
Healthcare Funding Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"We do need more money, but we don't just need more money for vaccines for children; eventually, we need more money to plan for the second pandemic. There's going to be another pandemic."
"We are also pushing for the deal to include an additional $75 billion for hospitals and other health care providers."
"The support Act...includes the crib act where there is more money and more action for those neonatal abstinence syndrome babies."
"Besides, Americans already have a socialized healthcare system they love; it's called GoFundMe."
"Let's divert that money to type one diabetics who would die if they don't have insulin."
"If we think it's important as a society to not leave people out, then we're going to have to figure out how to pay for it."
"In Italy, 77% of healthcare is publicly funded by the government."
"The constant underfunding of the NHS across the board is disgusting."
"When you look at it, childhood cancer in general gets very, very little funding and then brain cancer for children gets the least amount of funding for cancer types right but it's also the most aggressive and severe."
"We paid to get this, we paid for the R&D for this thing, we paid to distribute it."
"It's a very odd and strange coincidence indeed, then, that the bootstraps people who like to cut funding for mental healthcare services also love to use mental illness as a scapegoat for mass shootings."
"We're going to make sure the institutions that are providing the environment for care are well financed."
"Healthcare is not free. We'll pay for it in a progressive way, exempting the first $29,000 of income from taxation."
"Why should we subsidize their profits and executive salaries when we can pay for it directly more efficiently and cover everybody?"
"Money cannot be the obstacle. We need to take those tens of billions of dollars the drug companies made off of us, claw it all back, and then put it right back in our communities to help people get off the drugs."
"A hundred billion dollars to hospitals... 58 billion dollars to airlines."
"Nobody should have to resort to literally begging for strangers to support the cost of their medical care."
"We should be putting together right now and providing $25 billion to do it, to make sure we have a detailed plan once a vaccine is in fact found."
"The politics of a bill that raises tax on the rich cuts the deficit cuts the cost of prescription drugs couldn't be better."
"Boosters vaccines treatments we're going to have money for all that because amazingly we weren't going to."
"I don't want us to be in that situation again. I don't want a doctor to have to tell a patient, you know, I know how to save your life but the country doesn't have money to pay for the booster shot that you need."
"I think the government should pay for this... there's no better way to correct the economy and save lives."
"Planned Parenthood funding cut by sixty million dollars, contrary to this lying man Ron Sider."
"The conservatives get away with it by promising to fund the NHS and promising that they love the NHS."
"We should expand Social Security, we should expand funding for health care and education, and we must demand that the billionaires stop paying their fair share of taxes."
"I think it's very close to collapse... if we don't put a lot more money into the NHS then it will become not the first port of call for all of us." - Jeremy Corbyn
"I vote remain because I didn't trust the leave story about 350 million pounds a minute being saved for the NHS."
"You can't fund a government health care plan without the citizens paying more into it."
"Planned Parenthood clinics received 80 billion in coveted relief loans."
"Less government, less for bankers and bond holders, more for doctors and nurses."
"State provided education and health: 80 billion pounds and 110 billion pounds respectively."
"So let's just get this straight: Trust's plan is to reverse the national insurance rise that Rishi Sunak put in place in April... then she'll replace the money that would have gone to community-based social care... by snatching it out of the NHS."
"For me, this is an argument for funding our health service properly."
"Health Care money that's our money that we've already paid for that we should be able to draw down from the federal government and we're not able to."
"The hospital Insurance trust fund will be able to pay a hundred percent of total scheduled benefits until 2031."
"The financial outlook for social security and medicare, two of the nation's preeminent safety net programs, has deteriorated over the past year."
"We need to prioritize it when we're budgeting for the NHS."
"We need to spend more money on providing resources for people that are mentally ill that need help."
"Every single year in our budgets we have increased the funding to healthcare."
"We're providing 15 million extra money for the NHS Ambulance Service in London."
"We are not cutting the spending on the NHS."
"The system is funded through compulsory contributions based on a percentage of citizens' salaries, with employers sharing the costs."
"It's your taxes, people. It's your money. Do you understand that all we're doing is shifting from giving billionaires tax breaks to give you healthcare?"
"You could provide Medicaid for one point four million people."