
Gemini Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Gemini... they just want to see you smile. They're a fun time, just pure laughs with them."
"Somebody put you up on a little bit of a pedestal here Gemini."
"They're constantly on the go, very strong Gemini energy."
"If you guys have a Gemini moon you should most certainly try like just right and see what comes out right what you're feeling right."
"This Gemini season is a time for self-mastery."
"Gemini season for you is all about a renewed perspective."
"Gemini season is a time for adventure and taking the leap of faith."
"Gemini, get ready for an exciting and transformative month ahead in March 2024."
"New moon in Gemini, opportunities are on the horizon."
"You're dealing with someone that you know is in this energy of 'Oh, Gemini's not paying attention to me, Gemini's not appreciating me.'"
"Gemini energy can bring camaraderie, knowledge, fun."
"This new moon favors the Geminis over all the other signs."
"New moon in Gemini: Start new projects, solidify foundations."
"Stand tall, be fearless, and let your roar be heard. You, Gemini, are unstoppable."
"The mantra for Gemini: keep learning, keep earning."
"Autumn winds, New Paths, changes, and unforeseen forces; embrace it Gemini, let's read the interpretation here."
"Gemini crypto exchanges now allow earning interest on Dogecoin."
"Gemini rising, you might look way younger than you actually are or people always think you're like a child or a teenager."
"Balance needs to be brought back to your life, Gemini."
"Stick up for what you want, Gemini. You know what you're doing and why you're doing it."
"When Gemini has sharpened perfect vision, we succeed."
"This Gemini full moon is bringing about change in your life."
"Your knowledge is really going to expand this Gemini full moon."
"Gemini's love to have a lot of fun and they have very extroverted personalities."
"They make friends with everyone but not necessarily maintain them."
"Their new person that Gemini deals with will have to deal with the fact that the Gemini is still stuck on you."
"There's big changes coming for Gemini spiritually."
"Happy birthday to all the Geminis out there!"
"This is about love and abundance coming in here for you, nice stuff Gemini."
"Jupiter officially moves into Gemini, your world is about to expand in a humongous way."
"There's a mischievousness and a playful quality to Gemini."
"Cleverness is a good Gemini quality."
"Can the Gemini get to a point of listening to its own heartbeat?"
"This is the Golden Era, a golden age for Gemini, a lot of wonderful things coming in."
"This is your year, Gemini. Take risks, be bold, open up to new energy."
"...things get quicker. Things get faster and start moving at a much more brisk pace when it comes to Gemini."
"...Gemini is also associated with the hands and the arms."
"We can learn a lot from Geminis about how to converse well and how to be engaging."
"Jupiter moving into Gemini... will be there for the next one year."
"Gemini is so creative, Gemini loves to communicate."
"There's something about you having what you need, Gemini. You have that sword, so you're well-prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead."
"Some magic is actually at play here, Gemini, so allow the magic to take form."
"Something is forming in your life. Something magical is at play here, Gemini."
"Gemini, you're aligning with Divine will, regardless. Continue following that higher guidance, set healthy boundaries, stay focused right now."
"Gemini men are well-mannered, charming, and easygoing. They know how to compliment and communicate well."
"They are knowledgeable, talented, and humorous, with a cheerful disposition."
"Start manifesting what you really want, if you want to fix it with this person, fix it with this person, if you want to be with someone else, be with someone else, manifest it Gemini, manifesting, you are the magician, manifest."
"When it comes to sexual intimacy, Gemini, you can be super creative. You can be really good with your hands."
"Gemini's two people. When they love you, they'll do anything for you. They do anything for you."
"Gemini... should be someone really funny and cute and smart and attractive and humble and really nice and that's a really good smile too."
"Some Geminis may be meeting a romantic partner while they were traveling, or they could have a fling even if it doesn't necessarily turn into something serious."
"Remember Gemini, the most important part of any tarot reading is you."
"Gemini's know how to be their own best friend."
"GPT-4 and Gemini Ultra are both really really good models and you really can't go wrong with either of them."
"Geminis are misunderstood. They think outside the box. Get a Gemini on the team."
"It's a Gemini triple Gemini duality."
"You just know how to have a good time like you are a good time pile three like and and we got three again so maybe that's important to you like again a Gemini sense of trying new things your mind is going 100 miles a minute kind of vibes."
"Geminis just learning more about themselves, learning more about spirituality, the occult, this could be numerology, astrology, things of that sort."
"Reading for Gemini is so important. And not just reading, but like learning in general. So that could be on YouTube, maybe there's other signs you want to learn about."
"Gemini is very quick-minded though, so you will find, especially upon meeting a Gemini for the first time, that they can probably talk about anything."
"Geminis are multifaceted and people like to call them two-faced when sometimes, obviously, yeah, people can be."
"The theme of this month for Gemini: rare Stars bring Miracle breakthroughs."
"Gemini's the mutable sign... Mutable is someone who is able to adapt to different environments."
"Gemini women are also very intelligent, like this is the sign of intellect."
"Gemini's are people who are very good at adapting to different environments."
"Gemini's are very open-minded... they sound like they want to learn more and more."
"Gemini's see the yin and the yang in everything they do."
"Gemini rising is the hands-down most friendly of the entire zodiac."
"Geminis are sprightly, they're very agile, they are nimble and agile."
"They are expressive and bouncy and effervescent and bubbly."
"Gemini, you're going to get through this, it's going to be okay."
"Tune your antennas, Gemini, because a psychic rebirth is on its way."
"Someone really misses you as well, Gemini."
"Research and analytical thinking can be very positive for Gemini natives."
"Gemini are very versatile, they just really know how to adapt to each situation."
"Mars in Gemini in the eighth house, you're very good at dealing with joint finances, very good at dealing with other people's money."
"Geminis, if they like you, they will want to talk non-stop."
"I could make a spectacle of Gemini when these lines connect."
"Finally, Gemini's, you are at this time of year where things really begin to pick up for you."
"You're looking for soul, Gemini, you're looking for soul."
"It's all about the moment with Gemini."
"Everything just has this way of magically coming together in your life, Gemini."
"Dr. Foss is a profound scholar and teacher of Gemini astrology."
"Gemini had built the bridge to the moon."
"Have you ever been so busy you wished you could clone yourself just to get everything done? That's the Gemini experience in a nutshell."
"Gemini are versatile, adaptable, communicative, witty, intellectual, and eloquent."
"Gemini people are their own party."
"Gemini energy is really busy, like a flock of birds chirping at each other and talking to each other."
"Gemini's need to be moving, they love to try new things, they're quite bubbly and refreshing."
"In love, Gemini's enjoy conversation; they have to have communication."
"Gemini needs to be with someone that sees a relationship as an adventure."
"Gemini's are so easy to befriend... you can really talk about anything with them."
"Our high functioning Geminis... they've got a cheerfulness, a versatility to them, they're good at multitasking."
"Gemini's need to be moving; they love to try new things, they always have new ideas."
"Gemini's mind is vast. I contain multitudes."
"Whenever you love a Gemini, you just love the journey they take you on."
"You a Gemini? Yeah, I thought so. Restless, passionate."
"Jupiter then goes into Gemini for one year, bringing a lot of advancement and promotions for many of you."
"Gemini... they're funny, you're around them, you have a good time, you have good laughs."
"Gemini makes people happy, make them laugh, make them smile."
"Geminis don't fall in love easily, it takes a lot, but when they do, they love hard."
"Gemini is going to be bouncing around from person to person, talking, making jokes, making everyone comfortable."
"Gemini's... need to be moving, they'd love to try new things, they're quite bubbly and refreshing."
"Gemini energy is really busy, it's like a flock of birds chirping at each other."
"Gemini's influence creates an individual that tends to be naturally communicative and very conversational."
"Gemini's like to think, communicate, and analyze about the external realm, technology, and science."
"The world's yours, Gemini, if channeled properly can do amazing things."
"Gemini: adaptable, intellectual, curious, great company."
"The moon in Gemini allows you to connect with information, to learn, to find solutions to problems."
"Gemini wants to mentally connect with you."
"They're very expressive but all the Geminis that I know are very fun, upbeat, outgoing, and they have bucket loads of personality."
"Geminis are friendly, fun, upbeat, spontaneous at times; they kind of go with the flow of things."
"Gemini energy... has a great love of words and a great love of conversation."
"Jupiter shifting into Gemini... that's a big deal."
"Things are about to turn around for you for the better, Gemini, so get ready for this beautiful energy."
"You will get what you want from that situation, Gemini. This is a wish card."
"Gemini, this is a huge opportunity for you."
"Gemini season is all about mental stimulation and being curious."
"Perhaps something is manifesting for you, Gemini."
"You're winning in some type of way, Gemini. You stand out."
"You're very intuitive at the moment, Gemini."
"Venus in Gemini, when it's not encumbered, is fun. It's interesting, it's engaging mentally, intellectually playful."
"They feel like they hit the jackpot here with the Gemini, they feel like they've found someone special, they're excited about this."
"This is a great month, especially for you, Gemini."
"You're going to be a social butterfly this month."
"Honesty is a big thing for Geminis; they need that honesty."
"The sun is coming up for you here, Gemini. I think there's a lot of happiness, more enjoyment coming in for you."
"You're very original, Gemini. You think outside the box."
"Gemini, you're being redirected to a place that you're truly meant to be."
"Venus is in Gemini... benefits the humanity and people in general with more love and peace."
"Happy June. Happy birthday Geminis."
"This is the Lovers, this is your patron card, the card that rules the sign of Gemini."
"Geminis are just inherently so creative, insanely creative."
"You are about to be very happy, Gemini."
"Go after what your heart's true desire is, Gemini. It's within reach."
"You're destined to succeed, Gemini. That's what spirit's telling me."
"Stand in your truth, Gemini. Stand in your truth."
"Gemini people are masters at taking in information and disseminating information through education through all other types of means."
"After the 21st, we've got the Sun moving on into Gemini, your sign, showering all areas of your life at the same time with new resources, upgrades, updates, and opportunities for advancement and promotion."
"Geminis are incredibly generous... they'd rather be poor than let the people around them suffer for a moment."
"Geminis are also super glib; they're just smartasses. They're the funniest people in the world."
"The allure of you, Gemini, is too strong, and they just want to be magnetized by you."
"It's like something is happening very, very fast for you here, Gemini."
"You're going up from here, Gemini."
"The Moon in Gemini usually makes you feel very articulate and expressive and creative."
"Gemini star signs are versatile, chatty, creative, and perceptive; they are known as the skill communicators of the zodiac."
"Gemini risings are very comfortable communicating with a crowd."
"You're very talented with words, Gemini; it's noticeable always."
"You're on the right track, Gemini."
"It's a very powerful month for Gemini, and it feels very freeing."
"You're living life on your own terms, you're not a people pleaser, Gemini."
"Gemini risings are very inquisitive people."
"This is someone who will try to make an effort to come across very well in front of you, Gemini."
"You're an old soul, Gemini, that's what I'm feeling."
"Luck is on your side, Gemini. Be open to receive."
"You're going to have the world here, Gemini."
"There's a much better outcome than you realize here, Gemini."
"This is a soulmate, Gemini, a significant one."
"As long as you're in alignment with your truth and have the ability to really listen to others as well, I feel like you're going to be shocked, Gemini."
"Believe in the impossible, blue moon Gemini."
"You're very empowered, Gemini, prepared for whatever's coming your way."
"Many Geminis are stepping into the truth that they're teachers, that you are a teacher and you are here to help people by taking information and sharing it with others."
"There's quite a bit of major Arcana over here, which doesn't really happen often; this is quite a special thing for Gemini."
"Let's celebrate all of those creative, charming Geminis out there as we all use the power of the Gemini sun to bring our dreams into reality while remembering to enjoy the process."
"Happy birthday Geminis, may your season be filled with opportunities for financial gain, experiences that enrich your soul, and relationships that bring you connection."
"You're going through a transformation here, Gemini."
"Everything's going to come together for you, Gemini's, but you got to do everything with love."