
Unexpected Encounters Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"It was my old childhood friend, Artie. If I had made a list of people I was sure that I would never see again, Artie would be top of that list."
"I believe that you meet the love of your life and other amazing opportunities when you're least expecting it."
"I woke up sometime in the early morning... and immediately saw a man's face looking in the tent at us."
"It's the first day, you've been there like two hours. What do you mean there's a hot blonde who's developed a crush on you?"
"The creepy cornfield clown, a scary encounter captured by a drone."
"When you least expect it, you're going to be having some really cool people pop into your life."
"You've come upon a person dressed in rags who was apparently unconscious. You help out."
"If this little girl had not appeared, I would most likely have been a corpse."
"Sometimes you can make a friend in the most unexpected places."
"Extract wisdom from the past and apply it to your future."
"Trail cams usually operate unattended and often capture things that would not have happened if a human were present."
"I never thought I'd be eating hot dogs with the Michelin star Chef."
"When you're out in the middle of nowhere, your hackles go up when you see something out of the ordinary." - Jessica Schultz
"It's all fun and games and beavers until somebody sees a crouching dark angel in their fireplace, okay?"
"They're also talking to this guy Freddy a bunch because he just entered my room."
"When you least expect it, that is when your soulmate is coming in for you."
"Do what's necessary to get yourself into a peak State emotionally mentally spiritually and physically and the right person will show up in the most unexpected way and being together will be effortless."
"It was just a random dude apparently, but it basically we just went to a random Craigslist dude."
"Imagine having a conversation and a complete stranger walks in between you... hello!"
"It's really wild to see someone you know do their thing and they don't know that you're there."
"They're shocked by your existence and the opportunity to be together."
"Caught by surprise, you meet someone who you instantly connect with."
"I wouldn't do that, one lady called me Your Highness."
"Running in a jungle... I just saw monkeys running across rooftops."
"I got recognized on Reddit, so that was... I got recognized on a dating app."
"We grabbed the flashlight and shined it out the door... it turned out to be a herd of cows."
"You might be surprised about who may come back and say hello."
"You never know who or what you will find, or worse, who might see you."
"You can't go, you need to wait. So I walked out, I went to the bathroom, I used the bathroom, and when I walked out of the bathroom, you'll never believe what I saw before my eyes... my principal."
"Destiny brings unexpected love into your life."
"Oh, this will be so scary, imagine this just shows up outside your house bro."
"Ringo literally look like he seen a ghost when he's seen Doc's face."
"Be surprised, love often shows up when you're not looking."
"I shook my head and at that very moment... saw a creature like a big cat."
"I've never met such sweet people, more so when you least expect it."
"He had just driven a drilling rig to the end of the road and climbed on top of a huge log to look over the grade ahead across the clearing he saw a shaggy-haired creature about 150 or 200 feet away standing on two legs."
"A very sudden appearance of someone in your life."
"Out of nowhere, this person's going to change your life's direction."
"But today, AC Family, she will be forced to meet an unexpected guest who will surely cause a stir and a stir!"
"An adventure trip of two young guys took a strange turn when they found a cave. They went in and explored it through the tight space just to meet the slithery cave owner."
"Your next romantic partner is kind of gonna come out of nowhere."
"Entertain strangers because you could be entertaining angels unaware."
"I find it really interesting that I was attacked by somebody wearing a mask and next time I see you, you have a mask."
"I never would have imagined dealing with a bona fide Karen as a cop, let alone living right next door to one."
"I saw a goons quote very unexpectedly this morning when I was scrolling through Reddit."
"I didn't expect to find a vampire here."
"A girl meets a guy at a bar and the next day she arrives at her high school only to find out that he's her new English teacher."
"I'm sorry, I never thought I would meet someone and I never dreamed it would be you."
"Speaking to Michael Jackson's father about my life because of a seeking Arrangements date."
"Damn, that really happened last night. New York is crazy. I feel like this is the one place where I can start my night being like, 'I'm not gonna drink,' and then end up in a bathroom with Taylor Swift."
"He's just looking for a pen pal, but he found love."
"Oh, I forgot about this. First thing I have to do is pee. So I walk in and I look into my shower, mind you, my bladder is full. I haven't peed since the night before. Okay, there's a possum looking at me in my shower."
"Never in a million years did I think I'd be meeting a Christian pastor with a thousand believers in the church."
"It's not every day you spot an owl on the side of the road and become a hero."
"It's quickly revealed that there are many more creatures living inside the water system, and they came to thank the main character for saving their lives."
"As we were walking up the streets, a mother and her son dressed as Darth Vader were walking right by us."
"'Oh my God, hey Batman.' Unexpected humor."
"It was a beautiful accident meeting these people."
"The Lord sent me into Abercrombie and Fitch."
"You will encounter testicular torsion, skeletons, famous YouTuber Critical, the realization that you left the stove on downstairs, and Dark Souls PvP."
"You meet these people and you didn't realize voices."
"I was contacted out the blue by a very famous person called Grace Dent."
"When you're not looking you find someone."
"Sometimes you don't even get a note, sometimes you just gotta find them in a parking lot."
"I can't really tell you how many times the rays of moonlight and headlight beams reflected off the smooth asphalt to look like a person dressed in white standing in the road."
"You don't know where you're going, you don't know where you're gonna land, you don't know what you're going to encounter."
"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it."
"I feel like you guys are willing to break karmic cycles with each other to learn something and it might just catch you off guard here."
"It's usually when you're looking for a snake that you don't find a snake; they always surprise you."
"I started seeing cats outside of the window of the metro."
"Let brotherly love continue and do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some have unknowingly entertained angels."
"Sometimes the most astonishing encounters happen when we least expect them, forever altering our perception of what is possible."
"You do meet the nicest people when you break down."
"Have you ever met a pelican? You get bonus points if he was stealing bread."
"Occasionally I'll run into a green sea turtle out there, sometimes literally."
"It's really amazing how I bumped into her at our high school reunion, she saw a ghost and within 45 minutes she decided to leave."
"Sometimes, even when you don't realize it, even when you don't have that feeling that someone is just around that corner, someone might be, and it's up to you to remain vigilant."
"Your soulmate is going to pop out by surprise; you will know that this person is a dream come true."
"Sometimes we walk past angels and they come to you in different ways and in different forms."