
Telescopes Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Every time a new telescope comes online... our minds have actually expanded, and we learn more and more about our place in the universe."
"Webb combines the best aspects of the telescopes that have preceded it and takes them to a whole new level."
"The big ground-based telescopes are the ones that are going to really be able to do the follow-up and explore what the atmospheres of those planets look like."
"In exploring the universe's edges, we confront the limits of our understanding, where dark matter and dark energy shape the cosmic landscape in profound yet distinct ways."
"Chime doesn't look at different parts of the sky like most telescopes."
"The Extremely Large Telescope will probably be the last of the great optical telescopes."
"Making aluminum-coated mirrors for telescopes isn't as simple as dipping a brush in buckets of aluminum paint and slapping it on glass."
"The telescope plays an important role in the search for life outside our solar system."
"Humanity's suite of telescopes from the ground to in orbit have opened up the cosmic history books."
"Our new generation of telescopes will reveal even more."
"Telescopes have been used to detect black holes by tracking the motion of objects around them."
"Although we can't see black holes scientists have been able to study them by observing how they interact with the environment around them with telescopes like Swift Chandra and Hubble."
"The telescopes allow us to stretch our vision in our imagination almost to infinity to the edge of the universe."
"Space-based assembly of telescopes is the future of big space telescopes."
"Imagine what we could see with space-assembled telescopes acting in an interferometer at the solar gravitational lens."
"Generally, the way exploration of these worlds goes is that you study them with telescopes, fly by them, orbit them, and then you land on them."
"I see more of heaven and feel closer to the Lord than if I were assisted by all the telescopes on earth."
"Telescopes tend to have pretty large apertures which means they can collect a lot of light which means they reveal a lot of detail, which is a good thing when you are photographing the black abyss of space."
"The future of astronomy holds immense promise with several groundbreaking telescopes on the horizon poised to revolutionize our understanding of the universe."
"Diffraction limits the resolution of all telescopes, it doesn't matter what they are."
"If we build bigger telescopes, we better build them in space because if we don't build them in space, we have to contend with the atmosphere on the ground."
"With these powerful telescopes, we're really probing all the phenomena and connecting the dots, which is super exciting."
"Astronomy and telescopes are like time machines."
"These telescopes are amazingly powerful, and we try hard to look at the very famous objects so we can understand the extremities of the universe."
"We realized that we could make telescopes that detect things other than light."
"The E-ELT will reveal planets orbiting other stars."
"Astronomers were clearly in need of more powerful telescopes, and ESO provided them with revolutionary new tools."
"The trick with the telescope is it's all about gathering photons."
"A telescope is a kind of time machine."
"When you look through it, it's almost like the telescope disappears."
"NASA plans to launch a new generation of telescopes in the 2040s; they'll help us find real twins of our planet."
"You don't need a huge great telescope to see amazing things in the night sky."
"No go-to telescope is ever going to give you that experience."
"Learning more about the universe through Hubble, TESS, or any other telescope is an awesome thing, no matter how you look at it."
"We entered the 1900s thinking that all the stars in the universe were in the Milky Way, and we left the 20th century with great space telescopes probing billions and billions of light-years into the cosmos."
"Telescopes act like time machines, we just can never see our own past, we can see other people's past."
"NASA telescopes cover the x-rays, the gamma rays, the optical, the UV, the infrared."
"The Event Horizon Telescope is really a clever application that connects them all, allowing these telescopes together to be far more than the sum of their parts."
"What's most important about all these telescopes is everything can be upgraded on them."
"I think these are some of the most beautiful telescopes ever made."
"After all, no one wants blurry images, and we all want the best focus we can get with our telescopes."
"A black hole is invisible to us, but telescopes can see the material surrounding it."
"The dynamic range of these telescopes are so large, they're so sensitive, so there's lots of brightness values."
"The next generation of like 30 meter class telescopes, extremely large telescopes (ELTs), should also be able to do some of this kind of work."
"Yeah, aren't telescopes really cool?"
"The Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes are some of the biggest telescopes now sent to space with hope."
"Telescopes have really kind of supercharged discovery in astronomy."
"We have an extremely large telescope, and that's so that we can get that angular resolution, that spectacular clarity across these images."
"Telescopes let us see the past; they're real time machines that way, but they don't let us see the future."
"The Hubble walked so James Webb could run."