
Austerity Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Austerity cuts are not simply a policy response to a particular economic situation; they are an ideology and a political choice."
"The fact is that austerity and systemic racism need to be tackled simultaneously."
"I like the word austerity because it shows that this is a choice." - Highlighting policy decisions affecting people's lives.
"The entire world is going to go into deliberate austerity and start tightening their belts."
"The most important disappointment in economic policy over the past decade was the turn to fiscal austerity in 2010-2011."
"The shift to austerity and the way in which elites decided in the teeth of air we knew about macroeconomics that debt was the most pressing problem, that was the most disappointing thing I've ever seen."
"Austerity and inequality are choices, not necessities."
"Austerity has become profoundly unpopular in this country."
"We're definitely in the age of austerity, the cost of living situation is only going to get worse."
"It makes no sense to preempt any potential increases in borrowing costs with a return to austerity." - Progressive Economy Forum
"So, you're going to have a shrinkage of the economy, a vast shrinkage. How can they afford to buy anything but the most basic necessities or the cheapest food, the necessary transport?"
"The future is gonna be a surprisingly austere place."
"The measures of austerity have resulted in record levels of homelessness, food bank usage, and vacant nursing positions."
"The policies of austerity philosophy are still embraced in Europe, almost as if 2008 didn't occur."
"First of all, government is shrunk. So cut government spending, privatized state-owned enterprises, deregulate."
"None of us can afford more austerity."
"Lay Brothers lived a Frugal life and a hard one."
"I think one of the lesser told stories of the austerity era, not just in Britain, not just in the United States, but everywhere, has been the erosion of the commons and the conversion of the commons into rent."
"Austerity is a policy that, you know when you unpack it... you're always going to pay a political price for doing it."
"The Tories have abandoned communities across the country; they've left towns and cities to fend for themselves after nine years of vindictive, damaging austerity."
"...the automatic response of the EU was to try to impose austerity on Greece because they had governments that had for years made promises to people they couldn't keep, and because they had a country in which rich people didn't pay taxes."
"it's all very but it's very very austere it's not a full of a whole bunch of reassurance"
"There's always this need for these new revivals that go back to that austerity."
"When the slump hit Britain, the Labour government, looking to balance its budget, proposed a fifteen percent cut in the standard rate of benefit."
"Full employment would diminish fear and austerity."
"If you believe in evidence-based politics and economics, you look at what is going on in Europe and austerity, which we may have American-style in this country if we proceed the way we are doing, has led to economic pain."
"The massive opposition to globalization and to the policies of austerity exposed and hastened the crisis that produced Trump."
"Cuts have consequences, remember that."
"The results of the austerity experiment are crystal clear: there are 14 million people living in poverty, record levels of hunger and homelessness, falling life expectancy for some groups, ever fewer community services, and greatly reduced policing."
"Austerity really emerges as a counteraction, as a project to actually defeat the challenges to the system."
"Our NHS is crumbling, the policies of austerity have killed off the country."
"Now that my worldly goods had been stripped away, some part of me felt that the enforced austerity of prison existence might offer an opportunity to return to my core values."
"They take the life of simplicity and austerity seriously."
"We're going to be a much more austere and less affluent society than we have been."
"Save some money, that's what it's about, especially at these times of rising energy costs and greater austerity."
"Discipline is the aim of our life; therefore, here Hiranyakashipu, standing on the tip of his toes to get material prosperity, shows how much austerity he's ready to go through."
"We would balance the budget. We've never had austerity because austerity is when you don't spend more than you take in."
"We support Canada and Canadians; all they want to do is cut, cut, cut."
"By the austerity of knowledge, one is purified."
"For years people didn't have money for anything... that was just considered acceptable."
"The government has taken austerity measures with a view to improving the economy."
"Austerity simply pushed the United States of America into a trap."
"It's not the time for scorched Earth austerity."
"In an age of unrestrained passions, they showed an example of self-restraint and austerity."
"Cutting your budget deficit results in short-term below trend growth."
"The sign of the times was rationing of more than 20 essential items."
"Mind is a luxury that no Martian can afford."