
Retrieval Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"You go back and you get your joy, your peace, your family, your victory."
"That's a diamond sword it's floating away quick where is it no come back here thank you very much"
"Let me tell you, it is no easy thing to retrieve a body from an elevator shaft, especially not when that body is in several pieces."
"Crash retrievals of UFOs... craft and beings and bodies that sure have been recovered have been retrieved." - Tracy Dolan
"Let me go get it and we'll talk again."
"They're gonna recover it, that means that they used to have it on their side at some point right it's going to recover it."
"In the future, we may be lucky enough to say that these are not lost anymore or they may stay in the Lost media forever."
"Krillin retrieves yajirobe's sword and approaches Vegeta."
"You might just need to catch the sub and the bike."
"It's been missing since 1999 damn stolen yeah it like good yeah she was like a teacher well she was 18 when it got stolen so she probably well bring it back to her."
"Let's bring this baby back to me."
"Remembering your video for you again."
"That's what the ticket was for yes it was left at the cloak room by Terry Palmer,"
"Sabrina's ability Fetch allows her to retrieve anything her ball touches, reflecting her loyalty as she often retrieves anything Chloe needs for her."
"I looked all around me, slowly bending down to pick up my maglite after realizing I dropped it."
"We would go up to the cabin, retrieve my lost belongings, and take a look at it."
"It's not all the way in the trash."
"But you got it back though, you got it back, oh."
"It's lost forever, it's sealed away unless we could find the key to enter the Crypts."
"I laughed a bit as I grabbed the cassette out from the box."
"It's kind of like a lost and found, but for wizards."
"That's where I'll find my armor. Oh, he doesn't know that it got taken by the Jawas. Maybe he doesn't remember. I guess he was kind of out of it. But he knows he came out with the armor."
"The problem you may have all the information you need stored away in your mind but be unable to recall it if the right cue is missing."
"The main intuition is that by rewriting a question in a few different ways, you increase the likelihood of actually retrieving the document you want."
"An owner got her diamond ring back 13 years after flushing it down the toilet."
"It's not looking good. Hopefully, it'll give us our tape back."
"You have to get it you have to take your shoe off go get it did you get the big one there was another one in the corner."
"So now I'm going to go pick up Honoree."
"Retrieval of any bodies you may find is not required, and the vessel itself can be left in situ."
"The key is to remember where you've put it."
"This lost game was found and available again."
"This is where I can sit here with a retrieving item and throw it to the bottom of this little hill."
"If instead you used a retrieval architecture for that large language model you might ask the same question but instead get an answer like this."
"Now instead of using just the embedding based retriever, we are going to combine results for both from keyword based search as well as from the embedding based retriever."
"The great thing about this Ensemble retriever is you can assign different weights to the embedding based search as well as the keyword based search which makes it extremely powerful."
"Index gives you the capability of grabbing one row from the table, like give me the first row or the second row or the last row, and it's a very easy way to extract one row from a table that is sorted."
"A data source does not contain the actual data; it contains the information that is needed to retrieve a specific set of data from a data source."
"I need to get that so yeah hopefully I'm able to retrieve my items."
"We helped him out. He got everything back."
"We can't let them have that, all of our plaques. We need to get this whole bin back, that's so heavy."
"When you're retrieving something you don't want any surprises, you must be able to predict everything that will happen and plan ahead, you also have to be very adaptable and change things on the fly as required."
"An epic Global treasure hunt is underway to track down what was taken and bring it home."
"Why are all these corpses left up there, you might ask? The trip is dangerous as it is, so in most cases it simply isn't worth risking another fatality to retrieve the bodies."
"Could David Shaw actually be the one to finally retrieve Dion's body?"
"I managed to get back home with all three artifacts."
"Lupine sneaks around the plane to retrieve back the diary."
"I found my airpods. If you knew I lost my airpods ages ago and then I flipped and found them I was very, very, very happy. So that was a good time."
"I'm trying to get something that's going to record everything that happens to me so I can query it whether I remember it or not."
"Retrieval is the act of getting information out of memory storage and back into conscious awareness."
"The book was there exactly where I thought it had been, tented just how I had left it."
"The Kaminoans put out the bounty to bring her back."
"I just caught my anchor that I lost in Kelly Young video last week with my anchor today. Anchor line just broke. Never did I think you could ever do something like that."
"Now we have a way to save that data, how do we get it back after we saved it into our game?"
"Yay and then and they have a stolen back immediately afterwards"
"It's one of them, it's in the back of the mind but had to dig it out."
"I found the GPS location of my phone."
"You can efficiently set up canopy anchors that are easier to retrieve because there's less rope on rope friction."
"Oh! I just remembered! Trish, where are the supplies those hikers left behind last week?"
"You retrieve it and now you can talk about it."
"...I walked over to him and said, 'Hey, my friend would really like her hat back. Could you please give it back?' He was immediately quite rude, 'Heck no! I told her she's never getting it!'"
"The more times you try to actually retrieve some kind of information from your brain, the more likely you are to remember in the longer term because the synapse connections between those parts of your brain strengthen."
"I forgot to pick up the package from the front desk, so I never got it."
"Memories can absolutely be hidden from you and could be triggered by something else."
"Now as far as finding your old guitar in the recap, yeah, that's going to be a little bit difficult."
"Cut it out, guys, we still need to get our stuff back quickly."
"Practicing at retrieval: If you want people to learn things, they have to practice pulling them back out."
"Fred, how did it go at dinner time to get your car back all right?"
"I'm going to get something very important to me back."
"As soon as I saw that ring being taken, I was like, John's coming for that. Yeah, right. Yeah, John will be going back for that ring, buddy."
"Is it possible to get my chain back?"
"Redis allows us to store and retrieve data efficiently."
"Singleton essentially says, 'Hey, if you've created it once and you want to get it again later, then go ahead and retrieve that same instance.'"
"We get the footage from the cloud."
"What is needed is a work of retrieval, a search for the moral sources of modernity."
"...it's a world in which we could see, as a matter of fact, do see a struggle between the tendency to slide towards the trivialized forms and the efforts that we can make to bring it back by retrieving the true logic of this ethic."
"The two pieces that we are talking about here are dense Vector retrieval on the one hand and in context learning on the other."
"We are almost there; we just need to retrieve these paths and then draw them."
"Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all."
"A database is a place where you can store, manipulate and retrieve data."
"I retrieved the money. No doubt Sir Robert will be pleased to see it again."
"Finding cool stuff should be easy. Getting it back alive, that's another feat."
"Really good students realize that they have to retrieve memory, and so they do that using flashcards."
"What this means for you is when you search using the appropriate MeSH such as hand disinfection, you'll retrieve articles regardless of the terminology used by the authors."
"That's going to be really helpful if you're just like a one-man operation and you need to retrieve your ROV."
"That's a cash register. Bobby's got a cash register. We're getting this thing out, man."
"The power needed for the retrieval of the spiritual content from the soul's depths can be infinitely strengthened."
"I'm here because they took something that belongs to me, and I'm here to get it back."
"Get the ball back quickly, quickly!"
"We're going to have to steal that spacecraft right back."
"This is where things get really exciting because now you can retrieve audio files, you can retrieve images, video files, and text documents as a relevant object to any of these modalities that you pass in."
"This one will retrieve all the memos stored on the blockchain."
"They're just going to magically or at least deliberately resurface in the context we need."
"We got the green star back from that thief."
"Store together what you retrieve together."
"The balloon landed in this field, and through the sheriff's department, we were able to contact the landowner, and he was very kind and gracious to let us onto the property and go retrieve the balloon."
"Understanding how these devices manage their data can provide forensic examiners with the ability to retrieve a wealth of information."
"...he gained grander feat than any other and when he left his Heroes comrade he managed to retrieve the core of Hiro which no one had been able to accomplish before."
"Our memory is most effective if information present at the time of encoding is also present at retrieval."
"We are successfully able to retrieve all of the records for categories from database."
"If the most precious thing in your life was stolen from you, how far would you go to get it back?"
"This retrieval process relies, of course, on the idea of embeddings."
"If I want to get information from an API, I might use the get method."
"Take the mines, clear the island, establish nursery, find the vault to retrieve contents."
"Once something's out there in writing, it's a little easier to retrieve than things that were said orally."
"We learn more when we try to get that learning out of the brain than when we try to put something in there."
"Create self quizzes in order to retrieve more often."
"The essence of this activity is: I'm going to point at something, she's going to go get it, bring it back, and hand it to me."
"Rowlet later earned its affection, though, by retrieving the nut before a wild Murkrow could steal it."
"Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made."
"He was dead set on getting that prized rifle back, which he did."
"You can always count on a retriever to bring something back."
"Remembering the situation helps recovery information."
"Are you called Henry Baker? Please come to 221 B Baker Street this evening at 6:30 to get your things."
"Once you log in, you are getting data."
"Language death... can language be retrieved? Yes, language can be retrieved."
"You can retrieve from the dataset only that piece of information that you want."
"He also took something that belongs to me, and I want it back."
"I had only come here to retrieve what was stolen from us."
"She parachuted safely to the ground and was retrieved by scientists."
"Organization is when you look for something, you know exactly where it is, you get it, it takes you less than a minute to find it, to retrieve it from its place, and you bring it back."