
Image Editing Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"This means that you're not going to overcook it by just cranking one contrast slider up; you're bringing it in by adding layers one at a time."
"Using ProRAW will allow your iPhone to capture raw images which have a wider dynamic range and have more data in them, giving you much more flexibility when editing them."
"But anyway, we have now found the perspective of the image, masked our model, applied a color match to make the model look more realistic, and now it's time to just fine tune the image further."
"So this is a fantastic trick that you can use to change the luminous values of your image."
"So you can remove those dark blemishes in these areas and not affect those tiny little hairs on his forehead because we're only targeting the darker pixels."
"Let's go ahead and open up an image in Photoshop."
"Cropping is vital before anything else because if you're hoping to make changes to the exposure then the best tool that we have to judge that is the histogram."
"Always use adjustment layers to apply adjustments, it allows you to make changes later without affecting the original image."
"Photoshop knows the difference between a panorama or a stack of images."
"Content aware scale reshuffles the contents of the image without losing valuable information."
"You can really start to mess with the information that's there."
"Sometimes you do need to edits like the image change the images and things like that."
"One of the most important things you're going to want to do is add some adjustments."
"And that is literally just an image that is using a blend a blend mode inside of Photoshop."
"Vibrance increases the saturation of desaturated colors primarily, without affecting the other colors as much."
"Fine-tune, adjust, and perfect your composite for a polished final result."
"Crop images like a pro, make them fit your design perfectly."
"I'm just gonna simply go set the blending mode from normal to color and then lower the opacity to bring back her original color in a little bit more."
"Photoshop has built back the sidewalk, it's done a very, very good job."
"I will show you the best ways to make beautiful images in Adobe Photoshop."
"Magic? The background gets bigger. But the bee/wasp and flower stay exactly the same."
"Just by selecting things in the image, it's using AI and removes them from the background using the Magic Eraser."
"Basically, 100 is pure white, zero is black, and if you push your image either above 100 or below black, you start to crush those highlights or shadows."
"The beautiful thing about Photoshop is we can do things that allow us to really transform an image."
"HSL is your best friend when it comes to correcting and manipulating individual colors one at a time."
"Did you know that you can extract objects out of images and then save them off? It's pretty awesome for Content creators like myself."
"Curves adjustment tool lets you manipulate color and tone with precision, perfect for fine-tuning your artwork."
"Vibrance versus saturation. Use Vibrance, use it sparingly."
"Do you have noisy and grainy images? Don't worry after this course you'll know the tools and techniques used to remove it all."
"Let's do a complete walkthrough of a typical process in Lightroom and transform this image into another."
"The image looks really good it's just rotated 180 degrees so let me fix those deflection yoke wires."
"This comes in handy for doing a comparison of before and after."
"When using a high-quality image such as this one, there is the option to crop it really tight, zooming in as much as the image allows."
"Most of the actual image editing, like color correction and brightness contrast, saturation, all that. That's gonna be happening on the PC side of things."
"You can take these and run them through the background removal and create a transparent PNG."
"Color management is a sensible, sound, scientifically derived framework within which you can just play jazz, you can just surf, make the image look good. That's literally all that matters."
"Preserving our dynamic range: we're pushing the f out of this image, nothing is blowing out."
"Generative fill is using artificial intelligence to fill in gaps in your images."
"Generative fill is available right now in the Photoshop Beta release."
"This typically takes a little bit of back and forth between sensitivity and contrast to get the best image."
"And so I have to do something with this image to flip it."
"...I can take this format that has a ton of dynamic range and great color move it into something that I can manage."
"The Point Color tool is absolutely crazy cool to use because you can use it inside of any mask as well as use it over the whole image and you have so much control over how you change the colors of things."
"It means that if there's a very specific portion of the image that I need to target that I'm finding very difficult to adjust with the color wheels, I can switch to the curves."
"So there's my image I'm gonna make it a little smaller again."
"The more filters you apply or the higher amount you are using in your filters will always create more stylized results."
"The whole idea with bringing textures into Photoshop or images is you want large images so you bring in large photos and you shrink them down to tighten up your details."
"Get a solid image using just lift, gamma, and gain. Keep it as simple as you can from the very beginning."
"This whole ability to direct select color in an image and make changes based on that is very powerful."
"Being able to just create a mask out of a selected color range saves a ton of time."
"So that looks really it's a nice way to make a quick change to that image."
"You can save it as a TIFF it's gonna have like the scale how many slices what colors are using not going to tell you like what objective you are using though."
"so all we're going to be using is the denoise section of the detail panel so I'll click there and it has one slider so it's very simple to use and the amount is preset at least for this image on my computer to 100"
"Brightness tries to preserve your range of values in the high areas a little bit more."
"The key feature of this adjustment layer is that it's trying to separate these two halves of our image and it's really great at isolating them in that way."
"So now what we need to do is we need to turn this signature into what's called a png so a png image allows you to have a transparent background which is exactly what we want."
"So what we're going to do here is we're just going to increase the color in the image, obviously."
"You can see, if I shut off the curves adjustment layer, there's what we had. If I turn it on, here's what we have. A total shift in the tonal value of the image."
"Nothing compares to curves when it comes to getting pinpoint accuracy and adjusting exactly where you want in the image."
"...this gives us a lot of power that means that we can target specific tones in our image in a way that we can't do with levels or even the sliders inside of Camera Raw."
"...see how we're able to just really specifically target the exact colors and the exact tones that we want by using curves."
"The two most important nodes really are just the contrast and the white balance because this is where you're going to bring the most out of your image."
"You have full control over how your brushes are affecting your images."
"Instead what you want to do is line up the blades of your scissors on the edge of your image and squeeze."
"That's a great way to take images or greetings and mask off part of them to use them separately."
"But for a photographer editing on software, you can also push and pull those files a little bit more."
"Adjusting these tones individually you will get better contrast and a better looking exposure overall."
"Just AI based selections have been helping us for years now let's take this up a notch."
"Smart objects are always the way you want to process."
"Specifically, I want to take the brighter values in this image and brighten them up to give it more pop."
"Negative Lab Pro is phenomenally easy when it comes to adjusting an image."
"It's important to understand that each image is going to be different when you're setting up your helper layers."
"Overlay uses a combination of multiply and screen, making your lights lighter and your darks darker."
"When using AI to generate images, you will often find yourself in a situation where you will need to fix or change only a part of an image while keeping the rest of the image the same."
"By using a bit of sharpness after you do that image resize trick, you can make a picture look a lot better than it was."
"We have two great composited images, composited cars that look like they belong in the scene."
"Layer masks are a non-destructive way to make part of your image appear or disappear."
"Boost the color saturation because we want to get this image as most vibrant as possible."
"We're going to completely change the look of the image to make it look more amazing."
"That's where the beauty of layers and also the mask comes in."
"You can increase the contrast, adjust the shadows and highlights to make this image look more dramatic."
"Frequency separation actually does is to take a single layer and to create two layers from that single layer."
"You do have a considerable amount of control over the final look of images."
"That's the joy of doing this, and that's why you want to shoot RAW because you can put everything together and then you can still manipulate it any way you want."
"The most important and first thing that you should do to every single image in Adobe Camera Raw is white balance."
"Once you like this image and you'd like to save that look that you've created, how would you save that as a preset?"
"If you want to master image editing, I would highly recommend that you check out my masterclass on image editing."
"You can use the color balance feature to adjust the overall color of the image."
"Photoshop will use artificial intelligence to analyze the image and remove the background."
"It's quick, it's easy, and allows you to improve your images by reducing the noise."
"Image editing is so important, and it's a skill."
"Get really sharp foreground and a really sharp sky as well, merging them in Photoshop."
"This monitor can be used for serious image editing work or video grading."
"I can control how much teal and orange the image looks."
"Let's correct the colors and saturation to bring this beautiful sun."
"That's one of the key benefits of RAW."
"The color balance tool allows you to adjust the colors in your shadows, mid-tones, and highlights of your image."
"The purpose of the levels tool is to adjust the brightness of the shadows, mid-tones, and highlights in our image."
"We can do some fun stuff with images that way."
"Image manipulation is considered a part of computer graphics by most people."
"Curves allows you to manipulate various parts of the histogram."
"You can't just throw the same tool at every problem; you have to think about what's going to make sense for your image."
"Say that we have this little image that we want to resize, and you guys can't tell, but this is a really beautiful picture of a sunset."
"That's non-destructive; it does not destroy the original pixel value."
"I was able to turn a completely underexposed image to the point that it looked pure black and I was able to raise the brightness far enough that it looked like a properly exposed image with not that much noise."
"This is basically you can think of like GPT-3 stable diffusion mashed together to create an image editing AI."
"Contrast is going to allow you to control the difference between the light and dark in the photo."
"Brightness is probably one of the more used options when it comes to general public using something to brighten photos."
"Warmth is going to allow you to sort of make the photo look a little bit warmer."
"It allows you to work on individual areas, so you can alter the contrast, the brightness, clarity, sharpness."
"We can just add a fraction of the edges back in for a more subtle effect."
"The blur filter will be the type box blur; we're going to compute the new value for a pixel by taking the average of the old color values of all the pixels that form a grid around that original pixel."
"I hope that helps, and I gave you some tips about what you should sharpen and not sharpen."
"I will show you one really cool trick how to add a dreamy type glow to your images."
"We call this technique seam carving."
"Editing your photos can not only make you look a lot more professional as an artist and a creator on Instagram, but it also can just give a really cohesive HD look to your photos."