
Tragic Events Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"It's been tragic... I want to say something: I want to thank the Capitol police officers."
"I contemplated covering this or not but I think as it relates to the richens case you can tell I'm uncomfortable cuz I'm babbling it this case is horrendously sad."
"Gabby Patito's family does not want that light to dim and they want to make some good from this awful tragedy."
"I agree with holding this individual wholly and completely responsible for the deplorable tragic event."
"Prominent shot where the George Washington Bridge appears." - A foreshadowing of events to come, drawing from the comics' tragic history.
"Gwen Stacy's original fatal fall in the comics." - A poignant reference to a pivotal moment in Spider-Man lore.
"Let's start by making the loss of these lives matter."
"Just days after the Bosnian trip, she lay dying in a dark tunnel in Paris, surrounded by the rapid-fire click of automatic cameras that had punctuated almost every waking moment of her adult life."
"The world lost a generational artist 21-year-old Jared Higgins aka Juice WRLD sadly passed away via overdose."
"Just wiped out, you know, four human lives in a second."
"We may never know why he did what he did but what we can say for certain is that the small community living in Hungerford refused to be beaten by his cruelty or haunted by the nightmare of Michael Ryan's deranged killing spree."
"More so than anything, just important to recover this young woman's body for closure for her family."
"Despite the tragic loss of the crew of Franklin's Expedition, it ultimately led to most of the discoveries in the area."
"Alec Baldwin fired prop gun that killed cinematographer injured director on Santa Fe set."
"This is a devastating situation for attendees and people who lost their loved ones."
"Her death brought many people to their senses."
"The assassination of John F. Kennedy remains one of the most tragic and shocking events in American history."
"Nobody should ever die from going to a concert."
"On impact everyone on this flight had survived but the subsequent fire became the killer."
"What has happened to their son Garrison is horrific."
"People drank the Kool-Aid, they committed suicide out in the jungle."
"This could have been anybody's child anybody's sister anybody's daughter."
"Sunday, September 13th was supposed to be the happiest day of her life; instead, it was the day her body was discovered inside the Amistad building."
"Shannon's life had been cut short before she could accomplish her dreams."
"The story of Rhys Jones is a tragic one and it's a tale that'll be told in the years to come, his memory will live on forever."
"This is a slave trader responsible for the trafficking of 84,000 Africans for the Americas to be sold into slavery. 19,000 died on the journey."
"There is no child that should have duct tape on its face when it dies."
"It's incredible to think that somebody who is either OT7 or OT8 and married to Nancy Cartwright jumped off of a bridge to their death."
"Teen who killed an eight-year-old and then threw her body in a dumpster."
"Little quiet Bella had a will to live out of all three bella is the only one that put up a fight."
"Robert Marcus was one of the true heroes of the crash."
"This is the most tragic story in gaming I've ever personally witnessed."
"Thanks for listening to these creepy and surely tragic search-and-rescue stories."
"When a family member kills another, it is an especially chilling scenario that strikes at the core of our fears."
"Nobody was forcing her to get behind that gun and do what she did."
"The reality of our historical past, particularly with regard to slavery, is a hideous legacy of one of history's most tragic events."
"Nine people who are dead plus hundreds of others that are injured... it's a messy, ugly, sad situation."
"Cyclops killing Professor X was a tragic consequence of the Phoenix Force."
"Now police want to find a motive, why had this 21-year-old man seemingly suddenly turned into a child killer?"
"I just can't believe that no one was held responsible for this beautiful little girl's death."
"Her end couldn't have been more blackly ironic."
"If we want to rewind a little bit and say what could we have done better... maybe end him before he ended the young kids in that school."
"That's one of the worst stories you could ever hear man."
"The brutal murder of Dale Claxton is beyond tragic."
"War is typically a brutal, horrifying, and tragic affair for most."
"We cannot have where people go to a concert and they die."
"Nothing is more terrifying than surveillance footage of an event, especially one that ends human life."
"His tragic death helped bring public attention to the ravages of the disease."
"Holster comes in it's not just a symbol of self-defense but of preparedness much like the unfortunate situation in Florida where a lack of control LED to irreversible consequences."
"Anyone with a [ __ ] brain can look at that and be like yeah it was completely unnecessary killed 3,000 people."
"I've lost sleep thinking about what happened in that car that day."
"Tragedy is a crucible for growth or destruction."
"My heart goes out to the victims, these are always horrifying stories."
"If you had announced yourself as Fort Worth Police, Tatiana Jefferson would still be alive, correct?"
"No fan should go to a football match and not come home. It's a tragedy for the sport and it's a tragedy for football."
"What Harmony Montgomery endured is heart-wrenching."
"I know a lot of people keep on bringing it up... it is tragic what happened."
"It was not a safe withdrawal. 13 service members were killed in a terror attack."
"Doesn't it offend everyone? Doesn't it hard for everyone who hears that a mother murdered her children?"
"I'm really thankful for that but my heart does go out to everybody and I know there were deaths which is so heartbreaking."
"These girls are girls. There are no parents in my view. I don't know any of them besides they buried their daughters and this is where I believe their rights over them finished."
"It's always a bad outcome overall when someone loses their life."
"John the Baptist's death, a sudden and painful realization."
"I woke up with a strange feeling... I saw the news about the shooting at Jacksonville Landing."
"No more kills Queen Ramonda, tragic for the royal family of Wakanda."
"One thing remains clear: 51 women lost their lives in cruel and violent circumstances."
"Omega 7 happened. It existed. Those people died because you screwed up and you can't change that, no matter how hard you try to hide it."
"This is not a perfect system but someone was killed on the river that day."
"Tragically news broke out that NBA superstar Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi had died in a terrible helicopter crash."
"It's damn near impossible to remove emotions when a young mom is slaughtered."
"It's just a tragedy. There's no question about it."
"I think anytime there is a beautiful, successful woman who was murdered, that's sort of what society pays attention to. For better or for worse."
"Alec Baldwin, the tragedy happening on a movie set."
"All tragedies are sad, but so much about this story deserves a deeper look."
"That to me was one of the most heartbreaking parts of this whole story."
"Hey, don't sweat it sis, it's not like your dead husband can die twice."
"The amount of horrific and tragic things that have happened in and around this motel are absolutely insane."