
Failure Analysis Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Economists can learn a lot more from things going wrong than things going right."
"Why, with all these great players at Old Trafford in front of 75,000 fans, do you go and lose to Villa? Why? And I don't have the answer to that."
"Celebrating successes is as important as criticizing failures."
"Crunch is not a triumph of the workforce but a failure of the management."
"Doubling down on failure is not the road map to success."
"Banking is banking, there will be more failures, will they be cataclysmic failures? That's the difference."
"The fundamental cause of the failure may be regarded as a combination of geological factors and design decisions that permitted the failure to develop."
"I think her failure was that thing that you know a lot of people talk about when but when you've interviewed Bill would he sat down and you thought wow there's something there's something truly transcendent here."
"Sunlight being the best disinfectant, challenging those ideas is important."
"What caused leafies expedition to sail so desperately off course? Why did all of his fans suddenly abandon ship?"
"Just get clear on what the failure is and then look at the likelihood of this happening."
"When you step back and look at everything that went wrong with this whole project plan universe...well, it really starts to feel like it was jinxed or hexed or maybe even cursed."
"Failure is usually very clear... it teaches us where effort is wasted and encourages us not to repeat the same mistakes."
"Lincoln tried every way that didn't count, you know all they needed to do was give it much better sheet metal."
"Success leaves clues and so do failures. A skill that you have to develop is identifying who the losers are, not paying attention to what they're doing, find the winners and try to R&D what they do."
"We have culturally failed Lolita over and over again for the same reasons Dolores Hayes was failed."
"The main reason why companies succeed and why company failed it's, it's a people it's your team."
"A lot of the times it's not the product that dies, it's the way the product is being sold that dies."
"Tests are directly useful when they're failing."
"Unlike a medical autopsy though there is no singular cause of death for the new 52 that caused it to limp along for years saluting towards Bethlehem before mercifully dying without reaching the finishing line."
"A monumental failure: how a flagship of the American idea was unable to overcome nature and culture."
"It's been a failure, it's not politically correct or ecclesiastically correct to say that, but if you just look at the numbers, it's been a failure."
"Every attempt to replace VHS pretty much failed."
"Understanding why bearings fail is crucial to preventing those root causes of failure."
"Thinking through failure only leads to success."
"Self-made millionaires look into every failure for something good... and surprise, surprise, they always find it."
"The incremental failure is how we get success."
"There's success in having a failure... the test was about Gathering data."
"Failures are expected... it's a launch failure, it's not a test failure."
"Great ideas fail every day due to poor planning."
"You'd think that after two disastrous missions and multiple casualties that the powers that be would have pulled the plug on the whole project."
"Having a philosophical understanding of the real cause of failure is vital to attempting not to fail."
"A model is just as good when it fails because it tells you something is wrong."
"Rocket failures while disappointing are an inherent part of the challenging field of space exploration."
"Disappointment causes us to self-reflect and that can be a valuable thing. There are often tangible quantifiable reasons we didn't hit the mark."
"The joint chiefs of staff are rethinking the United States war fighting concepts after failing miserably in quotes in a war game."
"I've come to believe Scientology's crazy-ass beliefs have nothing to do with why they are a failure as an organization. Scientology fails as an organization because of how horribly it treats its members."
"Failure is common, but the composition of yours is quite atypical."
"Why'd it go wrong? How did it go wrong? And how you can avoid the problem."
"Massive massive failure, and the only thing worse than a massive failure... none of the people that caused us to fail will ever admit it acknowledge it learn from it grow from it change course."
"Success is not an accident. Failure is not an accident either."
"When the time for an accounting comes, we must remember that this was not inevitable, and that a long sequence of failures led to this moment."
"...and that was the point of failure this is what happens."
"You really do have to look at the dark side and look at why businesses die and to study this so that you know not to do those things, right?"
"Perhaps more fascinating than its successes are the ways that it fails, which are surprisingly relatable to our own Human Experience."
"With the boroscope, you can visualize what it would have looked like prior to the failure."
"Systems under which people work account for 90% of the failure, therefore the key to success in any endeavor is to perfect the system."
"Failure analysis is just really important and why it's really interesting, and honestly also a little bit fun."
"The point was simply to investigate. I find it interesting to investigate the failure reasons for these and maybe try to give some pointers to people who have bought these for small hobby projects."
"Resonance and vibration are important failure modes that we need to understand and have the quantitative tools to predict."
"Examine the failure, where did it go wrong, but most importantly, what did I do wrong."
"The probable cause of the Florida International University pedestrian bridge collapse was the load and capacity calculation errors."
"The strength of failure for one-in-a-million to fail, meaning almost all of them survive for this component, is going to be natural log of 3.2181 which is 24.98."
"An effect is the result or byproduct of a failure mode that has an immediate impact on a function or operation of a product or system."
"We learned a lot from 9/11, the way engineers have historically always learned from failures."
"Success is not an accident, and failure is not an accident."
"It's very important to identify these failure modes."
"What does reliability mean to an engineer or practitioner? So much asset calculations, well product, process failures, understanding why they occurred."
"We are able to simulate the tire failure by putting used data into the Simulink model."
"Understanding strength is important when we talk about different regimes of failures."