
Market Disruption Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"How do the economics of vaccines work? Who funds them, how profitable are they, and will the COVID-19 pandemic and new technology disrupt the vaccine market forever?"
"You're disrupting the market in a very positive way."
"Voluntary transactions in the market are disrupted by government intervention."
"The stimulus only discombobulates the market further."
"Bitcoin will disrupt gold, its market cap has to be 10 trillion or more."
"The flea market... completely change the game in countless ways."
"It’s been shown that the 'tipping point price' for EVs, the price that will lead to mainstream adoption and eventual disruption, is $36,000."
"It's an unorganized collective effort of meme lords and average Americans to completely ignore all market fundamentals into the power of social media bankrupt hedge funds overnight."
"The interconnected world is becoming broken, leading to negative impacts on global markets."
"YouTube TV is the wrinkle in all this business that's gonna sweep all the competition if they're not looking out."
"This dollar collapse would disrupt international markets even more than the 2008 financial crisis."
"Progenity disrupting a $20 billion industry, fundamentally undervalued."
"I'm looking for the kind of game that scares the industry, starves other franchises, and [messes] up stocks."
"Tesla is about to disrupt the semi-truck market."
"How is Tesla able to enter a new market segment and instantly dominate with a vehicle design that is already six years old before it even made its first delivery? Let's talk about what makes the Tesla semi so special."
"Blockbuster's failure to recognize the potential of Netflix cost them their crown as the king of sofa-side cinema."
"Tesla's found a lot of success because they didn't sell an EV, they sell a sports car with best in class performance."
"Overall though, yeah, I really like this game. I had a lot of fun and I think it's got a ton of potential."
"If the price is anywhere near where it's supposed to be, it's going to just destroy Intel."
"Lemonade: Winning the race to disrupting this massive industry worth over five trillion dollars worldwide."
"He's broken the treasury market and he's already broken the US Energy Market."
"Amazon killed by show. I mean before Amazon and Amazon Prime came along online shopping was kind of seen as unreliable."
"Well-managed companies that focus on meeting the needs of their customers may lose market leadership when new unexpected market disruption arises."
"From the word go, Sony crashed Sega and Nintendo’s party quite expertly."
"Coinbase is leveling the playing field, cutting out the middleman."
"When you are dealing with a new technology, you have to be patient. This is a new technology that is disrupting money, technology, the internet, and people are expecting it to disrupt all of that today."
"Jio changed the entire Indian telecom market."
"The big story is wow this thing is genuinely different."
"Are the Koreans about to completely shake up the affordable long-range EV segment? That's what we're here to find out."
"We're setting a new world order for a drink that has been around for thousands of years."
"Hey, how about you dump these Christian distributors and get with us?"
"Sony wasn't even supposed to be part of this gaming market."
"Regular people beating Wall Street at their own game."
"The HVAC market is a huge playing field for Tesla to disrupt."
"The reason why I like it is because it's a disruptive innovator."
"Netflix blows up blows blockbuster out of the water and it's it's absolutely massive."
"Genesis nailed it with this GV70; lookout competition, they're coming for you."
"The product you get for the price is absolutely insane."
"Watch the data coming out about businesses, industries, our industry has been disrupted because of delta and omicron."
"Ryan Reynolds believes this is not acceptable, and it's one of the reasons the actor bought Mint Mobile, a cell phone company which aims to disrupt the $280 billion dollar wireless carrier industry."
"Harley Davidson is poised to disrupt the adventuring motorcycle world forever."
"They're going to use this as a wedge to make their legitimate sellers' lives much more difficult."
"The transaction is a game changer that poses a threat to an industry enjoyed by hundreds of millions of consumers."
"China's building its own plane, threatening Boeing's duopoly."
"I think there's huge opportunity to just literally replace everything every single person on the world like 90 percent of the world is drinking Mountain Dew sprite coca-cola every single old soda should be replaced."
"The Cybertruck could absolutely wreck Ford's business."
"It will grab sales left and right from gas guzzling environment-destroying very expensive to operate Ford F-150s."
"The dislocation has kind of happened in the public markets."
"It's so funny how the car market... talk about disruption."
"Reddit investors from Wall Street Bets are shaking up the market and sticking it to the man by buying up stock in GameStop and AMC."
"The literal antagonists of the planet... decided Gamestop, at long last, your defenses have been weakened to the point of no return."
"It's about time that something like this came to the market. It pulled off a magic trick."
"Let's be honest, the real disruption will come with tokenization."
"One person won't bring down the system, but a million tiny players will bring down the whole thing because they each will beat that one big player at their tiny sliver."
"Timu and Xi'an are effectively going on a viral marketing campaign to frustrate their competitors with products that are below the cost of the market."
"Game over, DoorDash. Game over, Lyft. Game over, WeWork."
"Tesla's refreshed Model 3 is single-handedly forcing the entire industry to make compelling vehicles or go bankrupt."
"Bitcoin will replace gold one day, disrupt gold, replace gold."
"People are so attached to the 60 or 70 gaming price model that they freak out when anything else comes in and disrupts the industry."
"If you are thinking about buying... why didn't one of the big car manufacturers think of this a long time ago?"
"The world was shocked when companies like Honda and Suzuki showed up in the West and just took over."
"Bitcoin is the best money mankind has ever come across."
"It's different and arguably better than the status quo."
"The established brands should be looking at this and thinking, 'Huh.'"
"We can't take down the central banks with just some silver some bitcoin some uh, you know forced uh, short squeezes we need some memes we need some memes personally you think you're trying to buy and uh, Kansas chicken."
"Time to short Western Union. Twitter and Strike destroyed your business model. Goodbye."
"And that chaos and destruction is exactly what ARK Invest's secret new short selling fund is looking to capitalize on."
"Robinhood has completely disrupted all of finance with one basic thing: they've made trading frictionless."
"I think the cybertruck is going to crush all of them."
"Valve proceeded to immediately step in and ban all of op skins Bots, killing it all right there and then."
"Insurrection, GameStop stock blowing up due to a Reddit... bankrupting hedge funds who usually are the ones doing the speculation... AOC and Ted Cruz agree on something."
"A 10x cost differential has always enabled a disruption."
"I honestly believe that I have uncovered the plan for their next generation of Sony Alpha cameras that will completely turn the entire industry upside down."
"The other side of disruptive innovation is creative destruction."
"Innovation and disruption, it happens all the time."
"To me, its valuation of 530 million is just too low for the world it's about to disrupt."
"A lot of very, very, very big brands and big companies being unseated by far smaller companies that seem to be more nimble."
"A blast to take down enemies and corrupt the trading system."
"It is without a doubt a car that's going to disrupt the segment."
"I think in a way you can almost compare it to how Netflix changed the market."
"A company that proposes to be the world leader in renewable energy storage, a replacement to gas companies, and a cheaper alternative to Uber all in one... well, that's a more intriguing proposition."
"There is so much innovation taking place at the same time now, I mean we've never seen anything like this."
"It is incredibly, incredibly rare for a single company to make such a huge leap in the PC space."
"And the Google monopoly could be destroyed from something like that."
"Cryptocurrencies and digital assets are shaking the system."
"Henry's decision to enter the deal as he did, he was not just big guns coming in, it was Godzilla waiting in from the ocean and stomping out Wall Street."
"Tesla Insurance is revolutionizing the industry."
"Decentralized storage projects are fighting David versus Goliath times a million."
"It's disruption. That's what we've seen from Tesla for the last decade and that's what we're going to continue to see."
"Retail is defying the professionals with this community support, betting on what a company could become."
"Dent is a potential disruptor in the cryptocurrency game."
"Could their partnership with Drake be a Trojan horse to disrupting the hype sneaker space that Kanye has carved out?"
"It's totally nuts that Vanguard is doing this."
"Bravo for creating a product that people went fu ferrari mclaren and porsche i'm gonna go buy this instead like that is brilliant."
"I think Tesla will be the first one to do it in a massive scale and I think it's a large part of hidden value to be yet to be unlocked."
"It took Apple thinking in a completely different direction to really disrupt that phone market."
"The fundamental utility of the vehicle will go up five X in theory with this Robo taxi disruption."
"Bitcoin is another type of gold, another type of value. The traditional financial system is going to get wrecked."
"The MOS Technology 6502 disrupted the market with its high performance and low cost."
"In the 2010s bed in the box, companies began popping up everywhere."
"They're gonna change the motorcycling market, and you can either adapt or you can die."
"I feel like this is a great beautiful motorhome and I feel like it's going to be disrupting the market because it is just that nice."
"We're going to have a third real competitor that's broad-based, widely distributed to Visa and MasterCard, that will bring down interchange fees."
"He could just look at the design of something, not care about market research... and create great products."
"Redis... just ate from the message broking market share without even anyone paying attention."
"The potential of these relatively young electric automotive companies and their innovative business models is really disruptive."
"Following my own instincts is why we are where we are today and why we have invented things that the markets never had before."
"Highly recommend this drone, it has a real potential to disrupt the aerial mapping vertical of drones as a whole."
"If such a thing ever comes to market it'll be so disruptive to the auto industry that it'll most likely accelerate the demise of internal combustion engines and really kick-start the revolution of fossil-free global transport."
"He didn't care though; the information he collected on how other shops ran helped him come up with a strategy to completely destroy his competitors."
"It's the wild west right now, so if you own this and you really get it right, you can dramatically change the economics of your business."
"The Tesla Model 3 is coming for all these guys and Tesla in general is coming for all these guys."
"It's so hard for a big company to look at their billion-dollar business and say, 'How is this upstart my customer is one a little bit better in a little bit cheaper what I'm already doing? They don't want something brand new.'"
"Search is not monolithic, and although Google has a dominant market share today, by creating new categories of products and understanding which search experiences can be radically improved with AI, you can start to unbundle what Google search represents today."
"Every now and then something awesome comes along that says, 'Hey, I see what you're doing. I'm gonna do it better and I'm gonna do it cheaper.' And this is that."
"I love how Lelo are kind of disruptors in that market and are all about empowering women."
"That solid state technology is going to be a major disruptor in the marketplace for EVs."
"You want to infiltrate the market or revolutionize, disrupt the market."
"We just had a better, cheaper, faster, more secure platform than what else was on the market."
"The car is about to change into the iPhone, and now you're going to have 50% of the iPhone which will be Tesla."
"It's more than just a regular tent; it's a groundbreaking product that's making a revolution in the market."
"Find altcoins that have a clear path forward and have connections already that are disrupting markets."
"If whatever I'm building is not at least 10 times better than what's already out there, no one's gonna care."
"It's gonna be an absolute bargain and it will shake things up."
"This is just gonna blow out the rest of the market, I truly believe this is a transformative vehicle."
"This technology is about to disrupt a whole lot of markets and industries, and potentially even human culture as we know it."
"It seems that the innovative, exciting company is only getting started and here to disrupt the market."
"If there was someone that came in and could shake up that monopoly... that would be interesting."
"I think what Lenovo has done here has created some real disruption in the market."