
Myth-busting Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"I wanted to dispel a lot of the myths about complicated light and show some rather simple yet controlled ways that we can come in and we can shape light for ourselves to create a very wide range of looks from just a limited amount of equipment."
"I'm pretty sure that makes this myth busted."
"Myth confirmed, you can ride the ferris wheel with the looky."
"Myth confirmed, J for Jester, J for justy, J for jump scare."
"I love demystifying things in survival because there's a lot of crap in the books and there's a lot of crap on the shows."
"We're huge fans of debunking myths in skincare."
"Look at you Charles, guys, this myth is 100 confirmed, let's go."
"The first deacon of aries is going to be a prosperous development zone."
"Nobody needs to give you permission to be an entrepreneur and that you don't have to be some mythic, questionably behaved, crazy genius in order to be considered one."
"The idea of a single Eureka moment is a dangerous lie. It makes us feel inadequate because we feel like we haven't had ours yet."
"The myth must be destroyed in order for the body of Christ to be free."
"Vaccines are not made from aborted fetal cells. Unfortunately, that is a myth."
"Ecto Ekto: A bot with a mission beyond warfare - debunking myths and laying spirits to rest."
"Hopefully, it keeps you entertained and gets the thoughts flowing and maybe also debunks some of the myths out there."
"Spot reduction is not possible. If a trainer tells you otherwise, you need to walk away."
"Thank you so much for tuning in, we'll see you next week with another myth. Hopefully it's not your favorite idea ever because I'm going to crush it."
"Effortlessness is a myth. Never be ashamed of trying."
"Shaler's investigation hadn't found Joan but he had busted one of France's most intriguing myths."
"There is no magical food that will specifically spot reduce subcutaneous fat."
"What we can all learn from James’ story is that contrary to popular belief, inventors do not come up with fully-formed billion-dollar ideas from 'eureka moments.'"
"Atmosphere... affects people... a little bit of a myth."
"Having same-sex parents will negatively impact children? Spoiler alert: No, it's not."
"It's a myth and an illusion, success didn't come fast, they picked her for it."
"Forget the ten thousand year dark God black tree, I've never even seen a tree over 5,000 years old."
"This destroys this narrative that a good guy with a gun isn't going to stop a bad guy with a firearm."
"Becoming a profitable trader is a shitload of work, no matter what the Instagram gurus are gonna [ __ ] tell you."
"I think that there are many misconceptions out there about this case inaccurate and incomplete information has grown to create myths."
"Develop a robust campaign to promote multiple pathways to good-paying jobs, dispelling the myth that there is only one path to a successful career."
"Two arrows actually came out, that's pretty cool, myth confirmed."
"That's pretty cool, okay, that's pretty cool, okay, myth confirmed."
"She is demolishing the myth that just because you have children and just because you're older that you still can't take care of your body and be in shape."
"Thomas Jefferson story time: Americans used to think tomatoes were poisonous, but Tommy J knew better. So one day at a dinner party, he just whipped out a tomato and straight up ate it like an apple."
"People react because until that moment it was a myth."
"Your skin doesn't repair itself at night; it's repairing itself all day long."
"Shaving does not cause your hair to get thicker."
"Let's stop pretending like condoms are some sort of superhero when it comes to protecting people from pregnancy because they're just not."
"Ostriches do not hide their head in the sand."
"Contrary to what you may read, washing your face with cold water, steaming your face with hot water does not cause your pores to open and shut."
"Literally busted all these myths, Erak, but I do have one more myth that I want to see if can be busted."
"These photos were taken here and really destroyed a lot of myths."
"It's about avoiding some of the huge myths about puppy ownership that can completely change your puppy training and make, you know, having a puppy just a way more enjoyable experience."
"Should you start bursting popular myths or should you let the people believe that which maybe they're just hearsay?"
"So, the individual variance is where things can get kind of weird, but when you look at generally speaking, no, it's not true that carbs are the devil."
"Mulch myths can save you so much time on maintenance, energy resources, money."
"Eggs do not cause heart disease despite what many mainstream Health sources say."
"Most people believe, 'Well, don't you only digest and absorb 20 to 30 grams of protein at a time?' and that's simply just not true."
"I think it's a myth that writing tunes is really difficult."
"Back stitches do you need to start with a back stitch? Truth is, no you don't."
"The way I see it, and you may give this, there is another spider myth completely and utterly busted."
"He explodes a number of myths about gender and sex that we might have about hierarchy and gender and matriarchy and patriarchy in human societies and in primate societies."
"Vegeta did have facial hair in GT, so the claim that Saiyans can't have facial hair is false."
"You can't teach an old dog new tricks." This is a very common myth and it's simply not true.
"There's no Holy Grail in trading."
"There's no such thing as black and white in trading. Everyone's always looking for, 'If I do that, if this happens, then here's what I'm going to do.' And that's just called a Holy Grail that doesn't exist."
"Context is king. This is why I always tell everybody, there's no such thing as black and white in trading. Everyone's always looking for, 'If I do that, if this happens, then here's what I'm going to do.' And that's just called a Holy Grail that doesn't exist."
"I'm here to give you 15 essential facts that bust and debunk the myths on effortlessly growing nepenthes."
"I'm dedicating this entire video here today to debunking myths that are out there."
"Mixing fruits and veggies does not damage the gut microbiome."
"Clearly, adrenal fatigue is not a myth."
"We're also ready to do some myth busting today and to help you sort out the myths from the truth."
"I want to dispel the myth that you need all-wheel drive if you have snow; most people are driving on normal streets, all you need is actual proper snow tires."
"One of the key threads of Jimmy's work is like ‘busting myths’."
"Don't let them feed all this negativity to you; it's not worth it was the myth and I'm going to say it's false."
"We're going to dispel a few of those cliche myths as well and just talk to you about the subtleties of weathering and how it can be achieved."
"I hope this video ends this myth once and for all."
"For the myth that arrows fired from horseback have twice the penetration power, we've replaced our horse with a vehicle that I'm going to drive at exactly 40 mph."
"I'm super excited about this video because I think this is going to kill a lot of the myths that are out there."
"We busted 365 of the most insane myths."
"One of the biggest myths is that I need to skip meals to lose weight. It's not true."
"Happy new year, new me, and new myths to bust."
"TIG welding is really hard" - that's a myth I disagree with strongly.
"Even if dinosaurs were still around, they wouldn't be able to breathe fire."
"It's not more expensive to eat healthy, it's a myth."
"We want to debunk myths and be collaborative with people like school, other family members, other providers."
"It's a total myth that Porsches can't drift."
"Data is only for data experts — that's a myth we really have to bust."
"You can watch this and just execute exactly how we've shown you, but try to extend it, bust the myth yourself, and see what you can do."
"I knew that it wasn't really a ghost because ghosts aren't real."
"I want to clear that up and dispel the myth."
"This myth I can say is officially busted."
"Talent is a myth; now get back to work."
"We've made up this myth that poetry is completely impossible to understand."
"They demonized eggs... but it was a lie. Eggs are one of the most powerful superfoods on the planet."
"A big reverb myth is that room size and decay time are the exact same thing, and that is absolutely not true."
"I rather regularly post responses to misleading and or sensationalized videos and articles concerning spiders and other misunderstood animals."
"You'll want to stay till the end because I'm going to dispel one of the most commonly quoted differences between low and high megapixel cameras."
"One of the biggest myths in the fitness industry is that you cannot eat pizza and still make gains."
"You just never, never should hunt with the wind in your face, and I can tell you right now that's absolutely not true."
"Promotes bonding... just squash any myths around breastfeeding."
"I'd like to dispel some myths and give you some tips for how you might do your absolute best."
"We've been told that you need a great mic to sound great when you broadcast online; it's just not true."
"I wouldn't be a very good shark scientist if I didn't try and dispel some of these awful megalodon sightings."
"Management skills in the digital age will be identical is a myth; management in a digital age has changed."
"If people tell you there's no money in YouTube, they're lying."
"The moon is not made of cheese, it's an important part of our solar system, and we need it."
"One of the big objectives of this video is to try to remove some of the fear, some of the myths, some of the concerns that people have regarding database libraries."
"Joe totally debunks the myth that you can't become a virtuoso at saxophone or at music and improvisation later on in life."
"In cold weather, where does most of your heat escape from? Not your head."
"We've come full circle to realize that the claims about lost technologies in ancient Egypt are just not true."
"I love talking about this subject because I like to debunk the myths and ultimately help people keep money in their pocket."
"The whole 'Unsinkable' thing... the White Star Line never claimed the Titanic was Unsinkable."
"I'm here to break the myths and bust all of that open."
"We have dozens of studies... none of which shows any link between vaccines and autism."
"You cannot get the flu from the flu shot, so whatever somebody tells you about this stuff, please don't buy the pseudoscience."
"Lifting weights makes you bulky, right? That's a big myth."
"We're really gonna try and sort through all of these myths, a lot of the misconceptions that might be out there, deliver you some helpful information at home."
"I'd rather at least educate them on things and so you know we really push for that and try to kind of get rid of weird myths and things like that."
"Weightlifting being beneficial, high-protein diets being beneficial, those are two big myths that are not myths."
"Did you know it's impossible to hold an egg in your palm and break it? It's impossible; you can't do it, nobody in the world can do it."
"I make these videos to dispel the myth of a green thumb and prove that anyone could be a successful gardener."
"BGC is too expensive? Let me bust that myth for you."
"This myth is definitely true, and it still tastes pretty good."
"Through the awareness work that we've been doing, we've tried to bust a lot of local myths about suicide and about mental health."
"I'll talk about how to definitively show that these two things are myths and how to prove it to yourself when you're mastering."
"Listening to Mozart and other classical music does not increase your IQ."
"Multitasking is a myth... in actuality, you're task-switching."
"Writer's block is a myth, of course."
"Stay flexi has become a viral sensation in the flexibility world, dispelling common stretching myths and stating facts."
"That myth is busted, that heavier objects fall at a faster rate."
"A lot of people think that hair is going to grow a little bit faster when you shave it, but that's just not true."
"You can't get ahead on a teacher's salary," but Ed and his wife just blew that myth out of the water.
"You're not gonna get bulky if you lift weights, I promise."
"Just have the sugar. The sugar is not going to make you fat, it just doesn't work like that."
"Running and cardio kills your gains is a myth we're going to debunk."
"Cow tipping is fake. You don't go cow tipping because cows don't sleep standing up."
"That's another myth that they have plenty of metrics to show that no, actually, you can change the direction of a country's economy."
"We proved everybody wrong, all the myths wrong."
"You can play good football and win, brother. It's a myth that you can't."
"I feel like there's a common misconception that you absolutely need a designated product that has eyeshadow primer written on the label, and I find that to be completely false."
"Balance is a myth, do what's best for you and what works for you."
"It is time to vanish the myth that American scientific sociology was founded by a group of white male sociologists at the University of Chicago."
"It's time to stop suffering, let go of that old myth, and realize you were given the garden to rejoice and to become its steward."