
State Control Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"These children now belong to the Chinese state to be brainwashed and used however they see fit, which is awful."
"Do you sometimes feel like the suggestions and recommendations benefit the state and their ability to control, and pharmaceutical companies in their ability to make profit?"
"Fundamentally flawed because power is given to the state."
"Fascism and socialism have similarities, both lead to state control and oppression."
"There's a growing alliance against the super State, necessitated by its control and manipulation."
"The idea that a state actor could demand that anyone prove who they are and why they are somewhere at a time where someone has never seen them is a prime example of authoritarianism."
"All totalitarian regimes strive to destroy the close-knit family in order to remove any loyalties that might be higher than to the state itself."
"The economic spectrum is actually fairly gradient there are certainly people who believe that 80 percent of all of you know wealth should be controlled by the state or something like that and you still have the right to make and earn money"
"Obviously you want to ban all guns, you genuinely believe that the citizen is owned by the state."
"The socialists know they've got to basically take over society using the state and they do it have necessity."
"It's about complete Absolute Total State control."
"That just sounds like fascism nothing outside the state nothing against the state."
"In China, when you're oppressed you know why and you also know who's done it and why they've done it, and it's the state."
"If you want a free state... who has to control the ultimate body of force? It's the people themselves."
"You're not advancing capitalism anymore, it becomes more and more a state-controlled system." - Mike
"You are supposed to defer your decision-making power to the state."
"Xi's vision is one of strong state control where businesses conform with the goals of the Chinese Communist Party, not the other way around."
"If you live in America, you are now experiencing state-of-the-art trauma-based media mind control like never before seen in the history of modernity."
"California ultimately is going to a system where their idea would be the state would have complete control over all business and they're just doing it indirectly."
"Government is inherently a monopoly on violence."
"Having the state take over more and more society provokes criminality."
"Fear and panic are the great friends of the police state."
"We have total authority over you. Bow to us, obey us, do not question us, do not stand up against us."
"These laws have been building the mechanisms for a totalitarian police state piece by piece."
"Communism is about all means of production controlled in the hand of the states."
"The more the state is trying to control, the faster solutions are developed to counter that."
"You don't have a coup by attacking the capital. You do it by taking over the media, by censoring people, and by controlling the Justice Department. That's the Democrat deep state with Republican allies. We're in a coup."
"As soon as you put the state in place to pay for everything, you also put the state in place to decide what's going to be paid for and how."
"The end goal of all free speech and censorship control done by States is to protect the state. That's all it's been."
"Cryptocurrencies were created to ensure that the state does not control the flow of capital."
"The truth is the enemy of the state that is doing everything in their power in order to trample it and destroy it so people of course never get to see it."
"When private property rights are ignored or diminished, it means the state increasingly looks at you as its property."
"I think they want to keep a very weak, ineffective, and largely absent state so that they can fill the void and keep control."
"Your children don't belong to you; they belong to the state. The state decides what your child learns." - Blair White
"Fascism is always descending upon America and always manages to land in Europe."
"If taxes only ever go up and never down, you will become a 100% slave of the state."
"State capitalism which allows for things like centralized directed planning and directed investment is a really useful way to understand China."
"They don't want you to believe in God or believe in a source that could possibly be higher than something that the state can control."
"The state uses fear to control, fear of the other, fear of an invading horde or the invasion of refugees."
"If the state controls all employment if the state controls life chances and you want a dissent you lose your livelihood."
"I'm merely showing what life is like, and I'm merely saying this: it's probably better to commit a bad act than to be so conditioned by scientific techniques that you cannot do anything unless the state wants you to do it."
"Politics is a process of struggle for power that involves defining enemies and winning friends to seize sovereign state power."
"A person with imperium was authorized to channel the power and authority of the state in order to enact their will."
"International law is encouraging the state to exercise more control over its own territory and its own people."
"The United States Constitution does not forbid a state to control the use of its own property for its own lawful non-discriminatory purpose."
"It's not just about becoming a bit more positive about language; it's about not catering to the state making every single decision for you."
"Both terror and propaganda are essential factors in the creation of the terror state; they were interdependent and indispensable."
"I'm against that kind of state control; I'm against totalitarianism."
"Public HBCUs are technically controlled by the state in which they exist... ultimately govern themselves but are controlled by the state."