
Conversion Rate Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"The exponential growth in the number of people being brought to Christ... it's estimated it's almost two hundred thousand people a day coming to Jesus."
"From 1% to 2% conversion - simple tweaks for exponential growth."
"If I'm sending people to the wrong landing page it's just gonna end up hurting my conversion rate and I'm gonna be driving traffic and spending money for clicks that really aren't worthwhile."
"Successful brands focus on getting a 3% plus Shopify conversion rate."
"How do we push ourselves over where we can start converting twice as much as we are today?"
"And of the 30% who showed up, about 5% of those people will actually purchase live during the webinar recording."
"No need to work hard to get visitors to your ecommerce site if they don't translate into sales."
"Conversion rate has a big, big impact on how profitable and successful your digital marketing is."
"Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors that land on your website which take the action that you want them to do."
"Focus on boosting your page speeds, which definitely have an impact on your actual conversion rate."
"Average conversion rate on Etsy depending on who you ask is somewhere around three percent so if we're doing that or better from our ads that's going to give Etsy a lot of data saying hey this listing sells really really well."
"This makes it the perfect tool for testing changes to improve conversions and engagement on your landing pages, funnels, and other content."
"It's going to increase your conversion rate."
"If every viewer was me, this video would have a 150 click-through rate."
"If you're getting a 0.2% conversion rate at a $50 product, your product's crap."
"There's such a high conversion percentage."
"We're going to 3x your lead gen and we're going to increase your conversion rate by two times."
"The shorter your form, the more likely people are going to fill it out."
"The main point is to trust in the customers and higher the conversion rate."
"For everyone 100 people they get to their website, one to three of those people are going to buy."
"Over 90% of students in Canada convert to permanent residency."
"Click-through rate matters, but conversion rate matters maybe even a little bit more."
"RedBus saw a 7.2 percent increase in conversion rate."
"Your conversion rate should go up because you're performing better on the keywords."
"For every second delay in page load, can result in a 7% decline in conversion rate."
"We are only able to get better results or more conversions if we are not just running the ad; we have to be researching how the ads should be created."
"A 21% increase in conversions when 'submit' was not used anywhere in the CTA button copy."
"Google Shopping ads are around a three to five percent conversion, so they're quite high."
"That's going to make them more likely to make a purchase if your site looks trustworthy."
"Most Google ads will convert between a one to three percent conversion rate."
"The pro of increasing a conversion rate outweighs the con of having to refund your product to the consumer."
"One of the most underutilized ways to increase your sales on Shopify is by increasing your actual conversion rate."
"To 2x a Shopify store conversion rate isn't as hard as you think."
"The practical thing to do here is to maximize the overall conversion rate growth so that way you can get as many sales as possible."
"A full color add to cart is actually going to really increase your overall add to cart conversion rate."
"The banners are huge in terms of actual conversion rates."
"Reviews... increase trust and really gain a higher conversion rate for your overall store."
"It's far and away the most impactful thing to SEO into conversion."
"Reviews are something that I cover a lot in detail, and it is what will change your conversions from having 10 products sold for every hundred people that actually look at your products to actually 20 products sold."
"Campaigns that use deep links have a conversion rate that on average is twice as high as that of a normal campaign."
"We're seeing a high conversion rate for men in the age of 35 to 44."
"North America has the highest conversion rate; that's basically where the action is."
"The conversion rate is way higher for returning users."
"Mastering responding to objections is key to increasing your conversion at your listing appointment up to 80 or even 90 percent."
"When you come up with unique marketing angles to actually identify your ideal customer and put the ad in front of them that they want to see and enjoy watching, it's going to create such a high conversion rate in your store."
"A good conversion rate for e-commerce stores all around different industries is between one and three percent."
"Deploying some of these tricks as it is no doubt will increase your conversion rate even if by a fraction 0.05 percent increase."
"I will link a video where I show you exactly how to create a high converting, almost 53 percent conversion rate landing page from scratch."
"The customer experience plays a huge part in how many conversions you get on your store."
"The conversion rate when it comes to SEO is extremely high."
"Adding one second of extra delay decreased the user conversions by 7%."
"YouTube is my highest converting traffic, and I believe the reason is because my videos and tutorials are not only helping people but they're walking them through the process of using the product that I'm an affiliate for."
"Not everyone is going to buy, but if you make that offer right away, you're going to get a handful of buyers, maybe even a lot of buyers."
"Indiegogo saw a 2.5x conversion lift for Apple Pay customers."
"Split testing is a method of improving the conversion performance of pages on your website."
"By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid understanding of how to use Unbounce and AI to create landing pages that convert visitors into customers."
"Flipkart's progressive web app saw a 70% increase in conversion compared to their previous mobile website."
"Click Funnels helps you build out really high converting sales funnels."
"Increasing your conversion rate is the tide that raises all boats."
"Increasing your conversion by just 10% could potentially double your sales."
"Google AdWords is generally high converting, so a lot of the clicks that you're paying for to your website are likely going to turn into customers for your business."