
Calorie Management Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"If you want to lose weight, then you've got to eat fewer calories than you burn off."
"The number one thing you can do to help out your health through nutrition is to stay at a healthy weight by controlling the number of calories you eat."
"Calories in, calories out. It's still calories and calories out."
"Diets fail because of low adherence, which is a result of various factors, but ultimately it's still calories in versus calories out."
"The number one tip that we have to get out of the way right off the bat is that if you're overweight or carrying excess body fat, you should put yourself into a calorie deficit first to get rid of that excess fat."
"Understanding your total daily energy expenditure is crucial."
"You can lose weight even if you drink alcohol as long as you're still in a calorie deficit."
"For fat loss, you must burn more calories than you consume."
"It's not the total number of calories that's important, it's what your body does with those calories and that depends on hormones."
"Just structured regimented food intake, regardless of tracking, will actually lower calorie intake."
"Your biggest control is your calories in, your energy input."
"The problem is not that people didn't realize that they had to eat fewer calories or increase their calorie expenditure. The problem was why were they eating more calories than they could expend."
"We've got to think about nutrition as simple as it can be. We've got to think about it as calories in versus calories out."
"He lost 30 pounds eating fast food every single day." - "His health markers improved because he missed calories."
"The calorie deficit is a mandatory requirement for losing fat."
"Calories in, calories out. That's the number one thing you need to do to lose weight."
"If your goal is to get leaner, then you don't need anything crazy. You just need to burn some calories. Don't kill yourself."
"A major pro for meal prep is not counting calories."
"This has zero calories, this is what's going to give us our barbecue turkey breasts without having to worry about any extra calories or sugar."
"Meal prep makes calorie counting exponentially easier, especially for weight loss."
"I literally just started with nutrition and focused on getting a handle on that and mastering my calorie deficit from the start."
"There wasn't one formula; most restricted some foods, some counted calories, others ate all foods but just limited their quantities."
"The trick is to make it taste so good with less calories. That's where I come in."
"If you're ever under your calorie goal... just go to sleep and enjoy it."
"It's not that complicated, agreed. Calorie deficit, calories in, calories out, CICO. This changed my life."
"To burn 200 calories, it is easy to simply not eat that bag of chips in the first place than to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes."
"so to put matters in a very simple way I would much rather someone eat 4 000 calories a day and this is simple but and burn 4 000 calories a day then eat 1500 calories a day and burn 1500 calories per day."
"The most important part is cutting calories."
"Erythritol is one of the most net neutral zero calorie things that you can consume."
"Drink a lot of water... don't drink your calories."
"My goal is to eat the least amount of calories but get the most amount of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, more importantly, things like phytonutrients."
"To gain weight and bulk up, you need to be in a caloric surplus."
"It's the calories that she's eating, at the end of the day. If she's not losing weight, those calories they need to go down."
"If you're in a calorie deficit you will lose weight."
"The only way to lose fat is to be in a calorie deficit period end of story."
"By making little healthier choices... those calories add up throughout the day."
"You still are in that 250 calorie deficit, and you don't have to eat those extra calories."
"Always a pleasure... I hope you've enjoyed my madness as much as I enjoy yours."
"You can enjoy your favorite foods, you don't have to completely avoid that slice of birthday cake, candy, or your favorite sweet drink as long as you keep your calories in check."
"The key to fat loss is to make sure like you said earlier calorie burn is higher than intake..."
"If all you're eating is just super calorie dense stuff, what's going to happen is inevitably your calorie count is going to be really high, which is good, we need the calories but you may not even end up getting a good amount of protein in."
"Both of us ordered Diet Coke because we wanted to save all of our calories for the main meals."
"Watching your calories in whatever way works for you, works for you."
"This way I burn up enough calories so I can eat anything I want."
"Eating more protein... will reduce your overall caloric intake."
"You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose body fat; you do not need to be in a calorie surplus to gain muscle."
"Calories in, calories out, at the end of the day, that's what's going to determine if you lose weight."
"If you want to lose body fat, you have to eat less calories than you're using up."
"Stay the course, up the protein, trade some bad calories for some better calories."
"Weight loss does come down to calories in and calories out."
"Cutting, you have to be in a calorie deficit."
"If you're just staying the same week by week and let's say you're trying to lose body fat, then you are not eating in a deficit, you're eating at a maintenance calorie level."
"If you're eating less than what you are overall burning calorie-wise in a day, you will drop weight."
"The key is to find something that satiates you while keeping calories reasonable."
"On average, people could only handle about a 500 calorie deficit per day without losing muscle mass."
"Weight loss comes down to calories in versus calories out."
"If you're eating a lot of vegetables, eating high protein, you're just not going to be over consuming a ton of calories."
"For fat loss, what matters is your calories in versus your calories out."
"If you already got tons of body fat, you don't need extra calories from the foods that you're eating to build that muscle."
"Increase the calories burned before you eat less, always try to burn more to eat more but still keep the calorie deficit."
"If you're trying to grow, you need to be in a calorie surplus; if you're trying to get leaner, you need to be in a deficit."
"Once you know your maintenance calories, the world is your oyster."