
Unselfishness Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"If people knew how much ill feeling unselfishness occasions, it would not be so often recommended from the pulpit."
"Just being extremely unselfish... making the right play."
"When you're still in love with the person, it's like you have to make that unselfish decision to say, 'I'm not what you need.' And I will say it's probably one of the most mature things I've ever done."
"Unselfishness: become immediately concerned with a cause larger than yourself."
"It's just composure level really moving out the way. He's unselfish."
"Polistri can provide more service than any of our other wingers, not selfish at all."
"If you want to create your reality, do it outside of your own selfish desires... when you think unselfishly, that is when you're in the flow."
"In relationships, unselfishly providing more for the other person defines strength."
"The peerless purity of its colour bears witness to his utter unselfishness."
"That's the unselfishness, and that's what separates her; she is so elite in terms of being a fantastic teammate and team player."
"I've always been a pass-first guy."
"Drake is the most unselfish artist in the music business. They put everybody on, man. Drake is more than my brother. 'Cause like if he was here right now, he knows it. He said, 'We did right by you, Chubby. We stayed together.' That's all I can ask for."
"Being unselfish and humble is a must. Like, you can't have a good relationship without those two things because there's certain ways you receive love that I just don't really feel like doing or that don't come naturally and I have to do them."
"The Bliss of truth seeking in life is attainable for anyone who follows the path of unselfishness."
"Loving yourself is the most unselfish thing you can do."
"Unselfishness, that means you wake up and you're not thinking about what you're going to get out of this, you're thinking about you know what you're going to give. You're being unselfish, you're thinking about the other person."
"Proper stewardship rejects selfishness."
"When you watch Golden State play, the ball is everywhere on the court. The ball just moved everywhere because they're very unselfish and they're just looking to score points."
"She's unselfish as the wind, toiling thanklessly for the good of all day after day, five long days a week. That takes heart, my friend, hard."
"He doesn't force shots, he's all about the team."
"There's a level of that where you can be a little unselfish too much."
"He's the most unselfish footballer."
"You gotta understand the roles. We got one of the most unselfish teams."
"Self-love isn't selfish. It's important. Yes, it's essential."
"She just epitomized this unselfish basketball."
"Unselfishness is letting other people's lives alone, not interfering with them."
"The Bible is the most unselfish book in all of history."
"You've got to buy into the Geno system which is unselfishness."
"They are so one selfish, they share the ball really well."
"He is the most unselfish player I have ever seen."
"The spirit of unselfish labor for others gives depth, stability, and Christ-like loveliness to the character."
"Let all men know and perceive and recognize your unselfishness, your considerateness, your forbearing spirit. The Lord is near, he's coming soon."
"Through child rearing, productive work, and caring for others, the adult expresses unselfish concern for the welfare of the next generation."
"We spread it around, we do a great job at being unselfish."
"The heart that you carry is so unselfish."
"Wish more people were like you, unselfish."
"Total unselfishness is sure to accomplish another factor in successful marriage."
"Love, beauty, unselfishness... were recognized as bridges by means of which man could approach the reality in his own nature."
"So many talented performers, unselfish as well."
"There has been no finer action of unselfish heroism in military history."
"That's unbelievably unselfish play."
"The gyani's bhakti for God is the true unselfish bhakti; it is love for the sake of love."
"Unselfishness and right action are at the basis not only of good manners but of all ethics, religion, and true living."
"Unselfishness... distributing the ball, being an unselfish player in that manner."
"He was a type of player with the highest degree of unselfishness that many of us have ever seen in the game of basketball."
"The unselfishness of their team and how they play and the defense that they bring."
"If it is God's kind of love, it will be unselfish."
"The kingdom of God can be summed up in this: holy, unselfish love."
"What actually facilitates Steph Curry's success is how unselfish he is both on the court and off the court."