank you, um, anyway, it doesn't matter because Dylan wasn't 21."
"This is a bunch of wall street wankery, nothing to do with Tesla."
"Who cares who we'd sleep with if we were gay?"
"Nobody should give a [] about what the [] happened to Josh Hartnett."
"Western propagandists are maturating in the wind it doesn't actually matter to China."
"Trump seems obsessed with this, it's not an argument, no one cares about Joe Scarborough to begin with."
"Maybe all this [ __ ] is actually [ __ ] stupid... and none of it matters."
"The next gym leader was higher level than I should have been, but let's be honest, it didn't even matter in the end."
"People don't come back to irreversible old-fashioned stuff."
"Appreciate the purity of the whole situation, none of that stuff matters."
"House points just like Whose Line Is It Anyway everything's made up and the points don't matter."
"It's the argument that it's like this Untouchable person that you can't touch because he writes well because he has an Oscar none of that makes any difference to the working class."
"Literally doesn't affect performance for gaming at all."
"Jesus does not care if you take supplements."
"What difference does it make who you put in the captain's chair?"
"When he loses to me on Saturday night, he's literally gonna become irrelevant."
"You have to have the courage to be irrelevant aka when spiritual maturity."
"I don't see any audience that would find any good use out of this."
"Hey, guess what guys? Like, none of this [expletive] matters."
"It doesn't make sense to worry about these things."
"The only saving grace is that outside like three writers, nobody reads that rag."
"So what's better, reducing this or reducing this? I don't really matter, does it? I don't think it."
"You have every opportunity right now to let go of the things you've already went through as those things no longer exist."
"None of that [expletive] matters when you're in about a depression or anxiety or OCD or whatever that [expletive] doesn't matter."
"You won't have much of a reason to go there anyway."
"No one actually gives a [ __ ] how much you bench."
"Statistics don't matter to the individual."
"It's moot, it doesn't matter, there's an Obi-Wan series and there's a Taylor Swift album."
"All the talking in the world at that point is irrelevant."
"This has nothing to do with me, absolutely nothing."
"...I could care less. That's so good cuz it's like what your opinions are like so irrelevant to me..."
"None of that matters to this energy."
"This doesn't have anything to do with running the car."
"The Berlin Wall doesn't mean anything anymore."
"Past glories are a thing of the past."
"The people that don't eat at our table, if you're not at our table and you don't eat at our table then it's irrelevant what people say online."
"Discussions around politics with friends and family has become toxic to the point of irrelevance."
"This very next trade that happened not to work is irrelevant."
"This is worse than an ad. We're gonna talk about Geo storm. We didn't and no point did we have to talk about Geo storm."
"That's neither here nor there I'm in there."
"Time was passing, yet with no way to quantify the passage, it quickly became irrelevant."
"I can't wait for the day where he's relegated to an old dusty book in the bottom of a bookcase, irrelevant, no longer read."
"This question will no longer be relevant in your life whatsoever, completely solved."
"There's no call for them at all today."
"If you don't like change, you're going to like irrelevance a lot less."
"It's all irrelevant 2 to 3 years from now, irrelevant."
"It's the most confusing opening to a movie in the history of filmmaking and the roof should be utterly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things much like Rogue One as a whole."
"I don't even consider him an important source anymore."
"There's definitely stuff in here that I don't remember, don't care about anymore."
"I absolutely don't care what relevance is that to this situation."
"Sentences aren't really relevant."
"Distinct made absolutely positively no difference here."
"A new study shows it really doesn't matter."
"And why not? After all, they're none of them the latest thing."
"That's in the past, it doesn't matter."
"...why absolutely none of that matters at all."
"It's that or pistol riches, and it's not to do with us now."
"Make us all look irrelevant. That's what we do it for."
"It's neither here nor there, sort of touring up the rear naked motorcycle at the front."
"Who gives a flip about Mom's stroller shaming?"
"There's so many should have could have would us but that's irrelevant to talk about."
"None of this actually matters to me."
"Everything we've done is irrelevant, everything we've done by definition had to do with yesterday."
"The number on a clothing label means absolutely nothing."
"Never mind, it's going to be a thing of the past anyway."
"I could try to unpack all this stuff, but I won’t, because none of this matters!"
"He going to say some [__] that everybody says, doesn't matter what he says, everybody's dead paper."
"You're 17 everything that you're doing now and probably most the people that you're friends with will be irrelevant."
"No offense to Meghan Markle, but her kids are constitutionally irrelevant. So she, I think, is just like, yeah, she's just a little, she just won't make it, she won't. She won't be able to compete, I'm sorry, she just can't. She just can't compete."
"You ain't been talked about in years."
"The intention of the artist is completely and totally irrelevant. It doesn't matter."
\"He sent Shin Fu and the what master...who cares?\"
"No, when dead men and worse come hunting for us in the night, do you think it matters who sits on the Iron Throne?"
"This has nothing to do with the bouquet."
"Brady had absolutely nothing to do with it."
"...ERP is the technique that is designed to generate an irrelevant response to demonstrate the irrelevance to the brain..."
"Has nothing to do with boobs. Absolutely none whatsoever."
"Eventually, they become irrelevant. We keep it moving."
"I addressed your questions. Do you... Oh my gosh, you have lost control. You're a dinosaur. You're an outright dinosaur. You have lost it, sir."
"Like I've never cared about that or thought about that because it was like irrelevant to me."
"It almost doesn't matter how the wheels are positioned relative to the earth."
"The people behind it that were hypocritical but I don't know why you're bringing it up because it's irrelevant in this point of can it's irrelevant in this conversation."
"Your opinions about other people's bodies don't [ __ ] matter."
"That's neither here nor there now."
"It's for the birds, bud, it's for the birds."
"Merchant, your personal opinions have no relevance."
"Sting arrived, wanted to make sure they would be there to keep the bad guys out of the steel cage. None of this matters."
"it doesn't matter in the end neither the orangutans nor myself became the biggest part of my story"
"Um it was just irrelevant like I never showed up was like like you know what I mean like it was and also too look at our brand we're party animals like that was our [ __ ] brand."
"Record is irrelevant. That's a melini. Mount rise, man. Mason Mount."
"None of this, 'Oh Jeff said, hey, what is this? How is that relevant?'"
"They're utterly irrelevant, like 'we don't give a [__]' attitude."
"Circumstances really don't matter."
"...Juliet's nurse who spouts some pointless anecdote about her dead husband even though no one asked her."
"Differences of sensory form do not matter and have no epistemological importance at all."
"Your image does not matter in voice at all."
"I don't think age is important anyway."
"Who was right and who was wrong didn't even matter anymore."
"Once we adequately understand ourselves, those doubts will not be answered but become irrelevant."
"Money becomes irrelevant. You know there is a point where a million, 2 million, five million, six hundred thousand, twenty dollars, thirty dollars, that's not why you do it."
"In the digital world, physical jurisdiction doesn't matter."
"The point of who the hell is Edgar is that the answer to the question doesn't matter Brian Larry eggs are not going to pay the rent."
"Age ain't nothing but a number, so's IQ, and neither are important in age of love."
"Learn how to simply ignore things or laugh at things that you know don't seem relevant."
"Being good enough or not being good enough is completely and utterly irrelevant."
"Labels really truly don't matter."
"The genre isn't dying, that's not even an interesting question."
"Used to bees don't make no honey, so don't nobody care what you used to be."
"Test taking is a skill which no one cares about once you graduate."
"Everything you believe you are is totally irrelevant, there's just presence."
"Our intuitive responses to cases frequently track features that are morally irrelevant."
"Everything's made up but the points don't matter, but the facts sure do."
"Spend is genuinely irrelevant; spend has all to do with where you finish."
"My skin color is irrelevant and so is your skin color; it's the quality of your character."
"If you can't trust dreams and prophecies, why give them any thought at all?"
"When I'm fully irrelevant and totally broken, damn it, call me up and tell me a joke."
"What's he like? It's not important, particle man."
"The success is not me coming back, the success is me becoming irrelevant."
"Thank you so much, Trim Trim, for always answering the questions that nobody really ever asked."
"The boxes are going to become increasingly irrelevant."
"People talk about age, but age is just a meaningless number."
"It's like Whose Line Is it Anyway? It's all made up and the points don't matter."
"Delightful irrelevance is really the most relevant thing in the world."
"Stop caring about what other people think about you and how realistically it is so goddamn irrelevant."
"What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter? An irrelephant."
"Welcome to gaming, where your name is fake and the points don't matter."
"The energy in the radiation completely dominates, the mass is now completely irrelevant."
"They're looking at all these other factors that actually have no bearing whatsoever on how the driver actually performs in a racing car."
"It's so far in the future that basically everything that we understand to be relevant no longer matters."
"I ended up telling her that the fact that she's a girl is irrelevant."
"How people perceive your face to be is not that important."
"Whether people think you look like a shoe or Penelope Cruz, it's irrelevant."
"Age is just a number, and look means nothing."
"Being close to the metal doesn't matter anymore."
"The spiritual happiness then the sensual happiness by itself just fades away and becomes irrelevant."
"Maxwell, spelled backward, means nothing."
"When you got God as your GPS, Hobab really doesn't cut the mustard anymore."
"The previous failures mean nothing."
"As we learned in class, the sun is irrelevant."
"Stop words are words in a language that have very little meaning."
"Perhaps for a people that glorified war as much as the Ancient Spartans did, the worst fate that could have befallen their city was not to be destroyed in battle like Corinth, but to simply sink into irrelevance."
"A galloping herd of ineffective objections carries the same weight as no objections at all."
"On their tongue the mention of God has become an empty name; in their midst, His holy word a dead letter."
"The natural enhanced thing has almost nothing to do with it."
"The difference that makes no difference is no difference."
"The finality of my life and my own irrelevance are two things that liberate me from getting caught up in the idea that a comment on Instagram matters."
"We don't use this personal access token now, anyway."
"That's neither here nor there, indubitably."
"The Joker's name isn't important. It never has been."
"I think within our lives, we'll see school become irrelevant."
"The show where everything is made up and the points do not matter."
"It does not then concern either the living or the dead, since for the former it is not, and the latter are no more."
"Makeup has literally no relation to my work performance at all, ever."
"Think about that stuff that you thought was life-ruining back in the day, and now it's completely irrelevant."
"Nothing really matters when it comes to the color of your skin."
"Your past is irrelevant if you're working to better yourself."
"What other people think of you is beyond irrelevant. The only person you have to impress is your five-year-old self and your 80-year-old self."
"The essential point is to see the irrelevance of all the notions which means they drop away, and then the mind is able immediately to see the fact."
"Politics means absolutely nothing in the bedroom because in life, politics mean nothing."
"What happened last year is great, but quite frankly it doesn't have any bearing on what goes on this year."