
Work Value Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Our jobs are important to us; we feel like we can truly make a difference out here."
"As far as I'm concerned, if you're getting a paycheck, then it's a real job. It doesn't matter what it is."
"When we attach value to our work, the work becomes purposeful, and the success is inevitable."
"I want to change the paradigm. We start to reward work, not just wealth."
"You are not an intern in my opinion. You should never work for free unless you're building your own portfolio for freelancing or your own job."
"If you still have any doubts, there's nothing more worthwhile than this work."
"Work makes better people. When you think about young people who inherited a fortune from their parents, many of them are lost because they haven't worked."
"There's a big difference between working long hours and doing worthwhile work."
"It's the difference between being paid for your time versus being paid for your results."
"Money isn't worth it if you're not continually improving, learning, and finding importance in your work."
"You can trade time for dollars, but what do you do with that money?"
"That's a lot of money for just under two hours' work."
"You can't be out here flipping patties and think that you are a person of value because you get paid in proportion to the value that you provide."
"Work is about value. It's about generating value."
"Just because something is less productive doesn't mean it's not needed"
"Know that the work that you're doing is valuable."
"Every job is equally important, just because a job may look more glorious, it doesn't mean it's better."
"Be your own boss. You're selling hours of your life away for 15 bucks a piece."
"Everybody who works for a living deserves to be paid a wage that honors the value of the work that they're doing." - Michael Shields
"It's not me who is popular but it is the work that is useful, it is not valuable by itself but a comfortable Time Saver and I get that now."
"It is the work that counts, not the applause that follows."
"You may not be getting paid, but do you think it's going to get fixed?"
"It does not make sense to pay someone based on the amount of work they do. It does make sense to pay someone based on the level of problems they solve."
"If your time is valued at twenty dollars an hour and you spend an hour at work then you earn twenty dollars."
"Time and equipment costs money. Get paid, you deserve it."
"I wanted to protect my work, but in the end, there was nothing worth protecting."
"How many hours will I have to work to pay for it... it's a lot easier not to buy something than it is to make more money to pay for it."
"Volunteer work is admirable, but if you work, you should be able to get compensated for it."
"You don't get paid based on the level of difficulty of the work you do, you get paid based on the level of value of the work you're delivering."
"Why should I have the same income as someone I work four times as hard as?"
"There's a reward that you can't explain to someone of earning something."
"Thirty thousand dollars for four minutes of work."
"I would encourage you to think about... what do you get from work besides money."
"If there's just one thing you take away from this video...it's the idea of service...when we feel as if the work we're doing has value and purpose and meaning to someone else it makes us feel way better about the work as well."
"It's your labor that creates the profit."
"Money isn't everything, but family is, and so is the intrinsic value in work itself."
"With extreme ownership, when this person here on this end, the worker, they're finding that they find their being in it, they find so much value, it's like it's a powerful thing."
"Get value for your work, understand that value can come in a lot of different forms."
"This could be the beginning of a broader public debate about how to bring their pay recognition into better alignment with the importance of the work they do."
"Unemployment taught me the value of work."
"Cheap work isn't good, but good work isn't cheap."
"Sometimes when you pay the price on some stuff, it's not whether or not you have the money, it's just how you feel about after you've exchanged your hard work."
"I want you to understand that the reason that we don't necessarily want to quote per hour is because you might be worth more than what you're worth because you work twice as fast."
"It's a bit of work upfront, but it's worth it."
"Don't work for free... your work is not worthless."
"The value of work is not because dishwashing is inherently fun, but it's because actually doing something productive for society in return for which you receive back the things you want from society is core to both our understanding of ourselves and core to a healthy society."
"It's because work really has value in the human condition."
"They have to see the value in the work they're doing."
"You should trade work for money, not time."
"You're going to see the progress that you're making, you're going to feel better, and at the end, you're going to see that this work was all worth it."
"The value of your work extends far beyond just the physical tangible results."