
Divine Light Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"The only light that shines in this dark world, and that light is Jesus of Nazareth."
"It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s atoning sacrifice shines."
"Knowledge is light that Allah places in our hearts, vision, and hearing."
"Glory to God, may the light of God come to be on your life in all areas."
"Prayer releases a golden stream of spiritual light, life, and intelligence."
"For God is all and there is nothing else beside the light of God. Love shineth forever, its radiance."
"He is a light to the Gentiles, through him the nations of the world are blessed."
"Victory is ours beloved ones this activity of light in all of her resplendent glory has been god victoriously accomplished."
"That light is supposed to guide you to the afterlife."
"During this eclipse, many of you are going to be receiving infusion of high vibration divine light."
"Arise and shine, says the Lord. For your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you."
"Guru Nanak Dev Ji is that 'Hakk Hakk Aiena' because they reflect the light of Akaal Purakh."
"Arise and shine, man of God. Arise and shine, woman of God, for your light has come."
"The Lord is our source of light and salvation. Just as the sun dispels the darkness of night, so does the Lord bring light to the darkest corners of our lives."
"Your existence is to reflect the light of Allah."
"I ain't no Christian, ain't no Catholic, but I believe God going to shine his light on everyone that never had it."
"I arise and shine because my light is come the glory of the Lord is risen upon me."
"God is good and god has put the light of christ in each one of us."
"Regardless of what they put your way, regardless of what they say about you, it's like there is the Divine Light that just constantly is helping you win."
"God will be there, the city had no need also for the Sun or the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it."
"When we draw closer to that Divine Light, we become filled with His strength, filled with His inspiration, above all, filled with His joy, filled with His love, filled with His understanding."
"There's only one divine light, but it can reflect in myriad mirrors."
"Rise up in splendor your light has come the glory of the Lord shines upon you we see very clearly the bringing together of people from All Nations into one family and one."
"They are symbols of God's light, they are little lights."
"The light of God is the human soul. So when you're a parent, there's a light of God in your home."
"The light of God is the human soul."
"With my gift, I only channel souls that walk in God's white light."
"May God shine through you so mightily this week that many would encounter Jesus."
"Rune's eyes glow with a holy light."
"And there shall no longer be any night; they will not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illumine them."
"May God forgive us our ignorance and our errors, and guide us always with His light that is perfect."
"The light is like Father God, which can penetrate the darkness in such a way where it can seed the manifestation of birth through that infinite potential."
"And there shall be no night there; they need no candle, neither light of the sun, for the Lord God giveth them light."
"You have God's light on you, and it can't be copied."
"Everybody has a jot inside them; every single person here and every single person out there, they've all got the light of God inside them."
"The light of God came down to give us this path."
"When you forgive, then God will forgive you, and you can see the world by the light of God."
"May we proceed with wisdom, guided by the light of the Almighty, as we navigate the shadowed paths of this world and beyond."
"We are now one with God's Son, with God's will, and we are with God providing life and light to the world."
"If it's of God, it's light, and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."
"God commands that light... it shines very, very bright."
"God sets light first that light might bring order and illumination and a sense of direction."
"With the light created by the Blessed Holy One on the first day, a person could gaze and see from one end of the world to the other."
"The glory of God illuminated the city, but the lamp that is the source of that light was the Lamb."
"There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light."
"The Lord will lift up His light upon you, His glory will shine upon you."
"And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb."
"He can shine divine light on absolute truth and it can give us a different application, different wisdom, different insight every single time."
"You never see yourself in the true light until you see yourself in the light of God."
"The first light was not the sun, the moon, and the stars; that first 'Let there be light' was Jesus Himself."
"The sun shall no longer be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you by night; but the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory."
"The light of Jannah will come from under the throne of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala."
"...the light of Allah will continue to shine throughout the ages."
"Lord, it is in your light that we see light."
"The Holy Spirit is that light of heaven which shines brightly upon the darkness of our misunderstanding."
"The Lord said let there be light, and there was light."
"Heaven's light is not natural like the light of our world, but spiritual."
"The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory."
"Restore every area of my life and let your light shine upon me."
"Let the light of Your countenance shine forth."
"That was the True Light That lighted every man."
"The pipe is getting wider, and water will keep coming in; in our case, it's Divine Light."
"...the god that calls the Delight to shine up out of Darkness has shined in our hearts to show us the glory of God in the face of Jesus."
"Oh Lord, let the light of thy face shine upon us."
"Behold, the darkness shall cover the land, and clouds over the nations; and Hashem will shine upon you."
"God's Shining Light is falling upon me."
"The light of his countenance did shine upon them, and behold they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus."
"Like the sun that breaks through after a storm, my light will clear your path."
"The Lord is my light, the Lord is my salvation, the Lord is my stronghold."
"You have a portion of heaven, 'helic eloka mimaal', a godly light that's been given to you to shine from within."
"Let Your light shine down on me; I will sing unto the Lord for He is good."
"They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign forever and ever."
"And they need no candle, neither light of the sun, for the Lord God giveth them light."
"The way is removing yourself from bondage, the truth is Africa is paradise, and the light is where God shined upon us."
"The days have come, said the Lord, that my light shines through the darkness."
"Guide me, O radiant light, to my rightful destiny."
"Realize that the truth that we have any ray of light that we possess Comes from whom from God it does not come from men."
"Holy Spirit, show me, shine Your light down in me, in places where I've failed."
"That's a blessing for me because the Creator always shows me the light."
"Flood the eyes of my heart with light, flood my eyes, flood my soul, flood me, God."
"In the morning when you wake up, you see God as the light of your consciousness."
"Because of God's tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us."
"In Him was life, and the life was the light of all mankind."
"Love for God and love for each other is the thing that awakens us to the point of light."
"They will not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the Sun because the Lord God will illumine them."
"Be lights, implements of God's light, and that light manifests in acts of love and kindness."
"There shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever."
"May the light of the Divine shine unobstructed through my mind, bringing peace to the world."
"In an atmosphere of holy repentance, you will always see the divine light of the spirit."
"Those who looked at him that day said there was a searchlight within him, over every part of his body."
"God has shown the light unto every man that is born into this world."
"Thou art the light, and I am enlightened in my darkness."
"God knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him."
"Vadda Purakh Pargateaa, Kaljug Andar Jot Jagaaee."
"Should we not cherish the light posts He has given that guide us through the darkness and the trials of mortality?"
"You will decree a thing and it will be established unto you and God's light shall shine upon your ways."
"The city has no need of the sun nor of the moon to shine in it, for the esteem of Elohim lightens it, and the Lamb is its lamp."
"The divine light that came into being before the universe is created when God said let there be light, humankind was made in the image of that light."
"The Lord God will give them light, and they shall reign forever and ever."
"Thank you, Raphael, for shining your Divine Light upon my healthy body."
"O light eternal, surpassing all created brightness, flash forth the lightning from above and enlighten the inmost recesses of my heart."
"Let your light shine on us, that we may be saved."
"The divine light in me honors and salutes the divine light in you. Namaste."
"I'm going to bring the divine light into you, it's an experience that you've never had and so wonderful and beautiful."
"It was the effect of a light which Allah Most High cast into my heart, and that light is the key to most knowledge."
"It is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God as reflected in the face of Jesus Christ."
"Have you not seen how Allah has created the seven heavens all above you and put within it a light?"
"Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way, precept and promise, law and love combining, till night shall vanish in eternal day."
"The Lord is God, and He has made His light shine on us."
"Arise and shine for your light is come."
"You made a way through the darkness into your marvelous light."
"God is light, and in your light, we see light."
"That Jot of Vaheguru is inside every single one of us, and it shines."
"One who has known the Divine Light within them, that is who a real Kalsa is."
"Father, fill us with your light, Jesus, fill us with your light."
"Shine out of my heart, Lord Jesus."
"Just like Jesus' light shines through us, we become beautiful."
"You have drawn us out of darkness and into your marvelous light."
"The light that the hesychasts behold is nothing else than the light of Tabor, the light of the Transfiguration that shone from Christ from the mountaintop, and this light is nothing else than the divine energy."
"If she were to laugh in the face of her husband, the Paradise would light up from her laughter."
"And the brightness of the face of Allah will overcome them."
"Let the light of Jesus Christ shine in and through us, destroying the darkness in and around us."
"Illuminate us, Holy Spirit, and constrain us."
"God alone dwells in eternal light, so divine light is not a creation."
"You listen to these nasheeds you listen to salawats and tears begin to flow because the Muhammadan light is occupying that soul."
"May the Holy Spirit empower us to shine with the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, that Christ will shine in and through us."
"The only fun of being a Christian was that a man was not left alone with the inner light, but definitely recognized an outer light, fair as the sun, clear as the moon, terrible as an army with banners."
"The spirit of Christ is always there; the Light of Christ is as universal as sunlight itself."
"The divine light will surely attract a lot of fish."
"Sincerity is the transparent diamond through which the light of God shines in our lives."
"Light is divine energy, power, or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things."
"The Jesus prayer brings us to a vision of the Divine Light."
"Cause His face to shine on you and give you peace and rest till He comes."
"You called us out of darkness and into your Marvelous Light."
"The spiritual heart in the chest of the spiritual body is where you see with the Noor of Allah."
"You are standing so firmly in the light of God."
"Blessed be He who has placed in the heaven mansions of the stars, and has placed therein a great lamp and a moon giving light."