
Life Event Quotes

There are 559 quotes

"It was the best day of my life for sure. The most memorable day of my life for sure."
"Somebody either was one a lion weight... had been scoping out this residence for quite some time... a triggering event in their life."
"As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I felt like my baby opened my heart."
"This is one of the biggest moments of my life genuinely."
"This is the best day of my life. I know, I know I sound so dramatic."
"Since Connor and I got engaged we have been talking about this huge wedding that we were going to have like this ginormous party where everybody that comes to the wedding says that it's the best weekend of their life and they had so much fun."
"Four months after the wedding in April of 2006, Allison and Ray put their house up for sale..."
"Somebody went through a major transformation."
"Getting married is like the most passionate and special thing that two people can do."
"When I saw my daughter being born, it was the first really totally selfless moment I'd had."
"The bride's father died and donated his heart, the man who received the transplant walked her down the aisle."
"She dies on her 100th birthday in her bed. I mean, how nuts is that? That's crazy, but that is baller."
"He immediately retired from his job as a mechanic."
"I became an auntie last night, I totally forgot to tell you."
"Imagine going through all of that at once, they were really ready for Thanksgiving break."
"Let's take a pregnancy test, baby's first pregnancy test."
"It's official, this is the happiest day of my life."
"Bringing life into the world is still a big feat."
"When Alexandra found out that she was expecting another child, she felt joy deep within her heart."
"My baptism was one of the happiest days of my life."
"Your body birthed a baby and that is like the coolest thing ever."
"Long story short...our first surrogate was pregnant."
"It is the biggest personal announcement he will ever make."
"Samantha's eyes welled up with tears as Grace opened her eyes and met her mother's for the first time."
"I spread my arms out and said, look where we are, does it look like the place I wanted to celebrate my graduation and my 18th birthday?"
"We're gonna do like a full story time I think because today's Christmas by the way, he proposed on Christmas Eve with both of our families there."
"A new universe was created, my child was born, and this man didn't give up a single thing."
"I lost my virginity over 10 years ago, except for 14. Nah, hell, 14."
"That was the best experience I've ever had in my entire life."
"Sudden realization... sudden change you never saw coming."
"Thank you, baby Jesus. This is the happiest day of my life."
"He kind of gave his pitch. I had just recently lost my mom, um, probably about a few weeks right before I met him."
"Looking at the date I gotta get home, fixing to have a baby."
"Celebrate things in life, like tying the knot!"
"When I was born, devil said, 'Oh (bleep), competition'."
"The best day of my life was on September the 1st, 2000. It was around 8:30 at night. I was in a restaurant with Maria, my girlfriend at the time, and I had just asked her to marry me. She said yes."
"There's a change in structure, a commitment, a marriage... something new."
"Zeb's X Games win was one of the most important moments of his life."
"Every birth is wonderful as long as it brings your baby into this world safely."
"It's her last day out as a single girl, as not long after the last horse has crossed the Finish Line she will be marrying her fiancee."
"Whatever the tower was for you in your personal situation was needed."
"Some sort of achievement, accomplishment or big change that's going to be taking place in November for you guys."
"It kind of dawned on me that this was a pretty significant experience in this young man's life."
"I'm not here to talk about Mason Greenwood's personal life, but the birth of a child is always a special moment."
"But yeah, I'm excited like it's happening this year, it's just so crazy."
"But we had the greatest weekend of our life."
"Guys, I just had sex and your friends made you a cake."
"Little Harrison was born. Best day in the world."
"The pounding of the age thing just took a major hit last night."
"I have some exciting news: I'm having a baby!"
"Probably the most important thing that happened this year is that I got married."
"It was literally the best day of my whole life."
"I have waited for this moment my entire life and I could not be any more excited."
"It was a very happy and exciting period in our lives."
"Is having a kid one of the most important things that any of us ever do? Yes."
"I can't believe we're at this point in my pregnancy where I'm gonna film my what's in my hospital bag video."
"It felt unbelievable, like it was honestly the best day of my life."
"In the summer of 2021 I got pregnant."
"You waited your whole life for this one day."
"When I tell you it was the best day of my life."
"Nothing compares to this, this is like the best day of my life."
"This is probably the greatest thing that's ever happened in my life."
"This is a big moment in your life, isn't it?"
"And oh my god it was just, you know, a powerful moment in life."
"Christine is having an actual thesis defense, also a major life event, but this one happening for real. An actual thesis defense trumps a pretend wedding by a mile, especially for the person who's getting their degree and who isn't getting married."
"He just lost his virginity and he's already a dad."
"It's the greatest day of my life."
"I cannot believe that this time tomorrow I'm gonna be a married man."
"This wedding was one of my life's experiences. I will never forget."
"Christy, who had a daughter named Talia from her previous marriage, gave birth to Davey's son Cen David Parker Blackburn."
"You're about to celebrate, there's exciting news in your life."
"The day I met Barry, that was the best day of my life."
"That was one like that was a lifetime like experience there like I've never felt something like that before that was crazy."
"I almost took a deep breath, I almost passed out. October 16 was going to be the best day of my life."
"...it was one of the top craziest things that ever happened to me in my life..."
"You know, I feel very happy about this. This is one of the best days of my life."
"Your wedding is an important day. It's something that you've said bothered you for years, like your whole life. Do it."
"It was the greatest night of my life, it was unbelievable."
"Logic just had a kid... now it leaves the fans wanting more."
"A day that I'm sure they're going to remember for the rest of their lives."
"This is the most important moment of my life Maria."
"This girl was born. They had me real emotional right there."
"I'm getting married in two months yay um yeah that's so fun."
"It feels like it was a turning point for him."
"It was the most hair-raising thing of my life."
"I remember when my puppy came and it was the happiest day of my life."
"I think that as important as EU S Open is to me and every player in it. There's a U.S. Open every year, but this is the birth of my first child and I just wouldn't miss it for the world."
"You should approach your wedding day like your career and you should be educated about it."
"It's like the first day of school."
"announcing her pregnancy fire photos gender reveal interview about pregnancy and it's really a beautiful thing"
"Marriage is a major life event; you start a new life with your new life partner."
"This has been an absolutely wonderful experience, one of the best days of my life."
"May 2021, wedding coming at you hot."
"This has to be the biggest day of your life."
"I just want to enjoy my wedding because this is hopefully the last time that I actually have a marriage and a wedding."
"You made me the happiest man alive."
"This is an exciting time in your life, Kim."
"Yeah, it was fire, the best day of my life."
"That was the happiest day of my entire life."
"It's the most wonderful night of my life."
"Turning 65 is just wonderful; stock market crashes on your 65th birthday."
"I was doing something pretty special; I was asking my incredible girlfriend to marry me."
"Congratulations, sweetie. What did you pass?" "Um, my pregnancy test."
"This is literally the biggest card of my life."
"Clothes have been such a shock to me; I'll try on things that I was literally wearing the day before surgery that I cannot wear anymore."
"It's officially move-in day, which is very exciting."
"Three months later, they were married."
"It's a top five most important night of my lifetime."
"You made a tiny human, huge congratulations!"
"I got engaged, guys! Now we're hooked for life."
"I'm happy, I'm very excited, but at the same time, I'm feeling emotional and sad."
"Good morning! Guess who had a baby this weekend? Not me."
"This is an experience of a lifetime, incredible."
"This is one of the most happiest days of my life."
"This was going to be the happiest day of Izuku's life."
"My name is Molly. I married my husband Kevin when I was 25."
"You must get ready for the biggest day of your life."
"I can't believe you're getting married so soon."
"It was such a life-changing event."
"Pure joy was really like the biggest thing of all that I was experiencing."
"May it please the court, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, on May 1st, 2017, the defendant was given a blessing: a baby boy, a healthy, happy, innocent baby boy."
"To humans, death is the most helpless yet fairest event in our lives."
"Yes, I've been waiting for this moment my whole life."
"What's the best thing that has happened this year? Finding out that my wife is pregnant."
"I'm about to go and pick her up now, and we're going to pick up her 2-year visa."
"It's the biggest day of a girl's life, get married."
"This is the biggest thing that I've done in my life, and I'm so happy that I was able to document it all and share it with you."
"It was the most beautiful day of my life."
"He has never been more excited in his entire life."
"It will be one of the most joyous days of your life."
"She had her little baby boy on June 5th, 2020."
"Postpartum is the biggest hormonal change at one time that anybody can go through in life."
"It's about our personal life; me and my husband bought a house."
"This has literally been the most magical day of my life."
"It was the best day of my life, no doubt."
"And then at six pm, I'm gonna go get married."
"Ah yes, exciting times, it is moving day."
"This is going to be the best day of their life right now, this is the day they're not going to forget."
"It was one of truly one of the greatest days of my life because of how long it took, and it all worked out thankfully."
"I'm really excited about it and I'm looking forward to birth."
"We are about to go and do something very, very exciting."
"You meet your person at the juncture of some life-changing event."
"That was the biggest surprise of my life."
"Marriage becomes a very important event in our life; it shows us who we are."
"Proposing to my wife was the most nerve-wracking thing I ever did."
"I was so happy, I was celebrating, this is the best night of my life."
"I'll never forget this night as long as I live."
"It's gonna be like one best moment in my life."
"Her world glitched and in turn changed the course of her life forever."
"It's the biggest moment of my life."
"He arrived in her town, he got himself a hotel room, and the moment he had been waiting for was about to happen."
"That was like the coolest 24 hours of my life, guys, seriously."
"This is meant to be the best day of my life."
"Absolutely incredible, it's something we never thought we'd experience."
"Tonight, I've been preparing for this my entire life."
"When a man finds a wife, then he obtains favor from God and man."
"I've been really looking forward to this, it was going to be the summit of my life so far."
"You will experience a momentous occasion in your life."
"It was the best day of my life, it was unreal."
"That incident with learning about my dad's diagnosis literally turned me from a boy to a man just in that instant."
"This is 11 years of your life; it's happening."
"I can't believe this is actually happening, we've been trying since November."
"This is gonna be basically one of the best days of my life."
"People consider their senior prom to be magic."
"I've never been more excited about anything in my life."
"Middle Eastern Arab weddings, the biggest day in someone's life until they have their kid, massive celebrations."
"I'm getting married. Let me catch my breath a minute."
"I'm doing the taxi because this is the most important trip of my life."
"That is the best thing to ever happen to me in my entire life."
"I'm so freaking excited, it's just gonna be a moment in my life I'll probably never ever forget."
"Hello party people! I have a major life event to share with you guys."
"It was like the most exciting moment of my entire life."
"It makes a great gift for baby showers."
"I've got some difficult news, I'm afraid. Sadly, Mr. Farrow has passed over to the other side."
"That has become like a core memory now."
"This is one of the most life-altering things that we've ever done."
"This has been the best week of my life so far."
"You are now ready to receive or to go through this major life change."
"It was the most exhilarating moment of my life."
"We also move tomorrow, so that's so exciting."
"It was really really a wonderful event that happened in my life that I would not trade for anything."
"I got engaged! It still feels weird saying that out loud, but I'm obviously super super happy."
"This is the most amazing day of my life."
"The single greatest moment of her life."
"I'm getting married next week, so I got one or two things I need to get back and work out."
"I was allowed to experience the most amazing of moments: the birth of my son."
"This is probably the biggest event in these guys' minds in their life."
"This was the biggest day of his life."
"I've never been happier. This is the happiest day of my life."
"Got hired the day my son was born. Damn great story, so it's pretty cool."
"It was the most frightening, amazing, unbelievable, and shocking night of my life."
"Tomorrow is probably the biggest day of my life."
"You gave me the event of my life and the love in the room."
"Who doesn't take it as the greatest moment of their lives that they're invited to the wedding feast of the king?"
"18 years later, Lily gives birth to a baby girl and calls her Maya."
"This is the most joyful hour he has ever given us since the day of his birth."
"This is a big moment, like this is one of probably the biggest moments of my whole entire life."
"I am so nervous, I am so excited, I just can't believe that today is the day."
"Do you realize that at this time tomorrow, we're going to be getting married?"
"This brought to an end one of the most stressful few months stretches of my entire life."