
Crisis Awareness Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"A crisis is happening, and it's occurring very quickly on multiple levels... The first duty here is to get educated and to really understand what's going on."
"That was enough because she just knew that if her friends were reaching out, then it was bad."
"Esther immediately knows something bad is going on."
"There's no point where someone grabs you and screams 'Nukes have been launched.' It's happening now."
"Don't get deluded into thinking that oh there's nothing bad going on and nothing bad is going to happen."
"That cost of inconvenience is of nothing compared to what the people of Ukraine are going through."
"It's a real thing that's happening and it's bad."
"This crisis? We're only seeing this little bit. There is so much more that's underneath the surface."
"China's real demographic crisis is beyond imagination."
"We came a lot closer than we like to say to disaster."
"Without this attention, these people will be in very, very dire straits."
"Vladimir Putin knows that we are in serious trouble."
"I do hope that this has been shock therapy enough that we start to wake up."
"When there's smoke, there's fire. Guess what? The house is burning down."
"I want to hear the bad news not because I want to get bummed out or depressed but because I want to know and I want to participate in figuring out what we're going to do to save ourselves." - Michael Moore
"It is beyond me how people are just ignoring all of this and just waiting for normalcy to enter in."
"It's a catastrophe and this is a big deal for the rest of the world."
"It's already a crisis. And by the way, we're just getting started."
"We could have lost two million people... it's too many people."
"Very few people talked about this subject saw it coming or could possibly have seen the situation we're now in when we last met."
"The crisis you're looking for is already here."
"Nothing's free, you idiots. Grow the (bleep) up. You're not children anymore. And this is an actual crisis."
"There is a mental health crisis in this country."
"We have to recognize now, this is not a game anymore. This is actually happening."
"Every decade or so we have a massive crisis in America. Every decade there's a massive crisis. 2020 pandemic, 2008, 2009 market crash, 2001 9/11. Every 10 years, a big crisis takes place. However, you and I never know what the crisis is."
"We're in a deep dark hole that will not resolve itself without some massive intervention."
"The house is burning down around us, and we've been blind to it. We need a miracle every day."
"Humanity is indeed sleep walking toward near-term... on the side moments before the massive tidal wave hits Sri Lanka."
"Remember guys, we aren't out of the crisis just yet."
"This is no minor issue. This is not a little thing. This is not something that you can just say oh it's not happening because I can't see it."
"People don't realize when things go bad how bad they really get."
"Nobody ever believes things can get this bad until it happens, man."
"But recognizing the danger and detailed disaster planning could yet offer hope."
"Everyone outside of DC knows what this is: a crisis."
"It's not about politics, it's about life and death."
"The ground is shifting beneath our feet, witnessing great changes, a plague upon us, our city on fire, a nation divided, the most radical anti-God agenda."
"Perhaps we're starting to see a glimmer that the European core is starting to understand the trap they've walked themselves into."
"China had no advance warning...while we have a million deaths in the United States."
"Take this seriously, family. We live in serious times."
"We have ignored the gradual steady infringement on our fundamental rights. What did we expect?"
"The severity of what's unfolding can't be hidden for much longer."
"We should be clear that this is, as stated, a humanitarian crisis created by human hands."
"We're losing three a day in California, one every other day in Sacramento. If this were some other disease state, can you imagine the outrage?"
"The public will be shocked to know how close we came to losing our democracy if those insurrectionists had obviously succeeded."
"If you're in a life-or-death situation, then it's kind of a big deal."
"Is there things more important than being happy? I think it's authenticity and being who you really are."
"This entire situation is much much worse than I think possibly even we understand."
"The complexity of some recipes leaves no room for doubt."
"We're seeing very similar events unfold right before our very eyes and a lot of people think that this time is different and I agree with him this time is different as a matter of fact it looks like it's way worse so let me explain."
"Legitimate crisis in the dog training industry right now."
"United States funded and supported the greatest humanitarian crisis in our lifetime which is now happening in Yemen that most people don't talk about because they're poor and because they have no oil."
"Stop pretending this giant crisis isn't happening because it is."
"It's more dangerous than anything we've seen since the Cuban missile crisis."
"The crisis of this moment is in part about this total lack of faith in all institutions."
"We understand how serious this situation is."
"Our crisis is not a crisis of leadership, our crisis is a crisis of youth in danger of never knowing the power of their courage."
"Don't nobody care until [__] hits the fan."
"We wanted to show that the crisis is really affecting boroughs like Brooklyn."
"At the beginning, people were reluctant to abandon the ship; they didn't understand the gravity of their situation."
"Ukraine, we are the little guy. This is not just a Ukraine problem, we need help, we need our allies, we need the rest of the world to care about the situation that is happening here."
"We are slowly slipping into a crisis, and because it's a slow slippage, most people do not realize what kind of a crisis we are already in."